
No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
That's exactly why I put the link for the picture.

If you ask me, that'd be a great cover for a Star Fox Wii game! Just needs an actual title other than Star Fox Online, though online should most definately be a feature.

May 31, 2010
Agreed. That line what you placed there of Fox saying that should be something in the lines like Peppy's infamous "Do a Barrel Roll" to go down in video game history. Anyway, everything you said there of other franchises for 2011 that we still have yet to see, SF64 3D would be something that we'll probably get in launch date as the 3DS while the Wii game would be sometime around later in the late summer or fall of 2011 so it can come out really good. But I do agree on Metroid there. I think that series has already had its chance for now on the Wii and the same goes for the Mario platformer games. It's time to give the other 1st-party franchises(Starfox(absolute must), Pikmin, F-Zero and possibly Earthbound) that we have yet to see on the Wii a chance to shine in the spotlight.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
Super Metroid 3DS = :)

That was one of the best games of the series, definately. I also wouldn't mind seeing a remake of Star Fox Assault in 3D...


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
Did anyone know that originally, the creator of Kid Icarus: Uprising for the 3DS was going to make a new Star Fox concept for the 3DS??? That makes me mad that we didn't get a new iteration of the series just for that!!! He said it'd work better with the Kid Icarus concept. Man, we could have a new entry in the series announced by now for the 3DS!


May 16, 2009
Corneria (England :P)
Yes I did know that and I don't think I'd want Sakurai (Maker of Smash, Kirby and Kid Icarus: Uprising) to make a new Star Fox game. I don't think he'd make it very well imo [face_thinking] Also, Kid Icarus deserves a revival more than Star Fox. =D


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010

Overrruled by me. Star Fox is a much more creative and better series, regardless of how long Kid Icarus has waited for a new game.

Someone really needs to interview Shigeru Miyamoto and ask him on the status of a new Star Fox game for the Wii...


Are you gonna finish that?
Sep 5, 2008
Maryland, United States
FoxRox75 said:

Overrruled by me. Star Fox is a much more creative and better series, regardless of how long Kid Icarus has waited for a new game.
Kid Icarus is in greater need for a revivial than Star Fox, if Star Fox even NEEDS one.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
Sure Kid Icarus could use a rivival since it's been gone for so long. I'm just saying that I think Star Fox is a much better series and that it deserves another game more.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 4, 2008
FoxRox75 said:

Overrruled by me. Star Fox is a much more creative and better series, regardless of how long Kid Icarus has waited for a new game.

Someone really needs to interview Shigeru Miyamoto and ask him on the status of a new Star Fox game for the Wii...

:^O :^O :^O :^O :^O :^O :^O :^O No.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
Now I have several theories flowing through my head about Star Fox Wii.

1: The 2010/2011 lineup included many, many Nintendo franchises, Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Metroid, Kirby, etc. for the Wii. The Wii could be able to squeeze in some room for Star Fox, and/or F-Zero. Note: Pikmin 3 has already been confirmed to be in development.

2: Star Fox 64 3D may well be a test to see how well Star Fox sells. It's possible that they're not even making one yet, and that this game will determine whether or not they should continue to build onto the franchise due to poor sales.

3: Star Fox 64 3D and a Star Fox Wii game will both come out in 2011 and bring some kind of unexpected, big revival to the series. It could be that we see double Star Fox next year, but still just a thought...

4: "Star Fox Wii" could easily end up being "Star Fox Wii 2" if they don't have this game finished relatively soon. At the same time, the Wii has approximately 2 good years left before the next home console is expected.

5: Star Fox Wii may not even happen. It's impossible to determine if the series is even going to stay alive or not at this point. Miyamoto still enjoys it, so this theory is highly unlikely in the fact that the series will not feature anything else.

6: Star Fox Wii could simply be announced at E3 2011 or beforehand for a release in 2011 or 2012. This theory basically means that Star Fox Wii will come in time and that we simply have to wait. This one makes the most sense to me.

7: Of course, this project could already be well in development from either Nintendo themselves or possibly another company Nintendo gave the series to for another outing. This happened for Adventures, Assault, and Command, every canon Star Fox game other than the original, Star Fox 64.

