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Faith & Civic Life

Engaging America’s religious diversity as an influential force in virtually every aspect of our shared civic life.


Seeking Common Ground through Faith and Pluralism this Election Year

This timely discussion – held just days after a weekend of tragic political violence at a Pennsylvania rally on Saturday, July 13 – delves into the vital role people of faith from across the political spectrum play in promoting civic pluralism and fostering unity during this election year.

About Faith & Civic Life

The Big Picture

Religiously diverse communities are vital contributors to the lifeblood of America’s civic landscape. From disaster relief to climate change, from refugee resettlement to election integrity, religiously diverse communities are key leaders.

The Opportunity

Interfaith America turns shared values into shared action by working with religiously diverse communities around common goals. A thriving, resilient democracy must engage religious diversity for the common good. While polarization appears to dominate the nation, a majority of Americans want to live in a religiously diverse democracy — though they may lack the skills to unlock that diversity’s potential.

What We Do

Interfaith America creates curricula and convenes technology and faith leaders to combat hate and disinformation online, encourage better technologies that serve people of all traditions, and train a new generation of leaders to use the internet to increase interfaith understanding and collaborate for the common good.

Interfaith America equips leaders to mobilize across lines of difference around issues of common concern. Our Faith in the Vaccine program activated 2000+ religiously diverse ambassadors in Covid-19 vaccine outreach. The Vote Is Sacred initiative trains religiously diverse college students to protect our democracy and elections. Our emerging leaders work across a range of sectors, including healthcare, education, and climate action.

Featured Faith & Civic Life Resources

Faith in Elections Playbook

The Faith in Elections Playbook supports faith-based, civic and campus communities with accessible, actionable resources to support the 2024 election. 

Foundations of Interfaith Leadership

A roadmap for developing (or continuing to develop) the vision, knowledge, and skills required to contribute to the realization of a truly interfaith America.

Vote is Sacred

Vote is Sacred (VIS) is a national, nonpartisan civic engagement initiative that seeks to inform and equip citizens with the practical steps needed to secure the right to vote for all Americans.

How Do We Remain Bridgebuilders During Times of War?

Amanda Ripley discusses how to resolve high conflict amid a war abroad on Interfaith America with Eboo Patel.

Latest Faith & Civic Life Resources​

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