
A Colloquial Formality
Aug 22, 2004
Now I'm pissed.
I tried to avoid the language disease by kicking out all the personnel who spoke the language (while they were still in the waiting rooms)

And what did the game do? It added teh language to the skills of various personnel, so that despite my efforts, the same number of personnel got the disease.

So, the game is fixed so that the same amount of your staff will get the infection no matter what you do. Which sucks.
-I mean you have no idea how much work I did to get keep all the people, who spoke that particular dialect, out of my base....
I thought everyone knew that already. Same amount get it, but it can balloon quickly if you take too long.


A Colloquial Formality
Aug 22, 2004
I'm replaying Mass Effect in the lead up to Andromeda, but I'm playing them with mods like I always do. ME1 and ME2 went along fine after some extra tinkering for ME2, so now I'm playing ME3, and for the life of me, I can't get the mod that allows Shepard to use whatever powers you choose. I had the mod working in my most recent ME2 playthrough and I used to do it in ME3 years ago, but my installs got messed up since the last time I played them, which is why I started over.

But no matter what I do, I can't get this ish to work. I've been manually entering commands every time the game loads a new scenario, but that's tedious and annoying as fuck.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
I'm replaying Mass Effect in the lead up to Andromeda, but I'm playing them with mods like I always do. ME1 and ME2 went along fine after some extra tinkering for ME2, so now I'm playing ME3, and for the life of me, I can't get the mod that allows Shepard to use whatever powers you choose. I had the mod working in my most recent ME2 playthrough and I used to do it in ME3 years ago, but my installs got messed up since the last time I played them, which is why I started over.

But no matter what I do, I can't get this ish to work. I've been manually entering commands every time the game loads a new scenario, but that's tedious and annoying as ****.
I don't know why I'm quoting this since I didn't read it so as to avoid spoilers. but I bought the trilogy a while back while my PS3 was still broken and now that I have a "new" PS3 I'm about to start it as soon as I finish Silent Hill Downpour.

Should I play them all back to back or give it a break in between games so as not to burn myself out?


A Colloquial Formality
Aug 22, 2004
I'm replaying Mass Effect in the lead up to Andromeda, but I'm playing them with mods like I always do. ME1 and ME2 went along fine after some extra tinkering for ME2, so now I'm playing ME3, and for the life of me, I can't get the mod that allows Shepard to use whatever powers you choose. I had the mod working in my most recent ME2 playthrough and I used to do it in ME3 years ago, but my installs got messed up since the last time I played them, which is why I started over.

But no matter what I do, I can't get this ish to work. I've been manually entering commands every time the game loads a new scenario, but that's tedious and annoying as ****.
I don't know why I'm quoting this since I didn't read it so as to avoid spoilers. but I bought the trilogy a while back while my PS3 was still broken and now that I have a "new" PS3 I'm about to start it as soon as I finish Silent Hill Downpour.

Should I play them all back to back or give it a break in between games so as not to burn myself out?
There's no spoilers in my post.

Considering how close we are to release, I'd play them all back to back, but space out the amount of time after you beat a game before you move on to the next game.


Feb 25, 2007
I said I was never sure if I'd ever play MGSV. But I did see it for a decent price. I got the PS4 version because it was the same price as the PS3 version so you might as well. I also got Metal Gear Rising the trip before that, and I can't wait to get to that finally. I'm more excited to play Rising. Once I play those two, I'll have beaten the whole console series(Well there's MG1/2 but..). Maybe I'll post my thoughts on all the games. I can't comment on the gameplay of Portable Ops/Ghost Babel/Acid series and I never beat the MSX ones. I've read/watched the stories of them all though. I also have another interesting thread in mind.

Also, if they ever remake the Metal Gear Solid games, MGS2 would be a perfect game to have VR support for. With the rise of VR, that'd be a great game to give people the mind fucks.Heck,on PC it'd be great for it to mess with your computer, well not in a destructive way, but the way some steam games did it. I wish they'd at least use the engine to at least make a miniseries if they never remake a game. It's Konami though. But hey, Bomberman's still around?

On ME3, I had beaten ME2, but hadn't had 1 because it was on PS3. But last year I finally play 1 and all the DLC, then played 2 and all the DLC on Insanity and had to get trophies I'd missed the first time. Insanity wasn't too bad, even as a vanguard. Well, except for the Collector missions, boy did I hate those so much. Though I had other games to play after platinuming ME2 so I never got to 3. But I think I might start ME3 next since Andromeda is closer to release. I've been semi reluctant to start longer games because at the 50 hour mark I begin to just get tired of the game,but I've invested so much time in it that I have to beat it. Though Mass Effect isn't actually as bad about that for me.


