
Both Sides Drunk Guy
Jun 29, 2021
And Biden does support those policies (mostly).
And I would have voted for Biden 10 years ago. My problem with Biden isn't necessarily his policies. It's his state of mind. Although if he IS actually running the country, I'm not a fan of how much of a war mongerer he is.
Apr 24, 2012
Trumps actions in office set up what's going on now in Israel Palestine so ..... that doesn't really make sense as for Ukraine well a lot of that comes from Obama and his appeasing of Russia last time they stole land. We in Europe on the other hand are doing everything we can the problem is America is the one who is in large control of what weapons are and aren't allowed to be sent to Ukraine due to them not wanting to escalate against Russia i.e. draining Russia and not defeating them. Meanwhile Denmark has given their entire arsenal over to Ukraine because hey its not like they have any weapons that could be considered escalatory. Personally I'm not opposed to escalation because I don't believe Putin would actually use nukes Russia is also part of the world and they would have to deal with it

China is engaging in planting mass forests to curb their climate input and Trump pulled out of international obligations to curb CO2 output .... sorry but no Trump doesn't give a shit this is pure copium
You're either misinformed or forgetful. Trump spearheaded the Abraham Accords and was making great strides toward getting both sides of the Israel/Palestinian conflict to work toward peace. Trump definitely did not set up what is happening now in the Middle East.

As for the Paris Agreement, there are a lot of reasons Trump pulled out of it, and none of those reasons are because he doesn't give a crap. The Paris Agreement was bad for the US. First of all, it was ineffective. It would have put hundreds of thousands of Americans out of jobs and destroyed $2.5 trillion in GDP for us. We would have ended up having to contribute $100 Billion per year of our taxpayer money. It was just a bad deal for us, and we could work toward the same goals a lot better without the Paris Agreement.


the stone the builder refused
Aug 22, 2006
The place you least suspect
You're either misinformed or forgetful. Trump spearheaded the Abraham Accords and was making great strides toward getting both sides of the Israel/Palestinian conflict to work toward peace. Trump definitely did not set up what is happening now in the Middle East.

As for the Paris Agreement, there are a lot of reasons Trump pulled out of it, and none of those reasons are because he doesn't give a crap. The Paris Agreement was bad for the US. First of all, it was ineffective. It would have put hundreds of thousands of Americans out of jobs and destroyed $2.5 trillion in GDP for us. We would have ended up having to contribute $100 Billion per year of our taxpayer money. It was just a bad deal for us, and we could work toward the same goals a lot better without the Paris Agreement.
Literally part of the reason Oct 7th happened was that ..... wtf are you talking about bro

Nah seriously what is this deranged disconnect from reality


the stone the builder refused
Aug 22, 2006
The place you least suspect
I actually believe him .... he is too pathologically incapable of supporting anything other than a fictional middle ground to actually support anything

Like to emphasize this we can look at what he wants from healthcare, he wants something that is quite literally impossible and bad economically rather than just doing what every other developed nation does which we know works he does this under the illusion that he is the only one talking sense and being economically literate. He is essentially Dave Rubin with less balls and how you end up with a gay Jewish man saying the following

Apr 24, 2012
What lies did Biden tell?
No troops have died on his watch. Some of the parents of troops who have died that Biden basically ignored were pretty pissed about that one.

The US Border Patrol endorsed him. They made it clear afterwards that they never have and never would endorse Biden.

Black unemployment is the lowest it's been in a long time. Truth, it was low for a while, but right now it's worse than it was under Trump.

He said Trump wants to get rid of Social Security, but Trump has made it clear that he wants to protect SS, and it's in trouble under Biden.

He said there are a thousand trillionaires (Lol), but caught it and said there are a thousand billionaires who are paying 8.2% taxes. Truth, the top 0.0001% are around 1400 people with $77 million AGI are paying an average of 23.7% taxes. They are paying their "fair share."

He ridiculed Trump for his tax cuts, which caused a deficit, then later accused Trump of raising your taxes. Which is it? Not only that, but Biden ran his first campaign on the promise that he would raise taxes.

He said Trump's unemployment rate was 15%, which he claimed was horrible. Truth, before the pandemic, it was 4.4%, and rose to 14.8% only because people could not go to work because of the pandemic shutdowns. It was back down to 6.4% when Trump left office, and we were still dealing with the pandemic.

He said there were 40% fewer people coming across the border because of his changes, but the truth is that there are 40% less apprehensions, which is a much different thing.

He said he brought the price of an insulin shot down to $15, and no senior has to pay more than $200 for any drug. Truth, it's $35, not $15. Another truth, Trump was the one that made that happen, and Biden suspended it right when he came into office, only to enact it again and take the credit for it. Another truth, seniors will still have to pay $35/month and pay around $2000/year out of pocket.

