
Super Star
Jul 23, 2005
Canada, Eh?
GameGod652 said:
I will PM him.

Beat me to it. Anyway, he never Finishes his fics... So I wouldn't count on it that he will come any time soon, maybe he will, but he'll never finish this Fan-fic any time soon.

And, just let this thread die now, if Axem is going to continue this, he will find the thread on his own, and plus, were spamming up his thread.

[hl=#000000]~[/hl][hl=#000900] [/hl][hl=#001200]*[/hl][hl=#001B00] [/hl][hl=#002400]N[/hl][hl=#002D00] [/hl][hl=#003600]i[/hl][hl=#004000] [/hl][hl=#004900]n[/hl][hl=#005200] [/hl][hl=#005B00]t[/hl][hl=#006400] [/hl][hl=#006D00]e[/hl][hl=#007600] [/hl][hl=#008000]n[/hl][hl=#008000] [/hl][hl=#007600]d[/hl][hl=#006C00] [/hl][hl=#006200]o[/hl][hl=#005800] [/hl][hl=#004E00]1[/hl][hl=#004400] [/hl][hl=#003B00]1[/hl][hl=#003100] [/hl][hl=#002700]3[/hl][hl=#001D00] [/hl][hl=#001300]*[/hl][hl=#000900] [/hl][hl=#000000]~[/hl]



The God of Games
Nov 20, 2005

If you have Insider,read this.

We could all PM him asking to finish this and he will go mad with all of the PMs and finish his Fic.


Titles suck
Jun 30, 2005
I will PM him.

Beat me to it. Anyway, he never Finishes his fics... So I wouldn't count on it that he will come any time soon, maybe he will, but he'll never finish this Fan-fic any time soon.

And, just let this thread die now, if Axem is going to continue this, he will find the thread on his own, and plus, were spamming up his thread.


and somehow that a suprise to you
Jun 27, 2005
So what its not considered spamming if we are discussing when he will finish this fic.Its sorta like a tradition that develeoped out of no where.That we keep posting on a persons fanfic until he returns to give info.
Jun 27, 2005
It happened to kyles fic.His thread went up well over a page went he went missing.We had started with SGMs.I'm glad he made a new chapter.

I know its not right.But its the way things work.
Jun 27, 2005
He provoked it when he posted this.

I've desided to cancle the Hurt/Heal game. Anyways, as I always say, next chapter is coming soon!

You don't post this and then ignore us.You can't expect us to forget he never BUMPed this.


John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
You people make funny jokes. Like 1 word a day joke. Anyway, here's the next chapter...

PS. Judge Yellow(third Pikmin Fic) has been cancelled! [face_peace] .

The two groups of Pikmin appeared in one room, and reunited.

Red: Does anyone know where the Dark Pikmin went?

Orange: I'm slowly not becoming the Main Character of this fic.

White: Huh?

Orange: Nothing.

Blue: Look!

Wine: Good thing we found out the password.

Control Pad: Password required.

Dark Orange: Pneumonultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.

Control Pad: Password correct. You may take control of the World Blaster. Thawing process has begun.

The dark figure thawed.

Wine: Master!

Orange: It's...

White: The opposite of ME! Black!

Black: That's right!

Red: Saw it coming.

Blue: Surprise! [face_plain]

Black: Now, I will destroy this world!

Yellow: Erm...why?

Black: Because..because..I' don't know. Evil. I'm evil! I'm a Dark Pikmin!

Black walked over to the Good Pikmin Group.

Black: You will be the first to die, Light Pikmin.

Dark Orange: Um..actually, White is the only Light Pikmin.

Black: Oh. Well, anyways, I will kill you all anyway.

Wine is attempting to take control of a giant gun that rose from the ground.

Black: HEY!! I'm the one who's gonna use that, not you!

Wine: Sorry :( . I just wanted to try it.

Black pushed Wine aside and took control.

Black: Now, how to blast off...oh! Here it is.

Black pushed a button that said "Blast Off". The ruins began to fall apart, all except the floor that the World-Blaster was on. The good(and other dark) Pikmin got on quickly, as it blasted off into the atmosphere.

Black: Now..where first? Aha.