"MGS3 Pachinko"/"Metal Gear Survive"


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
I finished Mass effect 1. Tried Revengence but I suck at the combat system so I put it away and played Alien Isolation. That wasn't too bad.

Then I played Ghostbusters which was kinda fun. A little more difficult than I expected but from what I've read there seems to be issues with the difficulty settings not being adjusted properly Hard isn't much different than normal and in places I found it easier. Not sure if that was just cause I'd finished the game and had time to get better or what. Didn't take long to finish but I can't platinum it cause the online servers are down and that's required for some stupid ass reason. I wish there was a way for customers to run our own server for games like this. Instead of having to rely on the game companies. Be nice to play MGO again too.

Now I've moved on to playing The Evil Within. Some similarities to Alien Isolation being survival horror with closets to hide in. It really feels like Resident Evil 4 mixed with equal parts Silent Hill 2. As many have said it's a lot closer to what RE5 should have been. Less action than that one but still lots of rooms where you have to clear all enemies which I'm not as much a fan of.


Oppai Senpai
Apr 13, 2010
Mother Base
Hey guys, it's been a while.

Popping in to let you know that it's time for me to leave the boards for good. I never come by anymore, and I've lost interest completely. I only use Discord now. If you want to add me, my tag is MortifiedPenguin #2497.

It's been great knowing all of you. You're all great friends, and I hope we talk again someday.



i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
Hey guys, it's been a while.

Popping in to let you know that it's time for me to leave the boards for good. I never come by anymore, and I've lost interest completely. I only use Discord now. If you want to add me, my tag is MortifiedPenguin #2497.

It's been great knowing all of you. You're all great friends, and I hope we talk again someday.


the AGB needs you !


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
I'm playing through MGS Peace Walker for the first time ever.
-and loving it!

I had no idea MGSV was a sequel to Peace Walker! If I'd known, I'd played Peace Walker lot sooner, preferably before MGSV.

Still, it's not too late. Already the stuff in Peace Walker has made me appreciate MGSV more, since I now know the backround and origin of Chico, Paz, Kaz, and fulton recovery too, and so on. It really deepens the world of MGSV.

I wonder if the game includes Revolver Ocelot too... I hope so!

I wonder how many gamers know MGSV really is a direct sequel to Peace Walker. Because I did not.


A Colloquial Formality
Aug 22, 2004
I'm playing through MGS Peace Walker for the first time ever.
-and loving it!

I had no idea MGSV was a sequel to Peace Walker! If I'd known, I'd played Peace Walker lot sooner, preferably before MGSV.

Still, it's not too late. Already the stuff in Peace Walker has made me appreciate MGSV more, since I now know the backround and origin of Chico, Paz, Kaz, and fulton recovery too, and so on. It really deepens the world of MGSV.

I wonder if the game includes Revolver Ocelot too... I hope so!

I wonder how many gamers know MGSV really is a direct sequel to Peace Walker. Because I did not.
It was hammered home in the marketing like crazy leading up to it; they put out the HD collection and the Legacy Collection containing all of the games, and Ground Zeroes directly references the Peace Walker incident in the first fifteen minutes.

It would've been hard for most people to not know, lol.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
that's news to me too. I did not follow the hype on the game and only got MGSV back in 2015 as it was recommended by a friend.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
ARgh, the bosses in Peace Walker are hard. And there's darn too many of them. At every other mission there seems to be AI tank monster waiting. Ouch. The game needs lot more grinding than MGSV ever did...


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
I just wish they had ported Peace Walker to the PS2. I'm not buying a PSP for 3 games. I also want Parasite Eve Third Birthday.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 19, 2006
Can someone pinpoint when this board lost its popularity?
Or even, the IGN boards as a whole?

I find it bizzare, knowing how active it once was.

Was it due to the rise of Reddit? Or perhaps it was IGN favouring comment sections on reviews and such.

I know my reasons for fading in and out of this place is and it is because I've got older. I was 14 when I joined this board and now I'm 25 . The magic for me, unfortunately wore off after MGS4. MGS5 was the final nail in the coffin.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
Can someone pinpoint when this board lost its popularity?
Or even, the IGN boards as a whole?

