
Feb 3, 2012
I honestly wonder if people will be as shocked.

I mean Ned's death was unprecedented in TV, so that was obviously big, but Rob has been in the middle of a war, we've seen Roose Bolton assist the Kingslayer, and there's plenty of set up with the Frey's being untrustworthy and angry, not to mention the episode format of television so you know something is going to happen as it winds down.

It'll be a great moment, but I don't think people will be quite as blown away in comparison to the impact Ned's death had.

really? I think so because its just as shocking and unexpected. This coupled with the fact that Cat is going to get it too, I think will be more shocking.

Lady Stoneheat is cooler than Catelyn. IMO :)


Nov 17, 2010
When I was reading the books I had to go back and read the events of the Red Wedding a couple of times before it sunk in. I was like "whoa, wait...that can't be right." Should be a crazy episode tonight!


me too srsly


Jul 13, 2007
Just noticed that the link started directing to this thread. Probably easier this way.

Either way, my body is so ready for tonight.


Nov 17, 2010
I am NOT going to miss Robb.

Also,is Joffrey going to die tonight? I can't remember exactly when that happened.

Joffrey died a bit later in book 3, as did Tywin. I can only imagine HBO is going to save those moments for season 5 b/c it seems like too much to jam into the 2 remaining episodes. Lots of good stuff coming up, I just don't know what they're going to do when they go to tackle the boooooring events (IMO) of books 4 and 5.


season 4 you mean? well i think they'll abridge book 4 and 5, that way they'll not leave any character behind. I really liked book 4 tho and book 5 was my favorite after ASOS.


Jan 14, 2012
It's one of those episodes that I can't wait to see, but I also really don't want to watch. I remember reading it and yelling "WHAT???" when it said Bolton stabbed Robb through the heart and twisted. And then Catelyn's throat... oh man, just such a rough night for the Starks.
The image of Grey Wind's head sewn onto Robb's body is a stunning one.
I hope they keep it as close to the book as possible for this specific event.

I'll need to be ready to watch something happy after tonight's episode :(


Feb 11, 2012
As sad as I am that I'm too poor for HBO and can't watch this live I'm positively giddy to watch the internet react. Between that and a new Mad Men 8pm is starting to look like Christmas.

when i finished reading the red wedding chapter in the books i was so mad that i stopped reading the book for a couple of days (i was on a song of ice and fire marathon at the time so a couple of days were a big thing for me)

i won't get into specifics because i'll have to get quotes from the books but in short my theory is that greywind survives and robb lives on through him and if they won't show the actual killing of greywind it will pretty much confirm it for me
i know that most of you are going to think that i am completely wrong so i might post my reasons and quotes from the books tomorrow as i am too tired to do it now (it's 12:20 for me)

I had the exact opposite reaction when I read the RW, I ended up finishing the book in a single sitting. And yeah I've heard that theory about Grey Robb, the idea is that it wasn't necesarily Grey Wind's head on his body but another wolf as there were tons prowling the Riverlands at that time. I still think it's unlikely though, which is unfortunate because Robb (book Robb at the very least) was one of my favorite characters.

I really liked book 4 tho and book 5 was my favorite after ASOS.

Damn, are you me? While I understand the disappointment people had with aFfC I thought overall it had some cool side-plots added a lot to the overall worldbuilding of the series and I absolutely loved aDwD.
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Jul 13, 2007
It's one of those episodes that I can't wait to see, but I also really don't want to watch. I remember reading it and yelling "WHAT???" when it said Bolton stabbed Robb through the heart and twisted. And then Catelyn's throat... oh man, just such a rough night for the Starks.
The image of Grey Wind's head sewn onto Robb's body is a stunning one.
I hope they keep it as close to the book as possible for this specific event.

I'll need to be ready to watch something happy after tonight's episode :(
I wouldn't be surprised if I shed a tear as the credits roll tonight.
I really liked book 4 tho and book 5 was my favorite after ASOS.

