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  1. MeIamever
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I so desperately wish this would work without Realistic Teeth. :/ Sadly ruins all my other head morphs. Still, very nice work on the face.
    1. NekoSayuri
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      It's actually simple to edit it to work without Realistic Teeth. You'll need the Toolset and the .mrh file for that.
      Just go to File -> New -> Morph, then select "Batch Export Local" and select the folder you have the .mrh file in. It will export the .mor file with what you have installed in your own game, so if you don't have Realistic Teeth, it will work without it.

      This is just Brumbek's instructions to modders on how to get their mod to work but the other way around, so credit should be theirs.

      Or I also just figured I could upload it here but it's packaged to suit my game and I don't know whether it will work correctly. I downloaded everything that's necessary for this to work (Dracomis textures and the other things) so those are still needed, and I also changed Cullen's eyes to light brown.
    2. ffann1998
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      Thank you! It works
  2. AfroSamurai2012
    • premium
    • 32 kudos
    Hi! I have just installed this mod!
    The eyes are there any tip for that issue?
  3. svarturdreki
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Not sure if you are still supporting this mod or not but worth a try anyway right? If I use your Cullen mod without the Realistic Teeth mod as well he has a kind of...unattractive face. Larger, teardrop shaped eyes with eyeliner, a different jaw and mouth etc. With Realistic Teeth it looks great, like your photos. The thing is I'm also using an Alistair face mod and if I use Realistic Teeth it gives him the same unattractive face I would get on Cullen without Realistic Teeth.

    The Alistair face mod I was using is here and requires Dracomies True Textures, a part of Dragon Age Redesigned. Realistic Teeth isn't compatible with Dragon Age Redesigned so I think that may be the problem. Is there a way to get your awesome looking Cullen without Realistic Teeth, or to only use Realistic Teeth for him or something?

    Thanks for the help!
  4. IngloriousCustard
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Cullen actually has hazel eyes in DAI. Some of the images I"ve seen, as well as various lighting/angels can make it confusing. Especially if you're viewing promo pics. Those are usually different from the actual releases anyway. But here's a good one to see default Cullen in DAI. The hazel eyes in your mod are actually more true to it after all.

    I have to admit, for a default face that's changed over the years, I do like Cullen's game default. I usually have a bone to pick with each release and their morphs. But it feels like they put more effort in this time with the recurring characters. I used to hate Leli's face, but now she looks like Bitsie Tulloch.
    1. PandoraTremere
      • member
      • 169 kudos
      They're not hazel, they're light brown.
  5. JohnBane1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is this armor required for the mod to work? I installed every required mod you listed in the description, but I still see a shinny metallic bronze face D=
    1. raeynedrop
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      Are you compiling chargenmorphs(if you have multiples)?
  6. Alyzabeth
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Very nice job!

    Vanilla Cullen must have got tons of plastic surgery between DAO and DAI. lol
    1. JohnBane1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Or used the mirror of transformation in the black emporium lol
  7. JohnBane1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello there, I'm experiencing a weird glitch with your mod, his face is looking metallic o.O Its like a shiny bronze color, I don't know if its conflicting with other mods (I installed the Da 2 robes and the circle tower is looking like a orgy party, a lot of naked people kkkkkkk), but it really is a bummer since the face you made is so beautiful. Can you help me plz?
  8. NicotineCaffeine
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    Why so many people obsessed with this dense guy? I don't get it.
    1. Yuanmonos
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      If you play as female mage and talk to him after your Harrowing, he's stuttering. If Jowan is with you, he (Jowan) confirms it (Somebody like you). Durin Broken Circle Cullen even says it himself. If you use a female Amell save in DA2, Cullen tells her cousin Hawke that he once knew a Amell. He never met anyone like her again.

      In other words, handsome templar fellow that has a crush on the female mage. Forbidden love and all.
  9. Vhaltyrr
    • premium
    • 40 kudos
    Can you do a version without eyeliner? and possibly make his eyes smaller and a little bit further apart? :3
    1. ohjove
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      hi! idk what you mean by eyeliner, since i didn't put any textures or makeup masks on this morph but i'll play around with the eyelash textures and the skin textures to see if i could figure something out! i won't be able to do it until february though, i'm not at home and i don't have my computer and this vacation became longer than i anticipated. meanwhile, i do have the .mrh files and you can tweak the morph to your liking using the toolset. sorry!
  10. kerovan87
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    After downloading your mod I struggled a bit with it. Just like charles7114 wrote below, the preset you provided seems to have some issue with Cullen's nose, it very big and has a large bump on it. But the preset is not the main thing that I had problems with. After installing your mod I've noticed that C's eyes were completely different than on your screens. Nothing helped, then I realized you are using Realistic Teeth mod, right? So I installed the mod and suddenly C looks as good as on your screens. So just the heads up, I believe people who don't use RT mod (i.e. don't have the tweaked head morphs that came with the mod), may experience issues with Cullens looks, mainly the eyes. Do you think you could look into it, and perhaps provide .mor file for those without Realistic Teeth? You created a great mod, Cullen look so fine and it adds immersion to the game. I'd be very grateful for any reply and help. : )
    1. ohjove
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      honestly that being the cause did not even cross my mind so thank you so much for figuring it out! i will update this soon and i'll also see what i can do with the .mop file and reupload one where the nose is all wonky. sorry, i haven't been at home for much of the break so i haven't been able to fix things! thank you so much for letting me know about it!
    2. kerovan87
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      No problem, I'm glad I could help : ) Thank you for replying to me, and no worries, Happy New Year btw! I'm looking forward to downloading the updated mod.