I find it bizzare, knowing how active it once was.

Was it due to the rise of Reddit? Or perhaps it was IGN favouring comment sections on reviews and such.

I know my reasons for fading in and out of this place is and it is because I've got older. I was 14 when I joined this board and now I'm 25 . The magic for me, unfortunately wore off after MGS4. MGS5 was the final nail in the coffin.
I'd say soon after MGS4 came out that this board died. There was barely any hype for Revengeance or MGS5.

IGN boards as a whole died around the same time. Mostly due to inept management and poor choices regarding board features and board coding. It was a series of blunders that spanned a few years culminating in switching over to this current board code and switching the comment sections over to a different system entirely. Hell we're lucky they even gave us this board code. They had done some pretty stupid mods to the old board code that broke it pretty bad. Since it was such old code none of the new people they brought in could find the problems and fix them. Anyway they had decided to try and kill the boards by creating my.ign but it's popularity died really quick and so the only community left was the people stubbornly refusing to stop using the boards.
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And then there's MOD
Mar 9, 2004
I can't say specifically about IGN boards as a whole, but it seems like the message board format itself has waned with the popularity of social media (which I personally can't stand... hence why I'm still here). Also, IGN's negligence of this place doesn't help anything.

Regarding the MGS board, like IRMac says it probably fell off mostly after MGS4. There was definitely hype for Peace Walker and MGSV, but the board's heyday was absolutely pre-MGS3's launch and the discussions after launch. It's been a steady decline ever since 2005. Which is depressing, I love what this place was back then.
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No Longer a Noob
Oct 6, 2005
I remember the boards being insane around 2006-2008. Even the Mortal Kombat board has a new post within every 30 minutes. Now it's about one post every 30's just crazy to think about. I lurked for the most part at that time and didn't start posting a ton until 2010-ish.

btw, good to see you here, [URL='']@Four0oz2Freedom[/URL]. How's life? Still living around Detroit? I've been living in Ann Arbor for two years now and I love it.


And then there's MOD
Mar 9, 2004
I remember the boards being insane around 2006-2008. Even the Mortal Kombat board has a new post within every 30 minutes. Now it's about one post every 30's just crazy to think about. I lurked for the most part at that time and didn't start posting a ton until 2010-ish.

btw, good to see you here, [URL=''][URL='']@Four0oz2Freedom[/URL][/URL]. How's life? Still living around Detroit? I've been living in Ann Arbor for two years now and I love it.
Nice! I've always liked Ann Arbor, it's a great town.

No, my wife's father (both my and my wife's parents live in St. Louis) had a heart attack Christmas of 2015. He's doing great now thankfully, but after it happened it kind of forced us to re-evaluate our priorities in life. So in order to be closer to family I sought out a new job in St. Louis and we moved here last August. It was kind of awful, while our old house was on the market and while we were house-hunting (and subsequently gutting and re-modeling the house we bought without hiring anyone because I'm cheap that way) we lived with my mom and dad for like 6 months. I'm super-grateful but I'll die happy if I never have to go through that again. We finally moved in to the place in March, and that's helping the area feel like home. I was really homesick for Detroit for a while.

I decided to drop in the MGS boards since I had just finished MGSV for the umpteenth time and was looking for some discussion on it (I feel substantially more positive about the game now than I did after finishing it for the first time). But I was kind of afraid it'd be pretty dead around here... no help from me, I guess.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
If you ever get too homesick for Detroit you can always go walk around East St Louis
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No Longer a Noob
Oct 6, 2005
I remember the boards being insane around 2006-2008. Even the Mortal Kombat board has a new post within every 30 minutes. Now it's about one post every 30's just crazy to think about. I lurked for the most part at that time and didn't start posting a ton until 2010-ish.

btw, good to see you here, [URL=''][URL='']@Four0oz2Freedom[/URL][/URL]. How's life? Still living around Detroit? I've been living in Ann Arbor for two years now and I love it.
Nice! I've always liked Ann Arbor, it's a great town.

No, my wife's father (both my and my wife's parents live in St. Louis) had a heart attack Christmas of 2015. He's doing great now thankfully, but after it happened it kind of forced us to re-evaluate our priorities in life. So in order to be closer to family I sought out a new job in St. Louis and we moved here last August. It was kind of awful, while our old house was on the market and while we were house-hunting (and subsequently gutting and re-modeling the house we bought without hiring anyone because I'm cheap that way) we lived with my mom and dad for like 6 months. I'm super-grateful but I'll die happy if I never have to go through that again. We finally moved in to the place in March, and that's helping the area feel like home. I was really homesick for Detroit for a while.

