Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), provides California residents rights to opt-out of “sale” and “sharing”. If you are a resident of other US states that give you rights to opt out of “sale”, “sharing” and/or use of personal information for “targeted advertising”, you may also find this information helpful. Netflix’s use of personal information to display Advertisements as part of an ad-supported subscription plan and for Netflix’s marketing activities on third party services may constitute a “sale”, “sharing” and/or “targeted advertising” under the US State Privacy Laws. Please visit the Netflix Privacy Statement to learn more.

Opt out of Sale and Sharing/Targeted Advertising (Logged out Members and Non Members)
Click Here and turn off advertising cookies

You may also use the settings on your browser, devices or apps to opt out of cookies.

If you opt out of advertising cookies, you may still see Netflix marketing messages promoting the Netflix service or Netflix content, but they will not be based on information collected from advertising cookies.

Opt out of Sale and Sharing/Targeted Advertising (Netflix Members)

You can exercise your opt out choices at a profile level or apply the choices to all profiles on your account. To exercise your opt out rights:

  • Log into the Netflix service from the web or a mobile device and select a profile.

  • Navigate to the “Account” section, select a profile, and go to “Privacy and data settings”. The controls you see will vary depending on your subscription plan.

  • If you are not on an ad supported subscription plan, turn off “Matched Identifier Communications”.

  • If you are on an ad supported subscription plan, turn off both “Matched Identifier Communications” and “Behavioral Advertising”. Alternatively, you can click “opt out of all”.

  • If you want to apply these choices to all profiles on your Netflix account, from the primary profile, click on “opt all profiles out of all”.

When you choose to opt out, you will still see Advertisements, but they will not be behavioral advertisements. Similarly, once you opt out, you will still receive other Netflix marketing messages but we will not use your information for Matched Identifier Communications.

When you are logged in to your Netflix account through a compatible web browser, you can access the controls described above. Please note, using these controls helps us understand your choices as a Netflix member, but will not impact other choices that you may make when we cannot associate you with a Netflix account (e.g., choices made when not logged in to your Netflix account).

If you are not logged in or not a Netflix member, when you access sites like, we do not associate your access with a Netflix member account. As a result, our ability to identify you is limited.

You can find more details about our use of personal information as well as information about choices and controls available to you such as choices regarding cookies and similar technologies by visiting

Global Privacy Control (GPC)/ Universal Opt-out

What is it? Under certain US State Privacy Laws, businesses must respect opt-out signals received through a user selected web browser control indicating their choice to opt out of the sale, sharing, or use of personal information for targeted advertising, as specified by applicable law. The platforms and methods for sending and interpreting such a signal are not standardized and are currently evolving, with the only widely-recognized such signal being the Global Privacy Control (GPC).

Recognizing a GPC Signal Where required by applicable law, we have implemented methods to recognize and respond to a GPC signal on our service.

Response to a GPC Signal How we respond to a GPC signal depends on whether you are logged in to the Netflix service, whether you are a member and the subscription plan you’ve chosen. It also depends on your general geographic location (i.e., state, country).

Logged in Members If you log into the Netflix service on our website and access a Netflix profile from a web browser sending a recognized GPC signal, where required by applicable law, we will opt out that profile from Matched Identifier Communications and Behavioral Advertising (for profiles on an account that is part of our ad supported subscription plan). If you access the primary profile associated with your Netflix account, these actions will apply to all profiles (we do not engage in behavioral advertising on Kids profiles).

Logged out Members/Non-Members If you are a Netflix member but are either logged out or not actively accessing a Netflix profile to stream, or are not a Netflix member, and access or through a web browser sending a recognized GPC Signal, where required by applicable law, we will opt you out of setting Advertising Cookies on that browser/device. If you access a Netflix site from a different browser or from the same browser on a different device, you will need to send a GPC signal from that browser to opt out again.