Black blasted The Forest of Hope/Awakening Wood first. It was filled with fire now, and a lot of life had been killed there. It was now a creepy desert like place.

Black: And, how about THERE now?

Black aimed at the Distant Spring, but Whit used his powers to knock him out of the way.

White: Guys, try to destroy this. I'm going to handle Black.

Wine: Well, well, well, Red! It's time for you to d-

Peppy: -o a barrel roll!

Wine: [face_plain] I was going to say "die".

Wine and Red battled.

Dark Orange: It's only natural that I battle you, Orange.

Orange: Fine.

Orange and Dark Orange battled.

Bulb: Okay?

Blue: Let's destroy this.

Yellow, Blue and Bulb began to try to hit the World-Blaster. Blue noticed a rock.

Blue: This will make things SIMPLER.

Blue tossed the rock at the World-Blaster constantly. Eventually, it rolled off the edge.

Blue: Well, we have to keep hitting it, then.

Yellow: How boring. [face_plain]

The three continued to hit it.

Orange raced forward at Dark Orange. D-Orange jumped over him and Orange almost fell of the edge, just barely hanging on. He climbed back up, and saw D-Orange attempting to pull off Yellow, Blue and Bulb.

Orange: No!

Wine and Red..took turns hitting each other. Pretty soon, the Neutral Red won by pushing Wine off the edge.

Wine: NOOOOOOooooooo.....

Darth Vader: I'm dissapointed. I wanted to say that! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Red: I better help the others.

Orange knocked D-Orange aside.

D-Orange: We must win! We must put up a good fight to entertain the readers!

Orange: I'm more interested in KILLING you.

D-Orange: No!

Darth Vader: Too short.

Red: Shut up, Vader.

Darth Vader: Okay :( .

Red and Orange grabbed D-Orange.

D-Orange: What are you going to do? Throw me off? :^O

Orange: We just MIGHT.

White and Black were busy firing beams of light/dark at each other. Since they were both shooting, they didn't have much luck with damaging each other. White hopped over Black and began to use normal attacks(hitting).

Black: You're pathetic.

Black pushed White off.

Yellow noticed.

Yellow: WHITE!

Black used his powers to raise Blue, Yellow and Bulb away from the World-Blaster.

Black: A shame I don't have enough strength to throw you off.

Black took control of the World-Blaster again.

Black: Say good-bye, pathetic world.

Light Pikmin: NEVER!

Black: Wha-?

The Light Pikmin flew up(with White, who had just figured out how to do it).

Pink: Look, guys. Only two left.

Red: Is that the light version of me? [face_love]

Blue: [face_plain]

Light Purple: Let's defeat Black, the evil Dark Pikmin Leader!

Black: N-

Darth Vader: -OOOOOOOO! Sorry, just HAD to say it :D .

Black: Too bad! You can't defeat me!

Black opened up the World-Blaster and possesed it's power.

Black: I'm stronger than all of you combined, now!

Black fired at the Light Pikmin, who managed to dodge.

Light Bulb: This guy is tough!

Bright Yellow: We can still beat him, though.

White: Neutrals, you have powers, too! You just have to think POSITIVE.

Orange: *Thinks POSITIVE* Well...hey!

Orange managed to blast a gray beam(gray= neutral) from his hand.

Orange: Cool! Do it, everyone.

Blue, Bulb, Yellow and Red did also.

Black: No! You can't beat me. No, no, no!

Palpatine: You will die!!

Blue: These Star Wars jokes are getting OLD [face_plain] .

Black attempted to shoot them, but the Five Neutrals and Seven Lights used their powers. Their's reach the inside of Black.

Black: ....

Light Orange: Let's GO!

Light Bulb and Light Purple grabbed Bulb and jumped off, Bright Yellow grabbed Yellow and jumped off, Light Orange and White grabbed Orange and jumped off, Light Blue grabbed Blue and jumped off, Pink grabbed Red and jumped off.

Red: [face_blush]

Black: head. My whole body! Gack...

Dark Orange: Master! Master! Please, don't "die" again!

Black: Gaaaaaaaah!

Dark Orange: Oh do I get off? [face_worried]


Dark Orange: (Oh, heck.) Sorry :( .

Knowing Dark Pikmin couldn't fly, D-Orange jumped off anyway.