I decided to drop in the MGS boards since I had just finished MGSV for the umpteenth time and was looking for some discussion on it (I feel substantially more positive about the game now than I did after finishing it for the first time). But I was kind of afraid it'd be pretty dead around here... no help from me, I guess.
Good to know things picked up a bit. My sister lived in St Louis for I think a little over a year and really enjoyed it.

I finished MGSV once but have barely touched it since. The side missions kinda bore me, tbh.


And then there's MOD
Mar 9, 2004
If you ever get too homesick for Detroit you can always go walk around East St Louis
East St. Louis is SO much worse than Detroit. Seriously.
I remember the boards being insane around 2006-2008. Even the Mortal Kombat board has a new post within every 30 minutes. Now it's about one post every 30's just crazy to think about. I lurked for the most part at that time and didn't start posting a ton until 2010-ish.

btw, good to see you here, [URL=''][URL='']@Four0oz2Freedom[/URL][/URL]. How's life? Still living around Detroit? I've been living in Ann Arbor for two years now and I love it.
Nice! I've always liked Ann Arbor, it's a great town.

No, my wife's father (both my and my wife's parents live in St. Louis) had a heart attack Christmas of 2015. He's doing great now thankfully, but after it happened it kind of forced us to re-evaluate our priorities in life. So in order to be closer to family I sought out a new job in St. Louis and we moved here last August. It was kind of awful, while our old house was on the market and while we were house-hunting (and subsequently gutting and re-modeling the house we bought without hiring anyone because I'm cheap that way) we lived with my mom and dad for like 6 months. I'm super-grateful but I'll die happy if I never have to go through that again. We finally moved in to the place in March, and that's helping the area feel like home. I was really homesick for Detroit for a while.

I decided to drop in the MGS boards since I had just finished MGSV for the umpteenth time and was looking for some discussion on it (I feel substantially more positive about the game now than I did after finishing it for the first time). But I was kind of afraid it'd be pretty dead around here... no help from me, I guess.
Good to know things picked up a bit. My sister lived in St Louis for I think a little over a year and really enjoyed it.

I finished MGSV once but have barely touched it since. The side missions kinda bore me, tbh.
I'm playing on PC so there are some good New Game Plus mods out there. Takes away the grind of having to do side ops, so outside of the ones I actually want to play like staff rescue I really don't play many side missions. It helps streamline the game a ton.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
If you ever get too homesick for Detroit you can always go walk around East St Louis
East St. Louis is SO much worse than Detroit. Seriously.
I'm always surprised when there are places like that but they don't get more films shooting post apocalyptic films there.

I don't know if you remember a couple years ago when I had to drive through there when I was driving the flatbed semi.


And then there's MOD
Mar 9, 2004
If you ever get too homesick for Detroit you can always go walk around East St Louis
East St. Louis is SO much worse than Detroit. Seriously.
I'm always surprised when there are places like that but they don't get more films shooting post apocalyptic films there.

I don't know if you remember a couple years ago when I had to drive through there when I was driving the flatbed semi.

People don't film there because the crew would die. [face_tongue]

We were google-mapsing a route to some place in Illinois and the stupid thing took us through some really rough side streets in East STL. Spooky place, man.


And then there's MOD
Mar 9, 2004
Just got out of Dunkirk. Holy shit, it didn't disappoint. I was seriously on the edge of my seat the entire flick. The dogfighting alone is worth the price of admission.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
EDIT: also, go see 'Gravity'. All of you. Do it.
I finally saw Gravity. I wasn't a fan. The unrealistic nature of the space walk maneuvers threw me off and I couldn't suspend my disbelief. I've spent too much time watching space videos and going to space camp for me to feel it was as realistic as some people thought it was.


No Longer a Noob
May 9, 2003
Damn. I'm 29 years old now. I joined the IGN forums May of 2003 when I was 14. That was 15 years ago. I wonder if any of the OGs from 2003-2004 are still here. The memories and feels that are going through me right now....


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
This is bosbulls2005. Had to make a new account.

Funny how the day I log back on is the same day someone made a post here for the first time in 4 months.
yeah yesterday I was pulling up an old thread to show someone a picture of my pumpkin and someone just posted in it after two weeks of no activity.


