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Mar 19, 2009
Can you
A. Get a new person to review SP
B. Revamp your TV reviewers.

This week IGN gave Family Guy 420 a 8.5
I dont watch every ep that show, but i saw a good rev so i watched online...TERRIBLE...its jsut a below avg show.
Than the Frickett SP review comes out and a 7!?!!?
First off...this episode was hilarious...current event mixed with great Cartman...i laughed the whole episode...i just dont get it...are you reviewing this agaisnt SP or TV?
Isnt it supposed to be agaisnt TV?

This was an unreal episode...and i have already watched twice.

Frickett, please retire from these reviews...ur a disgrace...go review some episodes of Scrubbs or 30 Rock and get off the best show on TV.


Feb 24, 2006
I don't see why you are all complaining just because they have an intelligent critic reviewing the show. There's no denying that South Park is NOWHERE near as funny as it used to be. It's still entertaining but it's not laugh out loud funny like it was. The writing is weaker, and the ideas are NEVER fully developed in the episodes. The plots are constantly half-assed.


Sep 12, 2008
Da fuck????
Who is this negative douche who is 'reviewing' SP? This has been a very solid season so far, miles better than season 12 already. There have been no 'classics' maybe, but the only bad episode was the 'queef' one. and this one was hilarious. I think this guys problem is that he is taking SP more seriously than it takes itself.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 18, 2006
I thought this was a highly amusing episode though perhaps not as 'smart' or outrageously funny as some of South Parks greats. I think an 8 would have been more apt, the fact Cartman dresses up in his little Pirate costume is memorable enough for me and usually I might complain that Cartmans "Da fuck" line is getting old but just the fact that its coming from him makes it funny once more.


Aug 20, 2007
This episode was better than a 7, at least an 8 and I think your insane to call the season "lackluster", with only one episode that stands out as poor in quality.
Nov 5, 2007
Every week I read these reviews and every week they bash the show for the dumbest reasons. The season has been fine so far, Travis Fickett expects way too much out of south park as the point of the show is to laugh, not over analyze every god damn thing Trey and Matt does. Almost every review this season has given a score lower than the episode actually deserves. PLEASE IGN, FIND SOMEONE ELSE TO REVIEW SOUTH PARK, MAYBE SOMEBODY WHO DOESN'T USE IMAGINATIONLAND AS THE MEASURING STICK FOR EVERY EPISODE AND GIVES THE SHOW BULLSHIT SCORES BECAUSE THE EPISODE WASNT FUNNY ENOUGH FOR HIM.


Aug 29, 2004
Ironjake said:
I don't see why you are all complaining just because they have an intelligent critic reviewing the show. There's no denying that South Park is NOWHERE near as funny as it used to be. It's still entertaining but it's not laugh out loud funny like it was. The writing is weaker, and the ideas are NEVER fully developed in the episodes. The plots are constantly half-assed.

Yeah, we are complaining because they have an "intelligent" critic reviewing the show. You hit the nail on the head there didn't ya.


Feb 8, 2009
I really think the season 13 reviews from this guy have been extremely harsh especially considering it's recovery from a slightly dissapointing 12th season. South Park is funnier than any show on TV right now and I've really enjoyed its "piss take" approach to individuals and issues in reality.

I respect this guys opinion but he's being too subjective and instead of comparing each new episode to past classic ones he should just take each on its own merits.
Apr 20, 2009
uptill now i've gotta agree that the show has been a bit below par.. but a 7? for this episode? No way, it deserves something over 8 at the very least...

the pirate song was killer :D
May 28, 2003
Are you people freaking kidding me? This season has had less laughs in 22 minutes than the 10 o'clock news. Sure, I like to laugh at murder/suicide, but this show has picked on the subject so many times that it just isn't that funny anymore. The god damn queef episode was atrocious and I think a 5 was being generous. The fish sticks episode had one good moment, and that was the payoff at the end with kanye doing his gay fish song. Come to think of it, payoff would imply that the preceding material built up to the joke. Honestly, anyone could watch that bit alone and laugh at the hilarity of the parody. Stop giving this guy a hard time and understand that he is just judging the material based on the subtext that is the rest of television programming. There are plenty of good comedy shows out there, so check them out and stop being such SP fanboys.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 22, 2005
This review deserves a "DA F***?"

