Our Sectors

Emerging Leaders

The Emerging Leaders Network inspires, equips, and connects interfaith leaders to build on our nation’s key strength of religious diversity.

Emerging Leaders

Interfaith Innovation Fellowship

Deepen your interfaith leadership skills by joining a select cohort of peers for a yearlong fellowship, and completing a project using principles of interfaith cooperation to directly respond to a need you’ve identified within your community.

About Emerging Leaders

Big Picture

We connect and support young professionals dedicated to building on America’s foundational strength of religious diversity.

Who’s in the network?

Interfaith America’s Emerging Leaders Network is composed of more than two thousand diverse, multifaceted, innovative, and motivated individuals, who influence how healthcare, business, non-profits, religious communities, government, and other sectors engage with religious diversity.

What opportunities are available for the network?

Interfaith America’s Emerging Leaders have access to network of incredible individuals and can connect with them through mentorship opportunities, Social Media (Facebook and LinkedIn groups), local gatherings, and an annual national convening. There are also exclusive grant opportunities such as the Building Interfaith America Grants and fellowships such as the Interfaith Innovation and Sacred Journey Fellowships.

How can I join the network?

Young professionals can join Interfaith America’s Emerging Leaders Network by completing an online training INTF 1101 Interfaith Foundations for Emerging Leaders and registering here.

Grants & Fellowships for Emerging Leaders

Building Interfaith America Emerging Leaders Grant

Grants are offered to the members of the Emerging Leaders Network to create initiatives, events, or projects that Build Interfaith America.

Interfaith Innovation Fellowship

The Interfaith Innovation Fellowship awards $5,000 to ten interfaith leaders every year, each with an inspirational vision for social change.




Sacred Journey Fellowship

The Sacred Journey Fellowship provides $15,000 awards over two years to support faith leaders who are demonstrating the power of interfaith cooperation to bridge deep divisions in America’s civic fabric.


Featured Emerging Leaders Resources

Interfaith Foundations for Emerging Leaders

Orientation to the vision, knowledge, and skills that we use to bring about the realization of a truly Interfaith America.

Interfaith at Work Cohorts

Build relationships with other professionals interested in promoting interfaith cooperation in your field.

Professional Applications of Interfaith

Better understand the exciting ways in which interfaith skill sets and competencies are applicable in professional settings.

Become an Emerging Leader

The Emerging Leaders Network inspires, equips, and connects interfaith leaders to build on our nation’s key strength of religious diversity.

The Emerging Leaders Network inspires me to carry out projects I’d only dreamed of. We learn from and inspire each other.


Latest Emerging Leaders Resources​

Join us today!

Get inspired, equipped, and connected to unlock the potential of America’s religious diversity.