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Oct 13, 2010
I admit I haven't been excited for this film at all, but I may go see it since it sounds like an entertaining and interesting cimena.
Feb 8, 2008
For the people that want to know if there is a clip after the credits...what do you think? Marvel is definitely going to show something that ties into the avengers movie, which is being filmed in Cleveland and hopefully i'll be an extra. There is definitely a clip at the end of the movie...
Feb 8, 2008
For the people that want to know if there is a clip after the credits...what do you think? Marvel is definitely going to show something that ties into the avengers movie, which is being filmed in Cleveland and hopefully i'll be an extra. There is definitely a clip at the end of the movie...


Prime Member
Jan 27, 2006
Cheese. The sets look like, well, sets... they look all clean, kind of like the stage for the Emmy Awards. Cheese.... The scale though realitivly big, look small and fake (plastic) Everyone looks like they just took a shower... even when Thors face gets a bit dirty, it is carefully placed dirt, very contrived... I have to say that over the years since the early 70's I always loved Marvel becasue they were grittier than DC and the movies have yet to capture a true Marvel feel. I have very low expectations for the upcoming marvel lineup and for The Avengers, which will no doubt bring an abundance of that Marvel movie cheese to the table... my money is on DC for the next few years... except for that's real bad.
Oct 30, 2009
I'd love for the clip at the end of the credits to be SHEILD pulling up a block of ice out of arctic waters. You know what that means. I think a more "lived in" Asgard would have been better too, but its not a deal breaker. I thought the Destroyer looked really great in the trailers (compared to other CGI moments shown in the trailer, and that's how Destroyer looks in the comics), but maybe its different seeing it for longer periods of time.


Feb 21, 2011
It's cool. I'm sure I'll still enjoy Thor and I'll be honest my big hope for Marvel is Cap. Plus Green Lantern looks like it is shaking out to be a solid entry as well.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Cant wait for this.
2-Green Lantern
3-Captain America

I think the Spiderman remake is going to blow.


Nov 25, 2009
wait wait wait wait wait.... time spent on earth is what we DON'T want to see?!!?!?! Is this guy out of his mind???? The best parts of Thor is when he's being a Super hero as opposed to just another god. When he's in Asgard his specialness goes with him..

I'm assuming the large action sequences weren't mentioned because they disappointed if they were even there at all... guess it's all asgard fluff for this much like Cap will be all WWII fluff... it's a pity they couldnt connect them both to the modern world more before the avengers

At least tell me thor gets in costume on earth.. he doesn't have to become a whale saving hippy just yet... just as long as he brings the noise where the fight counts and not always in stupid asgard where everyone ( <-- not literally) has powers... he needs to be the one to stand out from the crowd and BE THOR


Aug 15, 2008
@ gotrekthebrute

Don't forget professional wrestler too lol. I've also wondered the exact same thing, especially if they're supposively so bad for you.


Jan 6, 2009
this suggests that this is in line with the recent marvel movies. they aren't profound, but they do a good job telling a relatively straightforward story. first with iron man, then the incredible hulk, and now this, it isn't actually high art, but it has a good story, told well.

at least that is what i am getting from the review.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 31, 2001
Hard to see Kenneth Branagh direction an action movie, let alone a comic book one, so it's no surprise the strongest moments are the dramatic ones. However, not being a comic book fan, does it strike anyone else as completely lame that the superhero is in fact a Norse god? What's next? A comic that has Ra or Jesus as its superhero?
Aug 30, 2010
0 gf and I have been watching the new Avengers cartoon which has actually been pretty entertaining.. and since seeing the previews for this she's been pretty excited- I'm impressed this got better than a 2 out of 5- that's pretty exciting in and of itself. I was never a big fan of Thor but he's been fun in the cartoon and hopefully this serves to make him a solidly interesting character..i'm skeptical but hopeful...


Nov 9, 2010
Actually Ra and Jesus has had their own comic. In the late sixties there was a book called 'The Son of God' and 'Stargate' anybody?


No Longer a Noob
May 30, 2001
AaronJW72: I think that's probably the default "superhero movie" now. They need good actors to sell what pathos is there and to make the subject matter seem "weighty," but ultimately, the action and/or special effects come first.

It's like studios have tried to triangulate the sweet spot by looking at audience reaction to the Joel Schumacher Batman films ("It has to be serious ...") and Ang Lee's Hulk. ("... but not TOO serious...)

That's fine, but in some ways, it's also too bad: superhero movies could cover a lot of different genres -- things other than "thinly-disguised action movie."


No Longer a Noob
Dec 7, 2000
Ehh, was never a big fan of Thor and this movie just looks too formulaic. Should be fun for the action fan I am sure but the only upcoming superhero movies I can think of other than sequels are Snyder's Superman and Captain America. Hopefully Captain America isn't turned into Captain U.N. Culture Club like they did with GI Joe (Seriously Hollywood, move out of the damn country already) and hopefully Snyder can pull through with Man of Steel. Both Directors have made good superhero movies in the past with Rocketeer and Watchmen, and that is the only reason I have hope.
Apr 18, 2011
Seen this movie last night in Australia.