No matter what happens, there are a lot of possibilities for this series...
May 31, 2010
Interesting what you wrote here. But as I said before, I really doubt that Miyamoto will kill it off that easily since he is a fan and created the series. Because if he does, he will be pissing off a lot of the fans there for no reason. I'm not giving up hope on it for it to be revealed next year for the Wii. I can't believe that Sakurai would even say that of a iteration of his take on a SF game and went with Kid Icarus. Don't get me wrong and I have nothing against the Kid Icarus series since it needs a revival there after 23 years. But like you said, SF needs to make a comeback as well and not just on the 3DS, but on the Wii. That is why I think it's secretly in development and it could possibly be the joint collaboration of Hideki Kamiya and his studio Platinum Games working with Miyamoto and Nintendo on it just like Team Ninja who worked with Nintendo on Metroid Other M. What do you think?


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
I've been waiting too long for it! It's going to happen, and I still believe it's going to come out by the end of 2011. Most people act like either it'll never happen or we'll have to wait 'till at least 2012. NO WAY!!! Star Fox Wii should come as soon as possible, that is, as long as it's a great game and Nintendo is sure to show off how great that franchise is and what it's really made of.

Despite being on the deathbed, a new Star Fox title will be announced for Wii to keep the hardcore's happy.

If you go down the list of games Nintendo can trot out to keep the hardcore happy, they have done every single game EXCEPT for a new StarFox. So I think since this will most likely be the final year of the Wii they will finally throw them a final bone and put out a StarFox game for the Wii. No idea who will do it since they seem to have no interest in making a StarFox game...but it's coming. And they will once again make some sort of change that isn't needed which will alienate the fan base and fuck it over. It's the Nintendo way.

I found that from an author from a recent article about E3 2011 Predictions. Let's hope he's right... [face_praying]


May 16, 2009
Corneria (England :P)
FoxRox75 said:
Absolutely! Star Fox WILL come back. You can quote me on that.
Well of course it will, whether that be on the Wii next year, Wii 2 in like 4 years time or in 10 years time if need be.
Remember, there was a long wait for a new Metroid game during the N64 days. (Just thought I should mention that). =D


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
Interesting thought on the Metroid part, Chris. I suppose it is after all pretty doubtful that Star Fox will die, at least right now...


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
I'm excited for next year in video gaming terms, at least for Nintendo! There'll be the 3DS with all those great games, probably at least one last batch of great Wii games (hopefully Star Fox will be one of them), and possibly an announcement of the next home console. I still think that the next home console will come out late 2012.

I decided to get an icon that matched the holiday season ;)
May 31, 2010
Agreed. Because 2011 will be the critical moment for some of Nintendo's franchises that we have yet to see on the Wii such as SF, Pikmin and F-Zero before they move on to the next one. Because I don't think that we expect to see a new major home console for 2011 at E3 because we have like you said to see the 3DS to be shown and the three franchises to be revealed for the Wii. Because if they skip the Wii and we have to wait for the next major console, then they are going to have a lot of angry fans who will hunt them down. But I doubt that Nintendo will go that far to foolishly do that to their fans. Besides, with DK and Kirby already out on the Wii, what do they have left to show for the Wii that we have to see and those are Zelda, Starfox and Pikmin and possibly F-Zero and we're set.


Only The Tyler has the brains to rule Lylat
Dec 30, 2006
FoxRox75 said:
CrashandFoxFan said:
FoxRox75 said:

I'm pretty sure people are entitled to their opinion.~o)

I never said they weren't! I'm just saying I for one am loyal to the series still.
Just because we all have realistic views on the series doesn't mean we're not "loyal".


May 16, 2009
Corneria (England :P)
tylerok said:
FoxRox75 said:
CrashandFoxFan said:
FoxRox75 said:

I'm pretty sure people are entitled to their opinion. ~o)

I never said they weren't! I'm just saying I for one am loyal to the series still.
Just because we all have realistic views on the series doesn't mean we're not "loyal".

Bolded, Italiced and Underlined for teh epic truthness.
I consider my self loyal too, no matter what, I will always play any Star Fox game and enjoy it. But I do agree with what has been said and stuff. =D


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
Beside the point, no new word on Star Fox Wii...

