
Another State of Mind
Sep 2, 2006
Feels weird that we don't have a Fortnite thread. I was thinking of putting something together since I've been playing it recently and enjoying myself. Is there a thread buried somewhere? If not, I can throw one together.

cc [URL=''][URL='']@GTporsche[/URL][/URL]
I'll double check, but I don't think there is one.

[URL='']@alcatraz06[/URL] There isn't one, so go ahead and create a thread for it.
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Super Star
Dec 20, 2008
I have a comment/suggestion about "unofficial" threads. Would it be possible to rename some of these threads as "[insert game] Discussion Thread" and add the OFFICIAL tag?

There are a couple on the front page we could potentially do this for -- like Far Cry 5 and Assassins Creed Origins. So, we could catalog these into our official threads and change their names to "Far Cry 5 Discussion Thread" and "Assassin's Creed Origins Discussion Thread." I think maybe [URL='']@HelloSnake[/URL] has suggested this idea before.

I say this because sometimes these threads grow to be pretty large but they're not easily accessible from the "Official" threads page.

I remember a few other games like this, like Resident Evil 7 and Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

What do you think, [URL=''][URL='']@GTporsche[/URL][/URL]?
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Sep 16, 2016
Oh look, a cat.
I have a comment/suggestion about "unofficial" threads. Would it be possible to rename some of these threads as "[insert game] Discussion Thread" and add the OFFICIAL tag?

There are a couple on the front page we could potentially do this for -- like Far Cry 5 and Assassins Creed Origins. So, we could catalog these into our official threads and change their names to "Far Cry 5 Discussion Thread" and "Assassin's Creed Origins Discussion Thread." I think maybe [URL=''][URL='']@HelloSnake[/URL][/URL] has suggested this idea before.

I say this because sometimes these threads grow to be pretty large but they're not easily accessible from the "Official" threads page.

I remember a few other games like this, like Resident Evil 7 and Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

What do you think, [URL=''][URL='']@GTporsche[/URL][/URL]?
I asked GT to do this with several threads last week and he was opposed to the idea. I still think it should happen, it's the logical thing to do. In my view these particular threads are functioning as official discussion threads for those games in everything but name.
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Super Star
Dec 20, 2008
Right, and when a regular thread gets buried, it's hard to find. But when an official thread gets buried, all we have to do is click the "Official" button next to any OT on the front page and it will bring us to a master list of OTs. I think any game that gets a decent amount of activity (the FC5 thread will reach 1,000 posts soon; the ACO thread has already reached 1,000 posts), it should be added to our OT catalog.

For example, I plan to buy Kingdom Come when it drops in price, and it would be good to have the game thread (made by Basket Case I think) on-hand to discuss.

It would just be a good way of archiving the game threads.


Another State of Mind
Sep 2, 2006
I've opposed the idea because those threads aren't created to be OT threads and don't have the same structure to the OP that OT threads have.


Another State of Mind
Sep 2, 2006
No one better be eyeing up that Remake 2 OT

Because I'm claiming it.
Will add that as well.


Just a heads up, since watched threads don't notify any more (it's a known issue), tagging me in your post will get my attention sooner.


Super Star
Dec 20, 2008
Would it be possible to do a General Consoles discussion thread in order to talk about non-Playstation consoles (collecting, speculating on the next MS systems, talking Switch and Xbone, etc.)?


I ask because the Xbox board gets about five posts per week. We could also have a centralized location for talking about the unveiling of new consoles, as opposed to a barrage of "Do you think the Xbox Two will beat PS5" threads.

The Ninty board already has a thread like this:✪-playstation-4-xbox-one-pc-discussion-thread-✪.454871307/


Another State of Mind
Sep 2, 2006
Would it be possible to do a General Consoles discussion thread in order to talk about non-Playstation consoles (collecting, speculating on the next MS systems, talking Switch and Xbone, etc.)?


I ask because the Xbox board gets about five posts per week. We could also have a centralized location for talking about the unveiling of new consoles, as opposed to a barrage of "Do you think the Xbox Two will beat PS5" threads.

The Ninty board already has a thread like this:✪-playstation-4-xbox-one-pc-discussion-thread-✪.454871307/
Nintendo board runs on their own rules separate from the other console boards.

I'll bring this to discussion with the other mods here.