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  1. jsaw117
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Hi, i was curious as to which cvs/param files you edit in the regulation.bin file, as I was hoping to merge your mod with some other mods like cinders and whatnot. Not for release mind you but for personal use. any info would be helpful! thanks! Amazing mod btw!

    ps. imo you've made one of the best moveset mods on the nexus of ds3, and I'd love to see what you'd do with elden ring.
  2. GoldenMo
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    can you do one  Non-Moveset Variant just for swap the  only optik  and replace it with Farron GS ? 
  3. jsaw117
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    currently broken bcz of mod engine
  4. AshuraGrak
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Gawdamn it looks awesome. 
  5. LilRedMonster
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    First off, well done. This is a very cool weapon mod.

    I am curious, that is the soul of cinder idle stance, yes? How much work is involved into giving the player character's x weapon an npc enemy idle stance/moveset? 
    1. CalyXxpro
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Thank you very much.

      For the answers, the idle stance used by the weapon is Nameless King's. To give a player character's x weapon an npc enemy idle stance/moveset, that needs a lot of work to do. That involves retargeting animations, creating tae files, params, fxrs, sounds and behaviour editing
    2. LilRedMonster
      • supporter
      • 10 kudos
      thanks for replying! Again, good work.
  6. Agent109
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Hey, so I've been getting some problems with the weapon.
    I spawned it in with CE and all, and it gave me the ?WeaponName? +64 error, except I copied your modengine config in and all.
    I tried with both the non-moveset and moveset versions and neither one works.
    I also only have this mod installed, so there shouldn't be anything conflicting. Is there some sort of other required mod for this that wasn't listed?
    1. CalyXxpro
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      1. ?Weaponname? +64 spawns when you enter the weapon id (decimal) of the weapon in the hexadecimal id field of the item gib function. Try putting the ID (62700000) in the Decimal Item ID slot or the ID (03BCB9E0) in the Hexadecimal Item ID slot of the Item gib section of the CE or spawn the weapon using Paramstudio. Both the variants have the same Item ID so works with both.

      2. All the pre-requisite mods come included in the zip file as people were having problem setting them up so i included my own version and config of modengine and hoodiepatcher in the zip file. Just copy the contents of the zip file to the Game folder. Make sure no other mods are installed.
    2. Agent109
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Sorry for taking forever, but it turns out using 03BCB9E0 instead of 62700000 was what solved the problem! Thanks!

      Also i had a small idea if this ever gets updated, maybe a second sword that functions almost the exact same as the first, except the heavy attack is a different unique swing that fires spells and a different idle animation so you know which sword is which?
      Sorry if that's too much to ask or anything, i don't really know how modding works.
  7. NullJames123
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    So, why would merging this with another mod not work?
    It's just a custom weapon using basically a boss moveset, explain to me how just grabbing the files inside of the "mod" folder and shoving them in cinders would not work.
    1. CalyXxpro
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Cinders has it's own version of the same files. Throwing this file in this mod in Cinders folder will break Cinders since its files get overridden with the one in this mod. This results in glitched weapons, missing weapon arts, missing animations, glitched armours, spells and a lot more such as missing description of weapons. The reason model swap mods work with big mods like Cinders, Convergence,etc. is because they don't mess with any other file except the file of the model itself. This mod has its own params, animations, models, vfx and menu descriptions which conflict with Cinders which is why you can't just shove the files in and call it a day.
  8. jsaw117
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I'm kinda in love with your mod, and would like to make it as compatible with cinders as possible, I know a bit about param editing and whatnot, but anything I'm in the dark in. Any tips for me? like which gameparams you edited and whatnot?
    I could even post the results on nexus if that's alright with you
    1. CalyXxpro
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      use param merger to merge the params
    2. SomeDbzGuy
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Is that even possible? I wanna use this with convergence but the param thing is an issue. The sword is really cool, just don't think it's worth another (almost) vanilla playthrough.
    3. jsaw117
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Which params does your mod take advantage of?
    4. CalyXxpro
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      AtkParams, BehaviourParam_PC, Bullet, EquipParamWeapon
    5. jsaw117
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      thank you!
  9. jsaw117
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    love the update!
  10. Quinscer04
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Would have been awesome if this can be added to TheFirstHunterApprentice mod file, can't be added to his file apparently. 
    1. CalyXxpro
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      It won't work with his mod.