Also, Biden is still pushing the Charlotte narrative that was debunked by the liberal Snopes (who has no love for Trump or reason to defend him).


Super Star
Nov 15, 2015
No troops have died on his watch. Some of the parents of troops who have died that Biden basically ignored were pretty pissed about that one.

The US Border Patrol endorsed him. They made it clear afterwards that they never have and never would endorse Biden.

Black unemployment is the lowest it's been in a long time. Truth, it was low for a while, but right now it's worse than it was under Trump.

He said Trump wants to get rid of Social Security, but Trump has made it clear that he wants to protect SS, and it's in trouble under Biden.

He said there are a thousand trillionaires (Lol), but caught it and said there are a thousand billionaires who are paying 8.2% taxes. Truth, the top 0.0001% are around 1400 people with $77 million AGI are paying an average of 23.7% taxes. They are paying their "fair share."

He ridiculed Trump for his tax cuts, which caused a deficit, then later accused Trump of raising your taxes. Which is it? Not only that, but Biden ran his first campaign on the promise that he would raise taxes.

He said Trump's unemployment rate was 15%, which he claimed was horrible. Truth, before the pandemic, it was 4.4%, and rose to 14.8% only because people could not go to work because of the pandemic shutdowns. It was back down to 6.4% when Trump left office, and we were still dealing with the pandemic.

He said there were 40% fewer people coming across the border because of his changes, but the truth is that there are 40% less apprehensions, which is a much different thing.

He said he brought the price of an insulin shot down to $15, and no senior has to pay more than $200 for any drug. Truth, it's $35, not $15. Another truth, Trump was the one that made that happen, and Biden suspended it right when he came into office, only to enact it again and take the credit for it. Another truth, seniors will still have to pay $35/month and pay around $2000/year out of pocket.

Also, Biden is still pushing the Charlotte narrative that was debunked by the liberal Snopes (who has no love for Trump or reason to defend him).
Please support your claims.
Apr 24, 2012
Please support your claims.
I've heard a lot of people spouting off the hackneyed mantra that Trump is a liar without bothering to support their claims. But since the majority of people here are liberal bullies, they don't feel like they have to support their claims.

Anyway, here is a source for most of them. But you could easily look them up and see that the things I posted are real.



Super Star
Oct 20, 2000
They have lost the plot. Hunter also attended the Medal of Honor ceremony today. Maybe Joe is stepping down and he wants his family around in his last few days but what the fuck, the optics of this are insane.



Super Star
Nov 28, 2005
They have lost the plot. Hunter also attended the Medal of Honor ceremony today. Maybe Joe is stepping down and he wants his family around in his last few days but what the fuck, the optics of this are insane.

America loves a convicted felon. See trumps polling


Super Star
Jul 15, 2002
Biden just had a big meeting with Dem Governors and they came away expressing their support for his candidacy. People pretending to be scandalized because Biden has spent the last few days with his family are being hysterical.


Super Star
Oct 20, 2000
Schiff is right. This election should be a slam fucking dunk given how awful Trump is.



Feb 7, 2004
Just want to say that I’m moderately disturbed by the “Biden supporters” who are suddenly super vocal on social media about suppressing any and all discussion about Biden’s capabilities, both as the Democratic nominee and as the next president.

Go into the replies of any semi-popular tweet relating to his debate performance, his age-related decline, or him potentially dropping out, and you’ll see people just saying “STOP,” hurling insults, or assuming the worst possible motives. Like where did these people even come from? It’s pretty damn weird.


Super Star
Jan 15, 2005
Halfway to Everywhere
Just want to say that I’m moderately disturbed by the “Biden supporters” who are suddenly super vocal on social media about suppressing any and all discussion about Biden’s capabilities, both as the Democratic nominee and as the next president.

Go into the replies of any semi-popular tweet relating to his debate performance, his age-related decline, or him potentially dropping out, and you’ll see people just saying “STOP,” hurling insults, or assuming the worst possible motives. Like where did these people even come from? It’s pretty damn weird.
I know, I feel the same way. I've seen people accused of being Russian plants for simply suggesting that Biden step down. Sorry, we need to have honest conversations about this.


Post Dispenser
Dec 22, 2005
It’s now at the point where it’s taking too long so I don’t think he’ll drop out. Brutal.


Super Star
Jun 22, 2014
Biden has been on MSNBC the past few minutes, he is forcefully stating he will not be stepping down. Also sent a letter to Congressional Dems this morning stating the same.