7 ? for the best episode in a looong time? possible since imaginationland, DA F***?
Jun 1, 2008
a lackluster season?? this reviewer has it all wrong. Season 13 has been fantastic so far. the only truly "lackluster" episode was the queef episode; the rest have been stellar. I know i'm not alone- most of the south park fans who comment on these reviews seem to feel the same. And i think that means more than what some jaded reviewer thinks.


Mar 21, 2009
What! I've actually just started watching south park religiously starting from the Obama episode, and what about margaritaville, and the jonas brothers ep?!?!


Apr 14, 2009
Fishsticks is actually one of my favourite episodes of South Park. And this episode definately had its moments, but seemed like it needed a bigger b-plot.
Aug 31, 2008
I believe it has lost it, the episodes just don't feel like south park anymore, sure there was always pop culture references but it wasn't like you needed to hate or know what they were making fun of to laugh at it, nowadays it's just a bunch of "Family guy" like jokes on celebrities. Here's what I felt for this season.
The ring- The only really good episode in this season to me had plenty of laughs and the main focus of the satire was not of the JB's like people make it out to be but of Disney's hidden not really for kids messages, could of worked with anything from them or aimed towards if you think about it.
The coon- good premise but story falls so short of what could have been.
Margarittaville- Was very boring some good bits but by the end just made me feel like there was really no point in watching as the episode completely misses the mark on what it was supposed to make fun of.
Eat prey queef- I don't care if it made fun of the april fools joke episode an episode that has only one real joke( farting and yes that includes queefing) is not really funny just annoying.
Fishsticks- the episode was just retarded I mean a whole episode about Kanye west's ego and having a dumb Carlos mencia joke just proves how the show has sunk to just looking for celebrities to make fun of. also the fishstick joke get's tiring even by the first time mentioned.
Pinewood derby- Had a lot of potential but lost it by the second half.
Fatbeard- the episode also had some potential but barely gets any laughs, Da F*** gets very annoying after it's repeated so many times and makes me wonder if Matt and Trey don't know how to use swears anymore.
Overall South park has lost me as a fan for it's new episodes. Matt and Trey really need to plan their episodes ahead of time now maybe they'd get better if they took time on the story rather then rush.

Dec 17, 2008
I'm waiting for that classic South Park episode. When I say "classic", I mean like Imaginationland. So incredibly outlandish, yet it all comes together perfectly at the end. Pure genius.

So far this has been an average season, with only one bad episode. Still, South Park usually saves the best for last, so I have hope.


Dec 25, 2008
this season has been amazing. i can watch these episode over and over again. the pirate song is class just as kayne wests gay fish song. keep up the gd work trey and matt.


The God of Biscuits
Mar 19, 2006
Best episode of the season IMO, a great Cartman adventure story. I laughed my ass off when Ike slapped Clyde.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 28, 2009
This is another typical Travis Fickett review. He doesn't need to put his name on the reviews because you can always tell which ones are his: the cringe-worthy ones. How this hick got a job is beyond me. Everything he reviews includes a statement about something that isn't 'fully explored,' and I'm willing to bet he has no idea what that means. These are half-hour shows a-hole, what do you expect? Every damn time..


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 12, 2008
I love how current South PArk is, who wants to bet the next one is about the swine flu?


May 30, 2001
C'mon, Travis. This episode was better than half the garbage this season. It had a point and clearly went somewhere with it. The execution was good and there were laughs scattered throughout. It may not be the best episode, but I still think it is better than what you rated it. This is an 8.0 episode or better.



Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
This is the only time I've ever disagreed with a review on IGN, I thought this episode was one of the best I've seen in a long time!


Jan 20, 2003
I think the reasoning why you see bad reviews about South Park, is the lack of intelligence and understanding of people today (it`s ashame they let any John Doe review). This review proves that. The bad thing about free speech is the increase of morons speeching. This then creates a chain reaction of morons following.
Oct 4, 2006
@ gotdamtragedy and St.Jackie,

Way to go on proving your point by doing the exact same thing you guys said. St.Jackie, you did some "speeching"(moron) and gotdamtradedy was the other moron that followed. You guys are morons AND hypocrites. I think im going to save your comments so I can put them into my "Dumbest things I've seen Morons post online" blog. It will be on the top of the list, you jackasses.


Nov 4, 2011
I don't get why everyone is pissed at this review; the review has its strengths but the thing is, everyone has his or her own opinion.

YOU don't have to agree with what someone else says; preserve your own pride for once.

Also, a 7/10 is a GOOD rating. South Park continues and consistently to score high, which is what matters.
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