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  1. Atriar
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello everyone! I really do need some help here. To put it mildly i absolutely loath the Dragon Age Redesigned mod and i do not want to touch it, even with a stick, BUT i would love to use this DA2 Isabela and Flemeth to DAO mod, looks pretty nice in my opinion. So, please, can anyone tell me what files do i need to extract from the Dragon Age Redesigned mod to make this one work?
  2. aliseliah
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    for soem reason this wasnt fully working, the robes were there but the head was not. I had to put this mod inside the toolsexport folder inside overide folder for flemeth head to actually show up.

    Might want to give this a try if you havign issues, just make sure you have the required mods installed.
  3. Hu1Sol
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    1. Download and add file Posted by Rameyuk below (thanks you very much for the fix).
    2. Get the mod "ADD ANY ITEM VISUAL DELUXE" (https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1825) and run the item updater for custom items (instruction come with mod).
    3. Go in game and use the console command "runscript getx flem" add flemeths robes to your inventory and equip it to a character.
    (If your not already using console commands you need to enable them and download the mod which makes them visable)
    4. Save the game (new file is safest).
    5. Use the gff4 editor (search Nexus for pyff and download the gyGFF file) and search for hsli_da2_flm_01mag then copy it.
    6. Search for pre211cr_flemeth and select the 2nd one
    8. Under Index 16 in the SAVEGAME_AREA_CREATURES look for prec211cr_flemeth (not prec210cr_flemeth), expand it.
    7. Look for SAVEGAME_EQUIPMENT_ITEMS for prec211cr_flemeth which should be empty and paste the hsli_da2_flm_01mag.
    8. Save and exit and your all good to go.
    1. makasin41k
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thx a lot!
    2. Seriusbored
      • member
      • 1 kudos

      EDIT: i've tried @AvicusUK method, both work perfectly
    3. vavrinko
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      This fixed it for me. Thanks.
  4. vavrinko
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    It actually does work perfectly without DA redesigned.
    At least Flemeth does. The fact that her armour is missing is another problem though. Fixable however
  5. Sheteas
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For some reason, the outfit doesn't change. Her face works fine, but she still has her default armor

  6. AvicusUK
    • member
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    I finally got it to work... DA2 Flemeth since first encounter.

    Check out link to ZIP file with working mod in folder + instructions (extra mods needed)

    DA2 Flemeth (from first encounter) + Instructions

    Took me a while to get it to work but here it is!
    1. Skyenn
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      THANK YOU SO MUCH! It worked!!! <3
    2. Seriusbored
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Awesome THIS and @Hu1Sol method work(separate save file).

      THANK YOU! AvicusUK
    3. Inmsomnia
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thx mate
  7. NekoKurai
    • member
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    I hope August 2023 is not too late to comment, but Flemeth has her vanilla hair. I managed to see the robes, but the hair doesn't work. Is there a known fix?
    1. NekoKurai
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Found the problem: I had to delete Flemeth's file from Dragon Age Redesigned and now it works fine :)
  8. VagranDreamer
    • member
    • 59 kudos
    For all those who have Isabella appears without a head or uses not her original armor but armor from another mod.
    1. Isabella appears without a head when you delete the file hf_den200_isabela_da2.mor and try to use another Isabella's face mod, the problem is that these files have a different name, namely hf_den200_isabela.mor, therefore it turns out that the file with the original face is deleted and the new file uses the wrong name. Apparently Isabella's armor is somehow tied to an individual mor file name, so if you want to add your face to her, rename your new mor file so that it is like the file author of this mod hf_den200_isabela.mor ------> hf_den200_isabela_da2.mor
    2. The armor is not the same because this mod conflicts with the Viva la Orlais mod, the armor has the same id and therefore we do not get what we want. There are two ways to fix this, the first is to remove the Viva la Orlais mod, and the second is if it is useful for you and you want to keep it, you can replace the gda file with mine, which uses the another id. Find the clothing_variation_or.GDA file in the Orlesian outfits folder and replace it with my file from the archive. Download the corrected GDA.
    If you want to say thank you to me, go to my profile and like my mods:) 
    1. AlexisCarmine
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you so much! I was looking for a fix for this!
    2. LVaneWolf
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I can confirm this fix does in fact work folks! Thank you so much for the help and was wondering if you'd take any simple requests?
  9. ernstimann
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    which version of dracomis drage age redseign do i require for this mod? He has like 3 different ones, balanced, lore and artistic or whatever they are all called.
  10. MoonSpot
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    So I've met Flemeth before installing this, or any mods actually; and going through the das file(s), I don't see that hex code anywhere (70 00 72 00 65 00 32 00 31 00 31 00 63 00 72 00 5F 00 66 00 6C 00 65 00 6D 00 65 00 74 00 68 00).  Not in the current save, quicksave, autosaves, or even the save made shorthly after having met her.
    Using HxD editor, as notepad++ wasn't working out.  I'm not sure why I don't see that string anywhere, hoping that the DAupdater scrubbed the files after installing 1 mod or another.
    Using the GOG ultimate version, as that seems to make a difference for other things.

    Anyways, after installing I went to Flemeths hut to see if it worked, but I don't see her anywhere and can't remember if she was supposed to still be around or not.  I'm fairly early on in the game, lothering is still standing and I've not done gone to any of the groups to conscript them into my army.  Just hit up some DLCs.  That said I loaded an earlier save to before meeting her and she showed up looking vanilla so I don't think the game broke.