
You Shall Be As Gods
Sep 1, 2008
Nice. Tira is totally my Soul Calibur waifu.
Also nice that they announce DLC before releasing the actuall game. I hate DLCs so much. Like just reading "DLC" gets me going already. [face_plain]

I was actually at gamescom today btw. Fuck 3 hour travel with car to cologne. Fucking highways having roadworks like every meter. #-o


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
I hate myself in advance because I'm definitely getting the DLC pass or whatever the hell its called. This the most promise a Soul Calibur game has had since 2002 and I don't want to miss out on it. Gonna have to renew PS+ when it comes out too, shit.


Still not Kojima
Mar 16, 2007
You might have already, you did mention you hadn't renewed for a while so i probably hadn't seen you online for a while lol.

Hopefully Raphael or Cervantes are in SCVI so i can go back to my mains.


the stone the builder refused
Aug 22, 2006
The place you least suspect
From the few cards I've seen in the past few months, YGO has been made insanely convoluted.
Oh it has, holy shit these anchor cards and pendulum summons are so fucking annoying, I ain't learning that shit. I wasn't keen on synchro summons then they added those weird black cards which were like an even easier form of synchro summons and now I can be playing legacy of the duelist and some dick can just come out with 5 level 8 monsters in 1 turn out of fucking nowhere. Totally ruins shit for me. I'm sticking with my elemental heroes thank you very much [face_not_talking]

I've played shit tons of legacy of the duelist .... at least 40 hours, and I still haven't touched anything arc v


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
You might have already, you did mention you hadn't renewed for a while so i probably hadn't seen you online for a while lol.

Hopefully Raphael or Cervantes are in SCVI so i can go back to my mains.
Last time I turned on my system was this past weekend I think? Didn't play anything, but I'm planning to finish my PT of FFXII. Just need to do some power leveling. Aside from that I have no need to turn on my PS4 until SCVI comes out.

Cervantes is a lock. We saw glimpses of him back at the E3 trailer, plus last week at Gamescom during the custom character display one of the characters was using Cervantes' Long & Short sword weapon style. I guarantee you he'll be in there. Raphael is kinda up in the air, but two months ago shortly after E3 someone on 4chan claiming to be working on the game had a list of the remaining ten characters yet to be unveiled for the game (at that time):

Seong Mi-na

Knowing about Azwel that far in advance is hard to deny. So I think it's pretty safe to assume that we'll get everyone on the list back in the game- Hwang will especially be welcome back personally.

From the few cards I've seen in the past few months, YGO has been made insanely convoluted.
Oh it has, holy shit these anchor cards and pendulum summons are so fucking annoying, I ain't learning that shit. I wasn't keen on synchro summons then they added those weird black cards which were like an even easier form of synchro summons and now I can be playing legacy of the duelist and some dick can just come out with 5 level 8 monsters in 1 turn out of fucking nowhere. Totally ruins shit for me. I'm sticking with my elemental heroes thank you very much [face_not_talking]

I've played shit tons of legacy of the duelist .... at least 40 hours, and I still haven't touched anything arc v
Can't remember exactly when I stopped playing, but if I had to guess it would be mid-2008. Shit was way simpler back then.


Still not Kojima
Mar 16, 2007
We're rascals, scoundrels, villains, and knaves,
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
We're devils and black sheep, really bad eggs.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.



SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
Perverted thoughts of Ivy are coming back to me...
Kind of hard for most individuals not to when she's put into strings for an outfit.

One month to go for SCVI's release. Last night I finally got the platinum trophy for Final Fantasy XII, so now I can re-start FFVI. Started it two years ago, got sidetracked and pretty much forgot about it. I'll be playing this through the rest of the month though, so I can see how far I get this time.


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008

SCVI is getting a network test beta next weekend. Sept. 28- Sept. 30. Fifteen characters will be playable. mostly characters from the E3 demo build. Rumored list:


Talim & Voldo are post-E3 build and Tira is frickin' DLC- you're teasing people with a character that we'll have to obtain a season pass in order to play in a beta? What the shit Namco...


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
Having lots of fun with it. Had to lower my connection quality search to all to get more consistent matches. Even so there are still times I'm waiting for more than five minutes to get a match in. I also set it to regional matches only to try to ward off bad connections, but of course they still happen occasionally.