So, I wait until the release of Star Fox 64 3D and the 3DS. Hopefully SF64 will be a launch title...


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
Alright. I need some advice. Does anyone think that I should call Nintendo? I've been thinking about calling the actual company and asking them about Star Fox Wii. Should I?


Prime Member
Aug 25, 2007
Yeah, that would work....if you called Nintendo of Japan. You know Japanese? Just saying...Nintendo of America = FAIL


destroyer of minds, bringer of insanity
Jul 17, 2007
they wont answer you no matter what you say. one your a reguler person, 2 they dont address rumors and 3 it wouldnt work period


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
I think it's fair to say that our next big question about this topic is "Has Star Fox Wii already been confirmed?" Just think about for a moment. Takaya Imamura already said he'd try to deliver the next Star Fox entry to the series some time... He said "I wonder how the adventure of Fox and friends is going to go next time?! I have come up with some idea in my mind but it is still just a small one. I will try my best so that I can deliver it to you some time!" There you have it! That right there may be it. Who knows?! Perhaps Imamura is still working on Star Fox Wii right now with others and they've kept it a secret. Doesn't sound much like Star Fox 64 3D to me!

Also, do NOT forget the article in September 2009 stating that an unknown source stated that the next Star Fox game would come to the Wii or DSi. Obviously it's doubtful that Star Fox would get another handheld title anytime soon whatsoever besides SF 64 3D... So obviously that would mean that it would come to the Wii! But keep in mind that it was only one article, and that it could possibly just be another lie or rumor, like the Nintendo Power Issue with Star Fox Wii: Battle for Corneria. [face_cry]

Miyamoto has certainly expressed his personal interest in Star Fox games, and stated that he was committed to all of his games. I'm sure that he is, and he said last year he loved Star Fox personally! At the time he also talked about the sales decrease in the series... Come on people, Star Fox Assault and Command were NOT THAT BAD!!! Miyamoto also said he would love to see a new Star Fox game on the Wii and wants to make one. Don't forget the article on WiiZone that said Miyamoto would indeed create a Star Fox Wii game (keep in mind that could very well be a rumor as well...) Who knows whats really going on? If worst comes to worst, Star Fox is already dead and we willl not see a new entry in the series... By the way, is StarFox Command even canon???



Almost Not a Noob
Apr 4, 2008
2 years ago, you would've ruled out as wrong for saying that, Crash. I think we were all like that when this board actually had an active community.


Only The Tyler has the brains to rule Lylat
Dec 30, 2006
drummertilldeath said:
2 years ago, you would've ruled out as wrong for saying that, Crash. I think we were all like that when this board actually had an active community.
Some still are :3

.... Why is everyone looking at The Tyler [face_worried]


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
Well, I for one am probaby one of the biggest Star Fox fans on IGN. At least I appreaciate Star Fox Adventures, Star Fox Assault, and Star Fox Command guys. :^O


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2010
Ok, Crush. Guess I'm not the only one on IGN that likes more Star Fox than SF 64... :) After all, Star Fox Assault is my favorite Star Fox game...


Are you gonna finish that?
Sep 5, 2008
Maryland, United States
FoxRox75 said:
Well, I for one am probaby one of the biggest Star Fox fans on IGN. At least I appreaciate Star Fox Adventures, Star Fox Assault, and Star Fox Command guys. :^O
Dont get me wrong, Adventures is my favorite Star Fox game. (Sue me people. SUE ME!) I just dont see the point of going all rampant over it. If its going to get a release, it will. If it doesnt, we just have to live with it.

EDIT: spell fail
Dec 17, 2010
Yea Star Fox is COMING BACK SOON! AND STAR FOX IS MY FAVORITE FRANCHISE Also did you notice Star Fox Wii is coming out next year, well as you can see Star Fox is one of Nintendo's biggest franchise and it get games like every 3-4 years so without a doubt right now they are making Star Fox Wii and when E3 2011 comes they will show it. (with Pikmin 3)Also my favorite Star Fox game is Star Fox Adventures but Assault comes second:) Lastly, so yea Star Fox is coming to wii, but Nintendo hasn't said anything yet about it because they want to surprise us when it comes out so we can SHIT IN OUR PANTS WHEN WE SEE IT!