Damn, are you me? While I understand the disappointment people had with aFfC I thought overall it had some cool side-plots added a lot to the overall worldbuilding of the series and I absolutely loved aDwD.
I'd probably rank the books 3 > 1 > 5 > 2 > 4. Either way, 4 and 5 aren't nearly as bad as some make them out to be. You just have to tone down your expectations after ASoS, which is the mid-series climax, and realize that the plot is shifting focus. Once you accept that, ADwD and AFfC are great.
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May 9, 2011
I just wanna see Robb Stark with Grey Wind's head. That was such a powerful image when I read the books and I think it would translate to screen well.
Feb 4, 2007
I honestly didn't comprehend what happened at the Red Wedding either, I also had to go back and read it a bit slower to figure out what I was reading. Sewing Grey Wind's head on Robb was so incredibly disrespectful, I wonder if they'll go as far as to show it.
May 24, 2013
I get the feeling tonight's episode will be pretty underwhelming, as are most of the action scenes in this show. The battle of the blackwater from last season was pretty meh and it didn't feel very epic like it did in the book. You literally get 3 seconds of the wild fire in the show and it only looks like it hits 3 ships.

Same with Dany capturing Astapor a few episodes ago, god that was disappointing. The guy gets set on fire, you see like 2 seconds of some soldiers fighting and then it's over. I haven't read the book in awhile but I'm pretty sure that fight was longer and of a larger scale.

For a show with such high production values it's pretty disappointing to see such lame battles.
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Jul 13, 2007
I get the feeling tonight's episode will be pretty underwhelming, as are most of the action scenes in this show. The battle of the blackwater from last season was pretty meh and it didn't feel very epic like it did in the book. You literally get 3 seconds of the wild fire in the show and it only looks like it hits 3 ships.

Same with Dany capturing Astapor a few episodes ago, god that was disappointing. The guy gets set on fire, you see like 2 seconds of some soldiers fighting and then it's over. I haven't read the book in awhile but I'm pretty sure that fight was longer and of a larger scale.

For a show with such high production values it's pretty disappointing to see such lame battles.
Their budget isn't limitless, and they have a smaller budget for a ten episode season than Peter Jackson did for each Lord of the Rings movie.. If they showed the full scale of those battles, the high production values you speak of would go out the window. It's perfect the way it is IMO.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 7, 2005
For a show with such high production values it's pretty disappointing to see such lame battles.

High production values don't equal unlimited budget. I think they've done an amazing job with the limits of their budget. And the Blackwater explosion on TV was way more bigger than I thought when I read the book.

That said, the Red Wedding isn't so much a huge battle as it is a clusterfuck of confusion and death, so I think they'll be able to handle it quite nicely. The only thing I'm hoping for (that they might not fully show) is seeing Catelyn's madness at the end. That was absolutely haunting.


Feb 11, 2012
I get the feeling tonight's episode will be pretty underwhelming, as are most of the action scenes in this show. The battle of the blackwater from last season was pretty meh and it didn't feel very epic like it did in the book. You literally get 3 seconds of the wild fire in the show and it only looks like it hits 3 ships.

Same with Dany capturing Astapor a few episodes ago, god that was disappointing. The guy gets set on fire, you see like 2 seconds of some soldiers fighting and then it's over. I haven't read the book in awhile but I'm pretty sure that fight was longer and of a larger scale.

For a show with such high production values it's pretty disappointing to see such lame battles.

Well, even though the Red Wedding could definitely be viewed as an action scene in the books they only really need to depict two killings in order for the scene to serve it's purpose.

On a side note I'll agree to some disappointment over the Astapor episode too, although it wasn't really the scale that was my complaint (I expected it to be smaller). It was the part where Dany says "Dracarys' and has the slaver burned - on of the best scenes in the books - that I felt was handled poorly. You just got a quick shot of the dragon shooting fire and another quick shot poorly edited together of the guy screaming and that's it. It felt like a bad horror movie. I'm fine with only a few quick shots of the fighting (I actually think it did happen pretty quickly in the books; the Unsullied were able to dispatch the defenseless slavers pretty quick) but they really should have shown that one guy getting well-roasted.
Jun 2, 2013
when i finished reading the red wedding chapter in the books i was so mad that i stopped reading the book for a couple of days (i was on a song of ice and fire marathon at the time so a couple of days were a big thing for me)

i won't get into specifics because i'll have to get quotes from the books but in short my theory is that greywind survives and robb lives on through him and if they won't show the actual killing of greywind it will pretty much confirm it for me
i know that most of you are going to think that i am completely wrong so i might post my reasons and quotes from the books tomorrow as i am too tired to do it now (it's 12:20 for me)

I had the exact opposite reaction when I read the RW, I ended up finishing the book in a single sitting. And yeah I've heard that theory about Grey Robb, the idea is that it wasn't necesarily Grey Wind's head on his body but another wolf as there were tons prowling the Riverlands at that time. I still think it's unlikely though, which is unfortunate because Robb (book Robb at the very least) was one of my favorite characters.

