
Feb 25, 2007
I accidentally did some of the no death on a different profile that was I remembered I wasn't that far.


Feb 25, 2007
After a 6 year hiatus, I finally went back to my Zero Death Run. And for the longest necrobump on the boards!

I was at the middle of the Submerged Castle. Defeated that even with a wraith running around. Didn't take any resets,or at least just one, I can't remember. Anyways, was happy to defeat that, and find it was the correct file. Since the debt was repayed,I decided to tackle the Valley of Repose and collect everything above ground, used the captains quite a bit for this. The Snagret caused quite a few resets. Then I took on the Subterranean Complex, mostly not too bad except for a couple resets on the Man At Legs. I took some time to farm purples,but I only needed one trip. Frontier Cavern was mostly alright and the Empress didn't caused any trouble, even if the captains had low health. And with that, 3 areas were now done.

It's finally time to take on the Wistful Wild, the hardest area of the game. Reminds me of taking on the Emperor Bulbax in 1. Grabbed the Doomsday Apparatus first,after I dealt with the difficult enemies like the groink and cannon beetle larva. Then I killed the Hermit Crawmad and it was pretty easy to break down the gates, get some berries, defeat the second cannon beetle larva. Next day I took on the Hole of Heroes which took a few resets but was less worse than what I expected. The Empress Bulblax took a few resets...The Raging Long Legs took a couple resets but with a small batch of pikmin and cautious play, it went down. Then I took the fight to the Cavern of Chaos which certainly lived up to it's name. Damn, did it take a couple resets, I think on the Fiery Bulblaxes but especially on the Segmented Crawbster. Above ground I tried to kill some above ground enemies with the captains and mostly did. The next day I did collect 3 treasures and broke down the walls. Or were some of these days two separate days. I might be a bit mistaken but I feel like I did certain things on an extra day.Oh, maybe it was redefeating the two Chrysanthemums that took up much of the one day,then I broke down the walls, then collected two treasures the next day. Yeah, the latter is more accurate. Anyways, after getting all the treasures above ground with little fuss.

It was time to fight the Dream was more like a Nightmare Den. Sublevel 1 was tedious,but it wasn't that bad, and I took a break. When I started later. Sublevel 2 was a nightmare! I had no bitter sprays and it took like 10-20 resets and I just hated it! Screw that Gatling Groink! But, after a lot of was killed, and I killed the other enemies. I was really close to ending my cave run there or just skip on by. Sublevel 3 took a reset because the Spotty Bulbear wouldn't spawn without Pikmin when I threw purples to kill the horde and it's leader....a bomb rock fell, a purple landed on it killing the bulborbs/bulbear...but also my Pikmin. That is evil design,lol. Next cave I just carried a lone pikmin,let some things spawn, and had the bulbear spawn and led it off the edge. Later I killed as many of the bulborbs with bomb rocks and the Careening Dirigibugs. There's tons of ways to kill enemies with no loss of Pikmin life! Then just had the white pikmin speedily carry the treasure past all of them. Sublevel 4. The next doozy of a sublevel, it took a couple resets and killing the cannon beetles with each other's rocks, but I also had a few times where an anode beetle had a pikmin bounce off into the void. But I decided not to kill certain cannon beetles and instead distracted it so my Pikmin could carry the treasure back. Sublevel 5 was easy, I just had to get the bulborbs and fiery bulblax to walk off the edge, and collect the treasure which spawned close to the pod.

Sublevel 6 took just hiding the Pikmin away, and then getting cannon beetles to kill each other..Also surprisingly,the jellyfloats succed the captain up,allowing it to take a pounding from all sides from rocks. I also learned that spinning the control stick around lets you escape them...yeah I don't really know how that escaped me. Sublevel 7 was pretty simple, took a few of the blowhogs down and got the treasure. Sublevel 8 was easy, no deaths there. Sublevel 9 was a rest sublevel, stocked up on bitter sprays, got like 4 of em, and some red sprays via the 2 spray glitch. That's Sublevel 5,6,7,8 and 9, five sublevels without resets! Awesome! That would change however with sublevel 10. That sublevel was a damn nightmare filled with a ton of resets and frustration. And one time that I was speechless, was when it all went perfectly, nothing to get in the way of the treasure, dangerous enemies dead...and a water dumple ate one of my Pikmin, undoing it all. I took a short break after that...Finally it all worked out a couple resets later where I killed all the enemies in the way,using most of the sprays..then the treasure got stuck with Pikmin unable to collect it...if there was a table,I'd have flipped it over and thrown it out the window. But, getting an extra Pikmin dislodged it and it got carried to the pod and I was relieved. Whew. Sublevel 11 took a reset but it was mostly fine with some caution and a better layout. Took out the poison pipes slowly since a burrow nit was next to it. Sublevel 12 took a bunch of resets between Orange Bulborbs and Wollywogs,and falling rocks. One was undone by falling rocks after I'd killed everything...but yeah, a good layout and such helped later. Sublevel 13 took no resets despite the big number of Bulborbs.

Sublevel 14! The final boss. The Titan Dweevil. The ultimate showdown of destiny! It ended up taking 1 reset due to it's water attack reaching the geyser.. Also can I say how amusing it is to get a "Pikmin are suffering, whistle them." tutorial thing on the final boss. I guess no Pikmin got stuck with water bubbles this whole zero death run which is impressive. But yeah, 2nd attempt went smoothly, supercharged my Yellow Pikmin, froze it with a bitter spray, took out the Monster Pump first after it's attack and saved Pikmin, and that took a load off. Then just had to take out the Comedy Bomb to stop it's poison, the Flare Cannon went off pretty easily, Finally it was just the Shock Therapist which is laughably easy. Then killing the Titan itself. And thus, the King of Bugs,Louie was saved. The pikmin carried him off as the cutscene started,leaving an empty screen as The Ship talked. I called all the Pikmin, used more of the spicy spray to supercharge em and they all carried the parts to the pod. Once that was done, it was time to jump in the geyser, triumphing over the nightmare of that cave, and the nightmare of the zero death run. With that, the final ending played, and me, having succeeded in this challenge was ecstatic. A fitting end... It was incredibly refreshing after all that effort, to watch the high scores play, and have zero Pikmin deaths in the top spot. Everything else, save for a couple Pikmin growth numbers was in 2nd place. 23 days,and 30 hours and 20 minutes (only 50 minutes) were the final times for the whole thing

With that, the Zero Death Run of Pikmin 2, that was simultaneously played alongside the Pikmin 1 Zero Death Run(s), is complete! I can finally close that chapter of my gaming history, and brag about it I guess. Do I want to go for a Pikmin 3 Zero Death, I don't know if I want to subject myself to even more frustration. Also, there's a chance that I could've already done one since I don't remember losing many/any Pikmin in my first run through of the game.

One fun fact about my Pikmin zero death runs, is that while my Pikmin 2 zero death run is my 5th or 6th full run(not counting repaying debt), my Pikmin 1 zero death run was the first 30 parts run I had done, other runs had not been. It'd also been years since I'd played it at that point. I also pink flowered/no deaths in Challenge Mode twice.

Zero deaths are very stressful to do, and I could be willing to go for the other Challenge Runs but I think I'm done with it for now. And hey there's a Pikmin DS game like I said there would be, and a Pikmin 4!

Pikmin is a series that's brought me great joy over the years, and really is a reason I ended up here on IGN, and made a ton of friends. I'm glad to be a long time fan of it, and even though I haven't played it much, it's still close to my heart, and I love seeing new fans getting into it. Er,a bit sentimental for post about a zero death run but I thought it'd be a good sendoff.