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  • Guide: FF12: transferring a mesh from one character to another with Blender


    This guide documents the process I have used to transfer a mesh from one character model to another. This should work with assets for FFXII, FFX, and FFX-2. I transfered a generic Viera torso to Ashe. I do not promise that this process is optimal or even free of errors. I just kept trying things until something worked.

    I have screenshots, but it may take a while for me to crop, organize and upload them here.

    Tutorial does not cover

    Basic operation of Blender
    Extracting model and texture files from VBF file (use VBF Browser)
    Converting files from dae.phyre and dds.phyre to fbx and png (use FFXII Asset Converter)
    Getting modded files into the game (use FF12 External File Loader)

    Tools needed

  • Darker and thicker Penelo

    This mod is a dark-skinned version of the Red Magic Bodysuit; credit goes to XULLuxolid for the outfit The things I have modified  her frame, slightly bigger boobs, and ass. Her skin is dark brown, and her hair is now long and reddish-dark brown. It does cause some minor black spots on her face, but that's just something I couldn't fix. Modding her hair is very difficult, and I had to find a workaround in Blender. It's almost impossible without bugs, such as her eyes and face being messed up and looking like a vampire. I hope more mods come someday. Sorry, I couldn't mod it with her other outfits. It would take way too long. This is just the one I like the most, but you just need to repaint them. If you want to use others and do the normal unpack and repack dds process, just make sure yo...

  • ---

    There is a small amount of text in the Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditonal Chinese languages that I could not revert to the original text due to there being no Korean or Chinese versions of the original Final Fantasy XII (at least as far as I know). However, this is only minor text and should not spoil gameplay.

    The following text for Korean and Chinese may not accurately reflect the original and still contains The Zodiac Age text:

    The License ( Essentials ) ( 배틀 커맨드 ) ( 战斗指令 ) ( 戰鬥指令 ) which is ( Smallswords ) in the original.
    The description for ( Stamp ) ( 붙이기 ) ( 状态复制 ) ( 狀態複製 ) and ( Charge ) ( 차지 ) ( 充能 ).
    The descriptions of battle menu categories (e.g, the description of ( Black M...

  • How to modify unit stat data

    Thanks to Xeavin, the creator of many great mods and most notably "The Insurgents Workshop", you can now script the modification of game files using pretty much any programming language that can interact with json. In this guide, you will learn how to prep files for modification and apply changes using python.

    To get started with making your own changes first download the following software:

    VBF Browser
    The Insurgent's Workshop
    VM Script De/Compiler Tools
    Python 3.9 or Higher
    DrakLab Mod Loader

    Once you have completed that extract The Insurgent's Workshop somewhere convenient. This will be the primary folder to work out of. 

    Run The Insurgent's Workshop one time and close it, it sh...

  • List of features

    Almost every feature of the original PlayStation 2 version of Final Fantasy XII has been completely restored.
    At the very bottom of this list are a few features of The Zodiac Age that have been left alone and have not been changed.

    A lot of thorough research and testing was done to make sure everything was as accurate as possible, including gathering data directly from the PS2 game CD (thank you, ffgriever!). Because there were so many changes, I may have forgotten to list something. If you are wondering about something specific, feel free to ask!

    You can also check out this Final Fantasy wiki article if you want to see a more detailed list of differences between The Zodiac Age (International Zodiac Job System) and the PS2 Original. Note that some informatio...

  • i make a vanilla board reoganized for more clarity.

    But eons are in a second board because i should put them like randomly and i don't like that....

  • Foreign Lands 3.2 and 3.2.1 Patch Notes Edited

    Foreign Lands Version 3.2 Evasion and Libra Buffs

    Overview: This update mainly celebrates the removal of the Ignore Evade and Anti Libra augments on enemies. This means shields and weapons that offer evasion values can now be used to help tank or mitigate/limit enemy physical damage against challenging foes like Gilgamesh. This placed a lot less pressure on the player to use Reverse to stay alive before, but now you have more options. Because of the massive buff to evasion, some evasion-providing tools have been weakened slightly.