I really liked book 4 tho and book 5 was my favorite after ASOS.

Damn, are you me? While I understand the disappointment people had with aFfC I thought overall it had some cool side-plots added a lot to the overall worldbuilding of the series and I absolutely loved aDwD.

Yeah, I don't think Grey Robb is all that likely, direwolves seem to be pretty distinguishable from regular wolves...funny though, friends and I have a running joke that Robb w/Grey Wind's head will be the next to be resurrected by R'hllor...we call him Robbwind.

Agree about books 4 & 5 (loved 'em, thought they added some great depth), though I read them recently and didn't have to wait 11 years to find out what happens to Dany/Tyrion/etc...that must have been frustrating as hell...


Feb 11, 2012
friends and I have a running joke that Robb w/Grey Wind's head will be the next to be resurrected by R'hllor...we call him Robbwind.

Nice. I keep saying it will be Howland Reed to bring him back with the wolf's head as Wolfocop. Either that or Robb's soul in Grey Wind's body and GreatJon Umber will travel around the Riverlands solving mysteries.
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Feb 6, 2012
When I was reading the books I had to go back and read the events of the Red Wedding a couple of times before it sunk in. I was like "whoa, wait...that can't be right." Should be a crazy episode tonight!


I had something similar, I was at work taking a break when I read that part. Needless to say, I had to do my best not to cry in front of everyone the rest of the day.


Oct 2, 2005
when i finished reading the red wedding chapter in the books i was so mad that i stopped reading the book for a couple of days (i was on a song of ice and fire marathon at the time so a couple of days were a big thing for me)

i won't get into specifics because i'll have to get quotes from the books but in short my theory is that greywind survives and robb lives on through him and if they won't show the actual killing of greywind it will pretty much confirm it for me
i know that most of you are going to think that i am completely wrong so i might post my reasons and quotes from the books tomorrow as i am too tired to do it now (it's 12:20 for me)

I had the exact opposite reaction when I read the RW, I ended up finishing the book in a single sitting. And yeah I've heard that theory about Grey Robb, the idea is that it wasn't necesarily Grey Wind's head on his body but another wolf as there were tons prowling the Riverlands at that time. I still think it's unlikely though, which is unfortunate because Robb (book Robb at the very least) was one of my favorite characters.

I really liked book 4 tho and book 5 was my favorite after ASOS.

Damn, are you me? While I understand the disappointment people had with aFfC I thought overall it had some cool side-plots added a lot to the overall worldbuilding of the series and I absolutely loved aDwD.

Yeah, I don't think Grey Robb is all that likely, direwolves seem to be pretty distinguishable from regular wolves...funny though, friends and I have a running joke that Robb w/Grey Wind's head will be the next to be resurrected by R'hllor...we call him Robbwind.

Agree about books 4 & 5 (loved 'em, thought they added some great depth), though I read them recently and didn't have to wait 11 years to find out what happens to Dany/Tyrion/etc...that must have been frustrating as hell...

Also there is a scene in book 5? or even 3.. where Jon Snow warged as Ghost, mentioned that two of his kind are gone... (greywind and lady) and one is almost out of reach (Nymeria).. So its pretty much confirmed 100% its Greywind who was killed.

EDIT: it WAS book 5, I literally went right to the chapter, and it was Summer who was out of reach not Nymeria.. as Summer is beyond the wall.
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Nov 30, 2012
It's one of those episodes that I can't wait to see, but I also really don't want to watch. I remember reading it and yelling "WHAT???" when it said Bolton stabbed Robb through the heart and twisted. And then Catelyn's throat... oh man, just such a rough night for the Starks.
The image of Grey Wind's head sewn onto Robb's body is a stunning one.
I hope they keep it as close to the book as possible for this specific event.

I'll need to be ready to watch something happy after tonight's episode :(
I wouldn't be surprised if I shed a tear as the credits roll tonight.
I really liked book 4 tho and book 5 was my favorite after ASOS.