Don't really know what to say about it, it was very average for a super-hero film, I walked away with the same feeling as when I watched Iron Man 2.. what happened during the middle? Not much.

Although I never expected too much, so I still enjoyed most of the film but I hope Captain America can blow us away though.


Feb 27, 2008
ish, Thor the character just seems like such a C-list superhero who's only getting a movie about him now so that The Avengers can get made into a movie. Ignoring the project at hand in order to set up a future one is exactly what happened, and what was ultimately wrong, with Iron Man 2. The other thing that really bothers me is that Thor is a god, and you would assume that would make him pretty much unstoppable, so in order to shoehorn in some conflict and sense of danger the film makers had to stoop to using a lame plot device like his father stripping him of his powers. To me that's just lazy filmmaking and doesn't make for an interesting turn of events.


Jun 19, 2008
Saw it yesterday, and thought it was great. Once agan Marvel took a character I had little interest in before (see Iron Man) and made an extremely enjoyable film. Looking forward to Captan America!


Apr 2, 2009
Saw it today myself. Really liked it, maybe not quite as good as Iron Man 1 but definitely better than Iron Man 2 and Hulk.

The biggest achievement in my opinion was how Asgard came across as really cool and not just comical and campy. Also when scenes transitioned from Asgard to Earth it wasn't jarring or ridiculous going between the two extremes.


Jul 28, 2010
Just saw the movie... was pretty meh... after Ironman, all the marvel movies have been pretty clunky or patchy in the story telling aspect... Really liked Loki in it though and looking forward to him in AVENGERS
Aug 25, 2006
I think 3½ stars is the correct score. It was a good movie and I liked Chris Hemsworth as Thor but his relationship with Natalie Portman came across a bit flat


Prime Member
May 4, 2001
I think the movie will be enjoyable, if not perfect. What I am really surprised at is many of the posts on here. So many people really have no idea about comic book Thor. I have always been a fan of all MARVEL titles so it is funny to me that so many people are unfamiliar with the character. There are some good Thor stories out there, but you might have to go back to the 60s Avenger and Thor books.


May 1, 2011
And don't forget your Thor's hammer iPhone app when you go watch the movie. Lol. =p

pound! pound! pound!


Oct 21, 2009

Just watched this another great film from Marvel. I've never read Thor I couldnt really get into it but in the film Loki is the son of the Frost Giant King is this the same in the comics?

Also there is more of Hawkeye than what was shown in the IGN clip I loved how they set him up it was just right. =]



Mar 2, 2011
uh i thought Thor lost all of his memories when he came to earth. why is he still Thor after Odin sent him there because in the comics he is a doctor and not some super being until he gets his hammer. and thats another thing i thought he got his hammer when aliens where attacking earth not at a shield base.


Oct 26, 2010
Just read my review, shorter and precise:


Oct 21, 2009
@xbimpyx It's more like the ultimate version while there is nods to the Donald Blake character he knows everything and I think it makes more sense because he's been sent there to learn a lesson how is he supposed to do that if he doesn't remember? And I would of thought by now you would of realised that this is the Marvel movie universe, not the comics it's going to be a bit different even if they do use the comics stories as a foundation, why would you want them to perfectly copy what you've already read anyway? If anything I'm glad the way it's turned out the movie universe has its own life now like the ultimate universe, noir universe, etc. if you don't like them don't watch and stick to the comics.
Jul 3, 2006
I am from Sweden and this film released here last week. I I saw it yesterday and i was positivily suprised with this movie. It could have done many things wrong but it
didn't. It was an awesome movie and i hope all of you go and see it. :)
Mar 24, 2010
This film had everything...a story using well-rounded characters from wildly popular Norsk mythology, a fine director, (some) fine actors, a pretty decent budget and a huge pre-existing fan base. It should have been awesome, but it was just good at best. I left with a feeling that this movie has been heavily butchered by a studio editor desperate to get it to a commercial length more suitable for those with a short attention span. As a consequence, the story felt rushed, and the conclusion was upon us before I'd even had the opportunity to relax and crack open the maltesers. The love story aspect had no time to develop and a scene where the tiny, waif-ish Jane (Portman) stands next to the man mountain that is Thor (Hemsworth) had me thinking about calling child protective services rather than enjoying Thor's new found love on Midgard. Where it did succeed was in the humour. Slight, often goofy gags that never out-stayed their welcome were a welcome respite from the faux-English accents and the sometimes over-serious delivery of silly dialogue. Still, it's hard not to recommend Thor - this is the type of movie that cinemas are made for. I think that if you saw this for the first time on the small screen, you'd wonder what all the fuss was about.
Jan 24, 2009
this is a amazing movie for fans of thor go see it and don't for get the scene after the credits who's the bad guy for the avengers hmmm.....
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