    The update that removes Ignore Evade and Anti Libra has temporarily been undone as these changes were causing the game to crash at certain points, including essential tasks like using the elevators at the Draklor Laboratory. Fear not, thou...

  • Foreign Lands Version 3.1 Patch Notes

    Foreign Lands Version 3.1 Limit Breaks

    Overview: Hello and sorry for the delay on these notes. I was hit hard by the plague and could barely get stuff done. Without any more delay, version 3.1 is all about adding in new limit breaks that consume Mist. These are powerful tools that give you opportunities to turn the tides against your enemies. With that in mind, here are some important things to note:
    1. Limit Breaks are treated as mist attacks and cannot be assigned in a gambit.
    2. Regardless of how many mist charges the UI says Limit Breaks cost, they all require 3 mist charges. All Espers were increased to 3 mist charges as well so that everyone can easily obtain the charges necessary to use limit breaks.
    - If you're continuing a save, you'll need to r...

  • Foreign Lands Version 3.0.3 Patch Notes

    Foreign Lands Version 3.0.3: Clarity Buffs

    This patch includes a handful of quality of life improvements along with a few other small changes. The main factor is the improvement of certain accessory and spell descriptions from within the menu.

    Text Changes...

    License Boards
    So as it turns out I was spell Buddhist incorrectly this whole time, writing it as "Bhuddist..." RIP. This has been corrected.

    The menu descriptions for Earthquake, Holy, and Sun Ofudas have been corrected and should accurately display their effects. This was from a bug with the editor I use that got fixed, which is why it couldn't get fixed before.

    Accessories with augments that weren't ...

  • Foreign Lands Version 3.0.2 Patch Notes

    Foreign Lands Version 3.0.2: Buffs to Buffs and Diamond Armlet Celebrations

    A week ago, 3.0.1 came out with an ambition to start updating chest rewards so that the Diamond Armlet isn't useless in 90% of zones. This update includes a handful of balance buffs, the smoothing out of certain problems, and a completed Diamond Armlet change.

    Quality-of-Life Changes...

    - The Arm Thyself! page of the Traveler's Tips now includes a segment explaining the difference between Ofuda and Fulu.

    - The License Spreadsheet will now tell you the name of the Esper required to obtain island licenses to further help you plan your team in advance, should you choose to do so.

    Jobs/License Board Changes...

    - A h...

  • Foreign Lands Version 3.0.1 Patch Notes

    Foreign Lands Version 3.0.1: Rise of the Diamond Armlet Part 1

    For players who have experienced issues with South Bank Village after playing Eternal248's Struggle for Freedom:
    Several players have brought up issues with South Bank Village infinitely loading. I have tested this with Struggle for Freedom's files for South Bank Village and can confirm that, for some reason, these files do not work with Foreign Lands. My mod does not have files for South Bank Village and use's the game's current version of those files, but if you're trying out Foreign Lands after Struggle for Freedom without fully uninstalling SFF first, SFF's South Bank Village files will be used in Foreign Lands and will cause this infinite loading.

    Unfortunately, I have not been able to fix thi...

  • Foreign Lands Version 3.0 Official Patch Notes

    Foreign Lands version 3.0: A New Age

    Introduction: To everyone who has waited patiently for this update, I'm sorry that it took the time it did. That being said, I'm happy to have finally released version 3.0. There is a major feature that I've been working on for some time now that has stagnated and has unfortunately not been able to make it into this launch. If the project gets revived in the future, I will gleefully add it to the mod.

    Overview: This update includes many changes, some small, small large. These changes can be broken down into a few groups: Quality of Life improvements, New Features, and Balance Changes.

    New Feature

    User ffgriever's "Generous Montblanc" mod is built into Foreign Lands, enabling the use of the License Board r...

  • Version 2.8.1 Notes

    Foreign Lands Version 2.8.1 Bugfixes

    This is a small patch with only a few changes, but fixing some key annoyances that will appear. A couple extra goodies were thrown in.

    Weapon Changes...

    Hand Bombs:

    Most Hand Bombs suddenly made the wielder invisible because the +5 Vitality bonus was shared with Gendarme before the change to Lowtown Cloak. These have been fixed. Additionally...