Damn, are you me? While I understand the disappointment people had with aFfC I thought overall it had some cool side-plots added a lot to the overall worldbuilding of the series and I absolutely loved aDwD.
I'd probably rank the books 3 > 1 > 5 > 2 > 4. Either way, 4 and 5 aren't nearly as bad as some make them out to be. You just have to tone down your expectations after ASoS, which is the mid-series climax, and realize that the plot is shifting focus. Once you accept that, ADwD and AFfC are great.
It's one of those episodes that I can't wait to see, but I also really don't want to watch. I remember reading it and yelling "WHAT???" when it said Bolton stabbed Robb through the heart and twisted. And then Catelyn's throat... oh man, just such a rough night for the Starks.
The image of Grey Wind's head sewn onto Robb's body is a stunning one.
I hope they keep it as close to the book as possible for this specific event.

I'll need to be ready to watch something happy after tonight's episode :(
I wouldn't be surprised if I shed a tear as the credits roll tonight.
I really liked book 4 tho and book 5 was my favorite after ASOS.

Damn, are you me? While I understand the disappointment people had with aFfC I thought overall it had some cool side-plots added a lot to the overall worldbuilding of the series and I absolutely loved aDwD.
I'd probably rank the books 3 > 1 > 5 > 2 > 4. Either way, 4 and 5 aren't nearly as bad as some make them out to be. You just have to tone down your expectations after ASoS, which is the mid-series climax, and realize that the plot is shifting focus. Once you accept that, ADwD and AFfC are great.

Same here. 3-1-5-2-4


May 19, 2010
It wouldn't make sense to put Grey Wind's head on Robb Stark in this episode. I imagine that will be the opening scene of episode 10 along with Cats mock funeral Ceremony as shes thrown into the river by Freys. Episode 9 will end with Cat getting killed after witnessing Robb and Talisa's deaths. Anyways the scene with the grey wind/robb stark swap has already been spoiled so we will definitely see it at some point. However the inverse will happen, Robb's head on Grey Wind.


May 21, 2013
I was reading the red wedding on the train, my heart started to beat when Catelyn slaps umm, forgot his name, and then the arrows. Very emotional and I just love how no one is safe
Oct 17, 2012
I am NOT going to miss Robb.

Also,is Joffrey going to die tonight? I can't remember exactly when that happened.

Joffrey died a bit later in book 3, as did Tywin. I can only imagine HBO is going to save those moments for season 5 b/c it seems like too much to jam into the 2 remaining episodes. Lots of good stuff coming up, I just don't know what they're going to do when they go to tackle the boooooring events (IMO) of books 4 and 5.


It'll probably be Episode 2 of Season 4. That's the episode GRRM is writing next season.

Then what's the big thing they'll save for Episode 9. Tywin getting it?


IGN All-Star & Wiki Mod
Jan 4, 2010
Possibly have Joffrey's death for episode 10. I think everyone will be feasting and rejoicing in King's Landing next episode, then Joffrey dies and the season ends with Tyrion clapped in chains. Who knows, that might be moving too fast, too much jammed into the episode. It would provide a lot of hype for next season, which will reach a high after the Red Wedding anyways.

EDIT: Oh and if Talisa is not a spy, I predict something gruesome i.e her dying in front of Robb. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens. In the books she (Jeyne) is left behind and never goes to the Twins.
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Apr 14, 2011
My friend spoiled about th red wedding before I had chance to read it..
But still, eventhough I read later, my heart is still broken..
Aug 23, 2012
I could see Joffery going out in the final episode, because A) It would leave a great cliff hanger (Especially with Sansa seeing the ship she is going to in the distance for the final scene of the episode), B) They would have the whole next season to establish Cersei's crazed twist, C) A perfect counter to the heartache everyone will encounter by tonight's episode (Let's end a Season on a high note for once huh?), and finally D) I just really want to see that little shit choke to death.

Other reasons for why Joff would die next week. Jaime is already on his way back home, Jon is already over the wall, Jon and Bran have not unknowingly seen each other yet (which happens after Joffery dies), Dany conquers Yunkai right before Joffery gets outed.


