
Nov 21, 2005
Hahaha, and how is my good Santi these days hm? Still producing the Sonic Board Podcast I imagine?

Good times! I always thought you were in the top percentile of sonic board posters.


"I AM A MAN!" -LinkIara
Mule... what a legend

100% honest, I sat through two hours of the Sonic Board podcast one time and i thought it would be so fun to be in an episode but I was too shy to ask Steve

I'm fine! Same dude, except I go to work instead of school now


Eternal Junior of the GCB
Jan 21, 2006
Mule... what a legend

100% honest, I sat through two hours of the Sonic Board podcast one time and i thought it would be so fun to be in an episode but I was too shy to ask Steve

I'm fine! Same dude, except I go to work instead of school now
Heh, I guess I am quite the....legend. *smirks*

My life is also pretty similar to before. Never change, eh, amigo? Let's preserve ourselves and the Sonic Board in amber while the others get on with their lives. Mule is...perfection...Mule is....eternal.

I also have fond memories of the podcast before they kicked me out. It's quite the story, not that they would tell it to you.


"With this, those insignificant fools will never recover the scraps of their broken lives." -Sephiroth


Feb 25, 2007
Bout to hit 15 years in the next few months. Just droppin by some boards I used to browse.

That's it for my sporadic post, see you again in a year or two.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 20, 2001
15 years are rookie numbers. Try 21 years on this board

Almost at 21 years on IGN myself, holy shit.

What the hell have they done with these boards. It's almost as bad as the when Myspace redesigned themselves 10 years ago. Or Digg, remember that one? Man that sucked.

Coincidentally, while combing through ancient folders found some old vesti screenshots, including pissing & moaning about some board redesign way back, that I saved for some reason or another. Enjoy these blast from the past riots, friends:

untitled (1).jpg

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Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
I tried drawing Sonic in Phantasy Star Online's symbol chat. Really limited, but it's fun to see what can be done



Tails turned into Generic Cartoon Animal



Now that I think about it, I bet if I give Tails more of a forehead, it might help the likeness?

And then this is from Jet Grind Radio. It was done close to the release date, the year 2000.

May 17, 2022
Sometimes I come across Steve's Sonic music uploads on YouTube and I think of this place. Oh the memories.

Hope everyone is well. I still love you Darklink 🍆
I've been banned on so many accounts I had to make a new one just to respond to this but I hope you're doing well fam. One day I'll come to Australia (not NZ???) and we'll have gay sex.


Nov 21, 2005
Almost at 21 years on IGN myself, holy shit.

What the hell have they done with these boards. It's almost as bad as the when Myspace redesigned themselves 10 years ago. Or Digg, remember that one? Man that sucked.

Coincidentally, while combing through ancient folders found some old vesti screenshots, including pissing & moaning about some board redesign way back, that I saved for some reason or another. Enjoy these blast from the past riots, friends:

View attachment 643932

.View attachment 643928View attachment 643929View attachment 643930
genuinely happy im in those screenshots