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  1. Copuka
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Poorly Translated mod installation advice is misleading, here's how I got it working (only this mod + Poorly Translated):

    Step 1: Download UXM, save it anywhere and start the exe. Set the Executable path to "Game" folder (where Dark Souls 3 exe is). First use Unpack and then Patch. Then close UXM.
    Step 2: In "Game" folder, make a folder named "mod" and copy the files of Poorly Translated into that folder. I also copy-pasted the Poorly Translated files into the "Game" folder, where they replace 17 other files. If I didn't place them both of these locations, game would crash on level loading.
    Step 3: Now you can run the randomizer. In that window put checkmark on "Merge mods...", but do not put checkmark on "Edit in-game text".
    Then I deleted my old save file in AppData\Roaming and started the game from Steam.

    Other things that might go wrong:
    - You do not need to download and install ModEngine separately, just copy paste the two files from "randomizer\ModEngine" to "Game" folder.
    - Obviously mods only work properly with the old version 1.15.0 of Dark Souls 3. When you install the Steam version now you get a newer version. Use soulsspeedruns dot com guide to see how you can download the old exe directly from Steam, no need to use file sharing sites. Search for "soulsspeedruns downpatching" and use Steam console command "download_depot 374320 374321 4471176929659548333". This will download the old 1.15.0 to a folder under "steamapps\content", copy paste the exe from there to the "Game" folder to replace the exe.
  2. rustcollector
    • member
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    How do you disable the randomizer once it's been activated. I don't want to have to uninstall it.
  3. CrispyParsnips
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    I don't know if this is common knowledge, but just in case anyone else wants to know how to run this mod via ModEngine2 on the newest patch of DSIII, here's how I eventually got it working:

    - Download this mod and copy the 'randomizer' folder into your game install location (where DarkSoulsIII.exe is)
    - Copy the contents of the 'ModEngine' folder (dinput8.dll and modengine.ini) from inside the 'randomizer' folder and paste into your game install location
    - Run DS3Randomizer.exe from the new 'randomizer' folder and apply whichever settings you like.
    - After randomizing, delete the recently pasted 'dinput8.dll' and 'modengine.ini' from the game install location
    - Finally *move* the contents of the new randomizer folder into the 'mod' folder in your ModEngine2 install location.
    After booting the game up via ModEngine2's 'launchmod_darksouls3.bat' it should be working!

    Apologies if there's a much simpler way to get this running, but this took me ages to work out and I thought I'd share the results somewhere 😅
    1. Mamelang
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      do i move the contents of the randomizer folder, or the randomizer folder itself? also i can't seem to move without copying it
    2. timmymccoy
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      this worked! ty ty
    3. Soapykuns
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It does not work. Unless your instructions are unclear, I didn't do anything wrong.

      idk if you mean "Move" or "Copy" in the last step. I tried both but you cant move the files when the program is open and idk if I have to have the randomizer exe still running.
    4. Bovanosth
      • premium
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      Hi hi ! First, thanks for that ! Game work with the mod now ! 

      But Yeah, the last part was a little bit unclear.
      For people that doesn't understand: You need to move all the files that is in the "Randomizer" folder to the "Mod" folder in your ModEngine2 install location (Yes you need to download the new version that work with the new game version, modEngine2.1 or something).

      -You don't move the "Randomizer" folder, you move the content in it.
      -Don't forget, you need to close DS3Randomizer.exe to move the files.
      -By "move" we mean "Cut/paste"

      Hope that will help some people. :)
  4. Kvothe314
    • member
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    Is there a way to only randomize the bosses, but leave all the enemies as standard?
  5. McLeanShine
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    Hey all, anyone got any experience getting this set up on Steam Deck? I randomized on my laptop, confirmed that both items and enemies were randomized then transferred it straight over to the Dark Souls III folder and replaced the game file with it.
    It managed to randomize items and starting classes but not enemies unfortunately, anyone got any idea for a fix? 
  6. McDanger1988
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    Is it possible to combine this was onslaught mod to have 2x randomized enemies? Ive tried running both at once and randomizer seems to override onslaught and turn it off?
  7. MajoraOra
    • premium
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    How do I get this to work with modengine 2? Normal enemy randomizer works just fine, can't get the item randomizer to work, so I'm trying this mod and it refuses to run
  8. HalloYbaB
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    i keep getting the error" Unrecognized command "WaitFixedTimeFrames" in WaitFixedTimeFrames(2) It may work to try again with a different seed. See most recent file in spoiler_logs directory for the full error." I tried rerolling the seed a bunch of times and it didn't change anything. is there any way to fix this error? Please help
    1. Alcatraz58
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      same problem here
  9. Alcatraz58
    • member
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    enemy randomizer does not work item randomizer works whenever i try to run the enemy randomizer i get this errror " Unrecognized command "WaitFixedTimeFrames" in WaitFixedTimeFrames(2) It may work to try again with a different seed. See most recent file in spoiler_logs directory for the full error." does anyone know any fix for this?
  10. namepilou
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hi !
    Is that possible to simply double the number of ennemies ? like your elednring'smod x2,x3...until x8..

    You add 300hours of gameplay to my Elden'R, this is so impressive, i buy DS3 for try this mod. but this is not the same Randomizer,
    the multiplicate button isn't here ? :/
    1. Wandle69
      • premium
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      The enemy onslaught mod is for multiplying enemies