Jun 2, 2013
Just finished the episode... Speechless, I sort of just dont want to watch the show anymore now.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 20, 2009
As shocking as the deaths of Rob and Cat will be for non readers. What if they ended the episode right where the hound rides down Arya and whacks her in the head, then credits. Then they dont show Arya at all is episode 10, making people think she died as well for the next 10 months. Shes definitely one of the fan favorites how shocking would that be?

haha that would GoT trolling the hell out of the viewers


No Longer a Noob
Mar 9, 2001
Game of Thrones is retarded! C'mon I know Ned dies but too continue that same fate down the line is retarded and unoriginal! I'm done with this stupid series...............*can't wait for next week!"


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 10, 2013
I didn't read the books until Season 3 of the show series anyway, but I had a feeling something like this was going to happen. Things were just looking to good for the Starks. After what happened to Ned, and then what kept happening to Sansa and to Arya, it just seemed like the Stark family was Martin's whipping boys. They just never catch a break because they are just too " good " in this world Martin is creating. They are too full of honor and that old fashioned goodness. This world seems more like ... .well ... say if Satan won and the world recreated itself with Good having been conquered. Everyone is out to get the others, everyone schemes, everyone is pretty much ready to cut the other guy's throat next to him.

That sort of world isn't where the Stark's belong. So they just get cut down piece by piece by piece. Heck I stopped reading the books entirely around the time Arya got smacked in the head by the Hound. I thought she was gone, and that was about it for me. I just thought, " oh good lord, kill off all the good folk, keep all the assholes around, this book series blows ". But then picked it up and saw Arya was alive and further on goes on to train as one of those elite assassins. That is probably the only great part of the next few books, knowing that Arya is going in to be one of those elite assassins that can kill anyone at anytime. She will have alot of fun in the future I think. Perhaps Martin keeps her alive because she is the " darkest " of the Starks, which fits this world very well.

The assault on Castle Black is also something I want to see thrown onto screen with as much precision from the books as possible. Would love to see all of this live.
Feb 4, 2007
Knew what was coming, my heart was thudding for those final 15 minutes. So sad that they included Talisa in the murders and her final words almost brought tears to my eyes.


Nov 2, 2008
I could see Joffery going out in the final episode, because A) It would leave a great cliff hanger (Especially with Sansa seeing the ship she is going to in the distance for the final scene of the episode), B) They would have the whole next season to establish Cersei's crazed twist, C) A perfect counter to the heartache everyone will encounter by tonight's episode (Let's end a Season on a high note for once huh?), and finally D) I just really want to see that little shit choke to death.

Other reasons for why Joff would die next week. Jaime is already on his way back home, Jon is already over the wall, Jon and Bran have not unknowingly seen each other yet (which happens after Joffery dies), Dany conquers Yunkai right before Joffery gets outed.

I'm actually gonna miss that little shit. He's the kid you'd love to hate. I was disappointed that was his death though, here's Rob getting stabbed through the heart, Ned getting his head chopped off, Catelyn getting her throat slit, and Joffrey just chokes. I always wanted to see Arya with a dagger in the back of him, or even Sansa(then she would have every reason to run.).

But yeah they've moved everyone else's story pretty fast. I actually feel it could be Joffrey's death next episode. I really don't see how else it could end. Though it be kind of awkward cause it's Joffrey's Wedding where his death happens and it be like the last 3 episodes all weddings.

maybe they could do a Jon Snow, Daenerys, Arya episode for the finale. Jon Snow heading back to Castle Black could be a great way to end it. He looks over the wall and sees the Wildling coming and he hesitates. Next season kicks off with a battle. Daenerys: Jorah kisses her, and Jorah could get revealed as an old spy. Daenerys banishes him. And Arya just have a few more scenes. Probably Sandor's Death. Though i believe Sandor dies only after Joffrey does. I think i remember Arya hearing about Joffrey's death when her and Sandor come across a town and The Tickler is in the bar.(but that scene probably wont happen now, or it'll be a bit different.)
Jul 2, 2009
Never read the book but just saw the episode and WOW still have my mouth on the floor it'll be a few days before this sinks in.
Oct 17, 2012
Chokes. He was poisoned and that did not seem like a pleasant way to go. Probably one of the worst feelings ever to just choking alone.


Prime Member
Jun 14, 2003
First sorry for the bad english its not my native language.