Black exploded, leaving fire in the sky. Half of the Pikmin World could see it.

Darth Vader: I thought he was gonna say "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" :( .

The light Pikmin carried the Neutrals down to land.

??? 1: Wine(DEAD?)
??? 2: Gold(DEAD)
??? 3: Navy(DEAD)
??? 4: Dark Purple(DEAD)
??? 5: Gray(DEAD)
??? 6: Dark Bulb(DEAD)
??? 7: Dark Orange
Dark Figure: Black(DEAD)


I Like Chicken.
Jul 25, 2004
Nice to see your back,I hope you stay.

Great chapter,I love this fan-fic.

Will you just come here to do the fic,or will you hang out here with us some more again?
Nov 24, 2005
"Red: Does anyone know where the Dark Pikmin went?"

How does he know that the Dark Pikmin went to the bathroom recently... [face_worried]


John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
It's the final chapter! :D

The Light and Neutral Pikmin are back on land now, celebrating. Or atleast, the Owls and Bulborbs are(they signed a treaty, and the Owls will sign a treaty with the Pikmin in an un-seen scene).

Bulb: Okay?

Blue: Yellow, do you think he's going to talk like that forever?

Yellow: Yeah.

Light Bulb: That reminds me...Follow me, Bulb!

Bulb followed Light Bulb somewhere.

Light Bulb: Now, to lift the curse.

Light Bulb shot yellow light at Bulb. Back with the others...

Red: Orange, do you think she likes me? [face_love]

Orange: Who?

Red: Pink. Duh [face_silly] . The only she-pikmin in this fic.

Orange: I don't know. You ask her.

Red: Me? .....

Bulb and Light Bulb came back.

Bulb: Hey, Blue!

Blue: ...Yellow, did he just t-

Bulb: Yeah! I can talk. You see a long time ago, this witch cursed me-

Yellow: Oh, save it for the sequel :D .

Bulb: When was there going to be a sequel?

Blue: He means to never tell us. That's the joke.

Bulb: Oh. Well, I'm glad I can talk again. Red, could you understand me when I was saying "Okay" and trying to move my hands?

Red: You don't have any.

Bulb: Right! I was trying to tell you an owl bit your leaf off.

Red: .....

Red put a leaf on the ground on his head.

Red: Don't tell anyone about this.

Light Bulb: Well, all of us just heard.

Yellow: Lol [face_silly] .

Blue: Also, Red, I heard you liked Pink.

Red: Wha-? When did I say that?

Blue: Well, you do like her don't you?

Red: Well-no-I mean-ye-wai-AAAGH.

Red ran.

Blue: Everyone chase him and make him admit his feelings!

All of the Pikmin laughed as they chased after Red to make an...akward ending. Anyway, it's actually not over yet!


Wine falls out of a tree.

Wine: Ha! I bet NONE of the readers saw that ? next to "DEAD" at the end on the last chapter! That's right! I'm still alive and I- AAAAAAH.

Wine fell down a hole and landed on a spike. A ghost dark-red ghost floated away from the hole.


Dark Orange: Wow. Did I survive the fall?

Owl: Not for long!

Bulborb: Since we're all on the Pikmin's side now, we have to eat DARK Pikmin.

D-Orange: Whaaaaa????

Bulborb: That's right!

D-Orange: O RLY?

Owl: YA RLY.

D-Orange: NO WAI!!11

Bulborbs and Owls surrounded Dark Orange and walked closer, and closer to him.

D-Orange: N-


D-Orange: [face_plain]

NOW, for the CAST!!

Light Orange
Light Blue
Bright Yellow
Light Bulb
Light Purple
Dark Orange
Dark Bulb
Dark Purple
Various Owls
Various Bulborbs, Bulbears, etc.
Owl 3
The Master Owl
Michael Jackson
Darth Vader



I Like Chicken.
Jul 25, 2004
Make some more storys!

But...what if he just ended it so that he didn't have to come here again...

I hope he stays here.
Jun 27, 2005
I doubt Cloud would have the heart to lock this. He knows his limitations and our capabilities if he does something wrong. We may be peaceful at first glance. But once we are threatened we can be fierceful and strong.