Heavily into S&M
Apr 18, 2003
Can someone pinpoint when this board lost its popularity?
Or even, the IGN boards as a whole?

I find it bizzare, knowing how active it once was.

Was it due to the rise of Reddit? Or perhaps it was IGN favouring comment sections on reviews and such.

I know my reasons for fading in and out of this place is and it is because I've got older. I was 14 when I joined this board and now I'm 25 . The magic for me, unfortunately wore off after MGS4. MGS5 was the final nail in the coffin.

Im little confused also. I havent regularly visited ign boards since 2010 or earlier? Every couple years Ive logged in. I never noticed it slowing down but I wasnt paying that much attention. Ive been lurking the past couple days wondering what happened?

I do think its more incompetence that really killed these boards than the general death of message boards. I remember how awful and confusing finding these boards was a few years ago and how broken logging in was.


And then there's MOD
Mar 9, 2004
This is bosbulls2005. Had to make a new account.

Funny how the day I log back on is the same day someone made a post here for the first time in 4 months.
AYYYYY what's happening, man!
Damn. I'm 29 years old now. I joined the IGN forums May of 2003 when I was 14. That was 15 years ago. I wonder if any of the OGs from 2003-2004 are still here. The memories and feels that are going through me right now....
Still "here" as in on IGN, but not the MGS board so much. Not a whole lot to talk about these days. I remember joining IGN specifically because of this board, also when I was a 16 year old dork (oh my god, my 15 year anniversary on the boards is coming up). Now I'm 31, married with a kid. This literally was a lifetime ago. ~o)
Hey bud. I'm still here, but I'm under a different username now. :D
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i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
This is bosbulls2005. Had to make a new account.

Funny how the day I log back on is the same day someone made a post here for the first time in 4 months.
AYYYYY what's happening, man!
Damn. I'm 29 years old now. I joined the IGN forums May of 2003 when I was 14. That was 15 years ago. I wonder if any of the OGs from 2003-2004 are still here. The memories and feels that are going through me right now....
Still "here" as in on IGN, but not the MGS board so much. Not a whole lot to talk about these days. I remember joining IGN specifically because of this board, also when I was a 16 year old dork (oh my god, my 15 year anniversary on the boards is coming up). Now I'm 31, married with a kid. This literally was a lifetime ago. ~o)
Hey bud. I'm still here, but I'm under a different username now. :D

what happened to your Freedom ? [face_tongue]


And then there's MOD
Mar 9, 2004
This is bosbulls2005. Had to make a new account.

Funny how the day I log back on is the same day someone made a post here for the first time in 4 months.
AYYYYY what's happening, man!
Damn. I'm 29 years old now. I joined the IGN forums May of 2003 when I was 14. That was 15 years ago. I wonder if any of the OGs from 2003-2004 are still here. The memories and feels that are going through me right now....
Still "here" as in on IGN, but not the MGS board so much. Not a whole lot to talk about these days. I remember joining IGN specifically because of this board, also when I was a 16 year old dork (oh my god, my 15 year anniversary on the boards is coming up). Now I'm 31, married with a kid. This literally was a lifetime ago. ~o)
Hey bud. I'm still here, but I'm under a different username now. :D

what happened to your Freedom ? [face_tongue]
Dropped it a couple years ago. Twisted someone's arm at IGN and they let me make a one-time change. I've kind of hated that old name almost immediately after I made the account. [face_tongue]


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
AYYYYY what's happening, man!
Still "here" as in on IGN, but not the MGS board so much. Not a whole lot to talk about these days. I remember joining IGN specifically because of this board, also when I was a 16 year old dork (oh my god, my 15 year anniversary on the boards is coming up). Now I'm 31, married with a kid. This literally was a lifetime ago. ~o)
Hey bud. I'm still here, but I'm under a different username now. :D

what happened to your Freedom ? [face_tongue]
Dropped it a couple years ago. Twisted someone's arm at IGN and they let me make a one-time change. I've kind of hated that old name almost immediately after I made the account. [face_tongue]


Nov 11, 2018
This is bosbulls2005. Had to make a new account.

Funny how the day I log back on is the same day someone made a post here for the first time in 4 months.
AYYYYY what's happening, man!
Heyyyy! Nothin much, dude. Been living in Ann Arbor for a few years now, and I love it! Been playing a lot of Mortal Kombat 11 lately, and still a little bit of Smash. How are you?