I think Robb will not die. They will make it like they did with Xaro Xhoan Daxos. On the Wedding he will find out that he is attracted to mens and fall in love to Walder Frey and so both will start a travel around Westeros to enjoy their new love life. But then Tyrion will appear and kill them all with his bad Ass Crossbow and on Reddit there will be a billions of Tyrion Crossbow Memes.


There's no way they could let Robb live just for the sake of the show. The Red Wedding was a major major event from the book and it has to play out as it did. And pretty lame story [face_tongue]
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Jan 14, 2011
Oh $#!t son!
what great episode!
I´ve read the books and i was initially reluctant to see this episode (because of the rage i´ve felt when i read it) but you know? i had to watch it, like when you see a carcrash and you know its awful but you have to look. So i did it, what a great translation from book to screen, not only the red wedding, but also from the jon-bran part. All in all i think this is the best episode dramam-moment wise from the show since the beheading of Ned Stark.


Jun 2, 2013
I wish they would have changed it from the books. That episode was just too much. I wished just one of them would have lived, JUST ONE! You think everyone hates Joffrey? Screw Joffrey, I now hate that prick who killed Rob, His pregnant wife, and his Mom. That episode was just brutal
Oct 22, 2011
I don't get Robb wife and unborn baby part???
did i miss something or is that a spoiler for a future book?
She was never at the wedding and as far as i remembered she was never killed, so wtf?
Jan 14, 2011
I don't get Robb wife and unborn baby part???
did i miss something or is that a spoiler for a future book?
She was never at the wedding and as far as i remembered she was never killed, so wtf?

In the books Talisa/Jeyne wasn´t in the wedding, she stayed in Riverrun so she can't offend Frey with his presence, but given that after Robb been killed she became a useless charácter (in the books, at least) i think it was better that they killed her too, to add more shock and emotion to the whole red wedding.
The whole ¨We´re gonna have a baby Robb¨ to make us have some false hope that everything will be ok. (You know before they killed them and make us all cry) Bravo HBO team.


Dec 4, 2004
Joffrey died a bit later in book 3, as did Tywin. I can only imagine HBO is going to save those moments for season 5 b/c it seems like too much to jam into the 2 remaining episodes. Lots of good stuff coming up, I just don't know what they're going to do when they go to tackle the boooooring events (IMO) of books 4 and 5.


It'll probably be Episode 2 of Season 4. That's the episode GRRM is writing next season.

Then what's the big thing they'll save for Episode 9. Tywin getting it?

That will probably be the Battle For Castle Black (the real one). The showrunners have said that they plan to make that the biggest TV episode of all time, more expensive than Blackwater, and do it the justice it deserves.
Jan 14, 2011
It'll probably be Episode 2 of Season 4. That's the episode GRRM is writing next season.

Then what's the big thing they'll save for Episode 9. Tywin getting it?

That will probably be the Battle For Castle Black (the real one). The showrunners have said that they plan to make that the biggest TV episode of all time, more expensive than Blackwater, and do it the justice it deserves.

I think they´re gonna kill Joffrey next episode, because that will be the best way to end the season, with officially ending the first part of book 3, they focused only in the characters that aren't in Kings Landing, they have to focus only in Jaime coming back, and the wedding of joffrey, besides i like to think that by killing joffrey they will try to have a good season finale, something that doesn't end in a sour note.

Do you think they will show Robb's body with the head of Grey Wind? i don't think they will do that, too gory for tv, that's what i think atleast, what do you guys think?


Oct 5, 1998
Then what's the big thing they'll save for Episode 9. Tywin getting it?

That will probably be the Battle For Castle Black (the real one). The showrunners have said that they plan to make that the biggest TV episode of all time, more expensive than Blackwater, and do it the justice it deserves.

I think they´re gonna kill Joffrey next episode, because that will be the best way to end the season, with officially ending the first part of book 3, they focused only in the characters that aren't in Kings Landing, they have to focus only in Jaime coming back, and the wedding of joffrey, besides i like to think that by killing joffrey they will try to have a good season finale, something that doesn't end in a sour note.

Do you think they will show Robb's body with the head of Grey Wind? i don't think they will do that, too gory for tv, that's what i think atleast, what do you guys think?

If spewing neck blood and baby stabbing isn't too gory for TV, showing Robb's body w/ Grey Wind's head won't be too gory.