Matchmaking is uneven sometimes- I've built up my Mitsu to 4700 points but a lot of times I'll face people with around 1500. Tira and Nightmare are the people that give me the biggest issues. The higher skilled players seem to really gravitate to those two in particular- when I came across people that ran those characters with at least 5000 points I got utterly decimated. Taki will be a deadly one too, but the one really good Taki I came across also had a pretty bad connection.

Not sure how I feel about Reversal Edge- it's not cheap really but still sort of abusable. I think it'll just take time to get used to. Critical Edge moves, or supers, have a definite "get out of jail free card " potential. But even supers can be Guard Impacted, so it's not all bad. Speaking of GIs, they have such a large window now...I hate it. You could delay your attack by half a second almost and still have your attack parried. The mechanic has been dumbed down too much and is my biggest gripe with the game so far.

Can't wait for the full release man. Everyone will get better once we get our precious practice mode. I know I'll definitely need it. :^O


Still not Kojima
Mar 16, 2007
Yeah i immediately missed practice mode the minute i network connected to my first Nightmare player lol.

The bar thing i supposedly BS and you can absolutely drop it to get constant match ups against players.

Gonna start playing some Groh or Geralt tomorrow, see if i can figure out anything with the time we have left.


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
So uh Nightmare's super gives him super armor. I hit him with my super, he didn't give a damn and killed me with his. I'm legit pissed about that. You get hit by a super, that should be the end of it. Nightmare's special though I guess


Still not Kojima
Mar 16, 2007
So pretty much just played Groh the entire time from my second day onwards. I loved the stance switching between separating the twin blade and poking into launching/juggling opponents with his kick combos. Found Geralt a bit tougher to play online against more experience players and often got beaten by the same longer ranged focused players with him. (badly needed more time to learn things)

Just a shame Groh's soul charge basically turns him from an already edgy cringe master into an even edgier cringe master. [face_tongue] (surprised they drop characters like Zwei for this nutbar)

I'd love for there to be a practice mode in the Beta but we can't all get what we want for now sadly. Roll on the actual release.


Still not Kojima
Mar 16, 2007
I need more time with it tbh. Been binging too much Daredevil season 3 currently.

Tried to get back into the Raphael game earlier attempting poorly to relearn lol.


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
Raphael's pretty damn fun to use IMO only because his stances are intriguing yet somewhat complex. If I can get the hang of him he's definitely going to be one of my regulars.


SC7 when???
Aug 4, 2008
Maxi's damn good too especially if you somehow manage to learn his fast stances.

...Why must Character Creation be a thing? I have not given a single damn about the concept since SC3. That game was the king of single player extras in the series, plus there were unique move sets to choose from there. SCIV sucked with single player extras, SCV sucked more, and so far I'm not diggin' Libra of Soul. Trying too hard to be an RPG here. Reading so much segmented text is killing me- why couldn't be like Soul Blade, SC1 or SC2? Each of those games had at the most like one moderate length page...and involved ACTUAL CHARACTERS! I don't give a shit about this discount Silver Surfer shapeshifter I made (yes you read that right). If you blend the established cast together with limited story & RPG elements it would make for a more engaging experience- as it is now the single player stuff just feels watered down. Too much unnecessary text and not enough strange fighting.

I AM only level 10 though in LoS right now and have only just begun chapter 2, so things might turn around, but something tells me that won't be the case.
Last edited:


You Shall Be As Gods
Sep 1, 2008
Saw that announcement as well and though that britty must be wetting his pants from joy. :^O:^O:^O


Jan 20, 2002
Locus of Control
I guess a faulty laptop is still better than the library computers i.e. his go-to 15 years ago.

Congrats on your new job!
Lmao, I remember that. Good times. Shame I wasnt around more for your interactions with him, those were always funny.

Thanks! I actually got laid off last summer so I took a long hiatus from work and landed on my feet with a better company. I work for Royal Canin now, which is a pet food company owned by Mars candy. It's great, you can bring your dog to work and the coffee is a million times better than it was at my old job. Free Mars candy too in the breakrooms which is awesome.


Jan 20, 2002
Locus of Control
Yeah, it sucked last year cause I found out I was laid off while I was on day 3 of a two week vacation but it seems like it all worked out for the best given my experience with the new company so far. Feels like a collaborative workplace whereas my old job it was everyone for themselves.

I've got an Alaskan Husky that's a year and a half old named Groot. Great dog, he's energetic and he can be a handful at times but he's very social and loving. I haven't brought him to work yet cause I dont have a desk yet and I'm still trying to focus on the job, but I'd love to bring him in once I get more acclimated to the job! :)