    - Vitality decreased to 0
    - Speed increased to 4
    - Grants Water Potency
    Note: Synergizes with Water Bombs to be like Burning Bow.

    Magick Changes...

    Black Magick:

    Aeroga now appears on the Black Magick 8 License like it was supposed to. For a hot minute, the...

  • OUTDATED -- Cheat Engine - NonInstaller Portable Edition

    So you want to use Cheat Engine but don't want to install it?  Maybe you play some MMOs and are afraid some overly-sensitive game launchers might permaban you JUST for having it installed?

    That's NO PROBLEM!  ^_^

    The primary (awesome) developer behind Cheat Engine has created a no-install 'portable' version.  Just download, extract it from the archive, and run the EXE file!

    1 - Go to the official download page on; please AVOID any 3rd party websites!  You can also check their GitHub page, but the GitHub pre-compiled EXE version available for download DOES have the filthy 'InstallCore' crapware.  Check out the InstallCore terms/privacy policy before bothering to use it.

    2 - Check this image on what link to click to get...

  • Seven-Zip (7z) Files Explained


    So you downloaded a file from the internet with a .7z file extension.  Maybe you don't know what this thing is; why does someone put 'unzip it' when it is not a typical .ZIP file?

    Let Daedalus show you the way!  ^_^

    The 7-zip program is a file archiver with a high-compression ratio.  When I asked Skopin to recompress their hefty texture files with 7-zip, the resulting .7z files were merely 10% of the size of the original!  From ~550 MB to ~55 MB!

    Instructions to extract .7z files
    Presuming Windows OS (Linux-based OS users are generally able to figure things out):

    1 - Download 7-zip from the official website.  You can also get an officially-packed certificate-signed portable version from

  • Final Fantasy XII- The Struggle for Freedom Released

    After months of working with the amazing FFXII modding team on their Discord channel, the world's first ever full-scale Final Fantasy XII difficulty mod has been released. With changes to enemies to make them harder, as well as entirely new License Boards and rebalanced equipment, Magick, and Technicks, Struggle for Freedom is designed to be accessible to veterans and new players alike.

    Tonight, an update will be released with the original 12 License Boards, allowing you to use whichever jobs you'd like if you don't want the set jobs.

    There have been more changes than I could feasibly document here in this article, so I hope everyone takes the opportunity to download the mod and read the extensive Readme and Master Guide that comes with it.

    I hope everyo...

  • OUTDATED -- Zodiac Age InfoDump

    OLD Info for The Zodiac Age PC PRIOR to v1.0.3.0 (before April 2019 patch)

    Editing Text Descriptions on Weapons & Custom Table File Info (courtesy of Raiden_Ripper):
    HP Bars & Cutscenes Unleashed Info w/Comments
    Zodiac Age Reference Info & Animation Timings Data

    No Starting Licenses
    (info from Raiden_Ripper)
    You have to edit "battle_pack.bin"; address for character is 0x1B6C0
    Editing Enemy Drop Rate
    (info from Raiden_Ripper and XaguraYiazmat)
    Open U.S. version of battle_pack.bin file.
    All you need to do is to go to address: 0x1D380.
    You'll see 28 19 03 01. change each of them to 64 so it reads 64 64 64 64.
    You'll get all the regular drops except Pebble, Arcane and High Arcane.

  • FF12 License Board Editor Improvements

    Just some quick bits that I feel improve the Zodiac Planner for Custom License Boards by VaanSkyPirate.
    Both of these are pastebin links.

    Old v1.x License Board Editor Color Scheme
    Make a backup of the colors.json file first, then copy and paste to replace the existing content.
    This just changes the color scheme to be close to what it was in the v1.x versions.
    -Orange for Techniques
    -Red for Quickenings
    -Blue for Summons/Espers
    -Brownish for Accessories
    -White for Essentials
    -Yellow for Gambits

    License Board Renaming Scheme
    Make a backup of your licenceinfo.txt file first, then copy and paste to replace the existing content.
    This changes the names of the Licenses in the License Board Editor to be e...