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Dec 4, 2007
i snuck into the movie and felt cheated. it wasn't funny in the slightest, poorly animated (could have used more 3D like in Homer 3D from treehouse of horror), and very "crappy plot"



Aug 1, 2001
"6 out 10"? Really??
I think that's pretty harsh considering the fact that you admitted that this is a good movie and has plenty of laughs that are up to par with the earlier episodes. Your minor complaints that this movie could have been done as a tv movie, or that the minor characters are reduced to one-liners, are not significant enough to bump it down to a "6". Thankfully, you are in the minority as most critics were wise enough to give this movie a warmer review.

I myself prefer Futurama as a series, as it has the intelligent and clever humor that The Simpsons has severely lacked these past 7 years. The Simpsons Movie, however, is extremely up to par and actually far more enjoyable and funnier than Bender's Big Score- which actually DOES feel like a few episodes stringed together.

The Simpsons Movie was excellent, I only wish that it had made way for the series to return to quality. Sadly, The Simpsons is seemingly in it's worst season yet.


Prime Member
Oct 24, 2007
i have the pirated version of this film and never bothered to watch it in theatres. i fully agree that this movie leaves much to be desired,i could never treat it as a full fledged theatrical movie. it just seems like this plot is something that could have been hashed out in a tv-movie event. the burns blocking out the sun story was more epic than this. don't get me worng, i did like it, it was funny...but i'm glad i didn't have to pay for it (a friend copied it for me. futurama and family guy are by far better series than simpsons. i'll admit though, this movie has revived my faith in the franchise which i long ago cast aside to make way for worthier tv watching
Jan 21, 2004
...Did they already post this days ago? Anyway, all this Simpson bashing garbage is a bunch of bullcrap (especially what "lockdicer" said, but I'm half convinced that's a joke, it's so idiotic). This is the result of let punk-ass kids dominate our culture. Here's the piece of garbage that demanded I post:

"yourcommupance - 'The movie isnt quoteable, characters are reduced to simple shells with recognisable catch phrases and is just made for kids probably those who are complaining about the score. When the opening itchy and scratchy scene has less violence than the episodes you know they're no longer appealing to the older fans... just a new younger audience and theyve grown up with this watered down shallow humour'"

...Wow. I've seen less ignorance at Klan rallies. So, if everything isn't pushing the boundries of censorship (or, if you're Family Guy, tricking everyone into pretending you are) to the X-TREME!!!!!11234PINEAPPLE, then you're appealing to the kiddies? Yeah, I really need to say this, and I need to say it uncensored: That's bullshit. Not only are you basing your dumbass opinion on rumors with little factual basis (kinda like how people think- based on one little ignorant rumor- the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre was bloody, RE4 had werewolves, or Carlos Menica is funny) and a very loose definition of "maturity", but you show absolutely blatant ignorance when it comes to Itchy and Scratchy. The violence on Itchy and Scratchy has always fluxuated, and you basically call the movie "kiddie" because they didn't show a full-blown cartoon snuff film. What's that say about you, just as a person?
Oh, and it's worth noting I'm probably the oldest person here- or anywhere on the internet, nowadays- and I freakin' loved the movie. It's also worth Homer flips the double bird, Marge says "goddamn", and you see Bart's penis, none of which even Family Guy could air on television. You might have noticed that if you put down the Xbox controller and stopped playing with the racist twelve year olds for a moment.
Or, y'know, pulled your head out of your ass.



Almost Not a Noob
Nov 4, 2004
Giving the video presentation a 6/10 because you didn't find it "wow"'d you like a live action film would in HD makes no sense. You stated the transfer is pretty much perfect yet knocked 4 points off simply because it is animated...



Jul 10, 2007
What happened to everyone's brains!? The Simpsons is still a great show, and the movie was amazing and funny the whole way through.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
3d homer? lockdicer is either the great undiscovered comic genius of our time or hooked up to some sort of life support to keep his body alive because he is clinically braindead.


Nov 25, 2002
Gotta call out the reviewer.

There's also a quick "Let's All Go to the Lobby" parody which would have been much funnier had Aqua Teen not already gotten to the joke first.

Wrong. The Simpsons was the one of the first to parody the "Let's All Go to the Lobby" song in the 1994 episode, Burns' Heir.



Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
This movie's hilarious! It's definitely the best the Simpsons have been in some time. I think the critics are a being a bit too harsh. Besides, most movies based on TV shows can't escape the "extended TV episode" feel anyway, so why even bother trying? And by the way the review is concluded, the movie sounds as if it deserves a 7 instead of a 6.
Nov 5, 2007
to give the simpsons movie only a 6, this critics a jackass and it's not worth my time to read his opinion. This is the funniest the simpsons have been in years.


Sep 16, 2000
Nah, I agree with the critics. The jokes used to be smart with the simpsons. I could've wrote that movie with no effort because it's just effortless humor. I'll have to come to terms that the simpsons is not the same as it used to be and good for 12 year olds now. Yay, let's watch homer get hurt and bart skateboard naked. Yay.....


Jan 14, 2006
i agree with the review. each joke feels like it's taken a few seconds to come up with, and never try to come close to the genius that was seasons 2-9. it just felt like a boring episode that never stopped. 3-dimensional animation but a 1-dimensional experience.
May 17, 2008
A 6/10 is almost offensive. The Simpsons Movie may not be a pinnacle of the series' accomplishments in humor and heart, but it does a fine job representing them, so much so that even the most embittered “Classic Simpsons” fans stopped making comparisons for a moment, and gave it the thumbs up it deserved. Add to that its wider critical acceptance and you really see that this IGN review is biased. An 8/10 seems the most appropriate, but I would have settled for 7/10.


May 31, 2008
IGN, why a 6...sure, the first time you see it, it isn't the best, but you have to watch it at least 3 times to get all of the jokes and humor out of it. I think this movie deserves a solid 7.5 at the least, 9.0 at the most.
Please reconsider this, and redo this review.
Jun 14, 2008
IGN why did you gave it a 6 this is a great movie and i have seen it over 6 times an still its a good movie so i would give it a 9.5 so can you please think about it and redo this review
Jan 6, 2009
this movie was due for a steady stream of laughs that carries through most of the film, i didn't care for the plot except for the first 25 minutes or so. It was a fun movie, although the general animation movie cliches shined through (marge breaking up with homer temporarily, lisa in love) I'd say a solid 7.6 for this movie which would be a 3.5 out of 5 essentially


Jan 26, 2009
This movie deserves a higher rating. It not as good as some of the old episodes, but still better than some of the crap we get in the new season. Sure the simpsons are still good, but they were better back in the day.


Aug 25, 2009
I've watched this movie about 15 times and the first 14 were brilliant, getting better each time, but only on the 15th watched of this movie did I find it boring. Funny but i would of rather had a different storyline. Homer is only an idiot for half the movie and then does the usual apologize to Marge and try to make everything better. Most of the story is based out of Springfield so we don't see much of the characters we all know and love. It took some of the bad from the series and left some of the good out. The Simpsons is one of the greatest TV shows ever but I feel they shouldn't have tried to make the movie different in the way they did. The storyline being out of Springfield was probably not the best idea. Rather than changing the setting, they should of changed the plot to make it less predictable and different to almost every Simpsons episode.Homer is only an idiot for half the movie before realizing his mistake and doing the usual apologize to Marge and try to make everything better.

Funny movie but a predictable ending and different from the TV series in a bad way rather than a good one.
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