In this interview he is coming off good in my opinion, energetic, strong, going on the attack and getting his points across, etc............... To me its just a matter of being able to keep that energy everyday on the campaign trail, and idk if he can do that.


The Great White Gorilla
Aug 31, 2001
Just want to say that I’m moderately disturbed by the “Biden supporters” who are suddenly super vocal on social media about suppressing any and all discussion about Biden’s capabilities, both as the Democratic nominee and as the next president.

Go into the replies of any semi-popular tweet relating to his debate performance, his age-related decline, or him potentially dropping out, and you’ll see people just saying “STOP,” hurling insults, or assuming the worst possible motives. Like where did these people even come from? It’s pretty damn weird.

People are rightly concerned that Biden stepping down would be bad for the party, especially if there's an ugly convention with different candidates battling it out. The people telling others to stop talking about Biden are probably frustrated because Republicans are so locked in with Trump, yet Dems are too wishy washy with Biden.

Like, you have the most corrupt president in history on one side who tried to overthrow an election, is a convicted felon, etc, then the other side is a guy who's too old. Yet here we are, talking about Biden over Trump, when even with his age is a clearly better choice.

It's really a shit situation, with a lot of "damned if you do, damned if you don't" thinking going on right now.


Prime Member
Sep 13, 2006
People are rightly concerned that Biden stepping down would be bad for the party, especially if there's an ugly convention with different candidates battling it out. The people telling others to stop talking about Biden are probably frustrated because Republicans are so locked in with Trump, yet Dems are too wishy washy with Biden.

Like, you have the most corrupt president in history on one side who tried to overthrow an election, is a convicted felon, etc, then the other side is a guy who's too old. Yet here we are, talking about Biden over Trump, when even with his age is a clearly better choice.

It's really a shit situation, with a lot of "damned if you do, damned if you don't" thinking going on right now.
If only this could have been brought to the public's attention sooner. Weird how the media didn't pick up on his cognitive decline or voice any concerns about it, up until the debate.


Post Dispenser
Dec 22, 2005
I can say for sure I know many people who I’d consider progressive who are fed up with Biden and would enthusiastically vote for Kamala if Biden stepped aside. This whole response to the debate has further made Biden seem out of touch


Super Star
Jul 15, 2002
"Weird how the media didn't pick up on his cognitive decline or voice any concerns about it, up until the debate."

If Biden's cognitive decline was an "open secret" among his staff then why did they let him debate Trump in the first place?


The Great White Gorilla
Aug 31, 2001
"Weird how the media didn't pick up on his cognitive decline or voice any concerns about it, up until the debate."

If Biden's cognitive decline was an "open secret" among his staff then why did they let him debate Trump in the first place?

Some have argued that this was the earliest debate ever for precisely this reason. "Ripping the bandaid off" so to speak.


Super Star
Jul 15, 2002
If you're concerned about the President's cognitive decline and you *also* care about winning the election, then how does it make sense to put the President in a position in which you have reason to believe he will flame out spectacularly and cause a weeks long negative news cycle for the party four months before the election, and without even a guarantee that Biden will drop out as a result?

And what if you not only care about winning, but you also... I don't want to sound too crazy here but what if you also care about the President? You're putting him on prime time television so the old man can humiliate himself? Is that who Democrats are?


Prime Member
Sep 13, 2006
"If Biden's cognitive decline was an "open secret" among his staff then why did they let him debate Trump in the first place?"

I wasn't talking about his staff, I referred to the media. People whose job is to investigate and report facts to the public. They had no clue? There were no indications?


Super Star
Jul 15, 2002
If there were indications that Biden was so far gone that he was going to bomb the debate then his staff would obviously know and would, I presume, not have him debate.


Super Star
Jul 15, 2002
I think what lots of people are doing is saying, Let's just assume Biden is in serious mental decline and then craft a narrative - any narrative - that makes sense around that assumption.

My opinion is that if Biden's mental state was obvious and concerning, then one of two things would have happened. Either some high-ranking staff person would have come out to the media a long time ago, OR the staff would remain in lock-step behind him but then protect him accordingly.


Prime Member
Sep 13, 2006
"If there were indications that Biden was so far gone that he was going to bomb the debate then his staff would obviously know and would, I presume, not have him debate."

Again, I'm talking about the media. You're shifting it to his staff. I'm talking about the people we depend on to observe, interview and report about our public officials. Were they completely unaware?



Super Star
Jul 15, 2002
You keep asking "were they completely unaware" as if it's a given that Biden's in alarming mental decline and the media failed to report on it.

But then again you're also posting conspiracy videos so I think we have a clear sense of where you're coming from.


Prime Member
Sep 13, 2006
"You keep asking "were they completely unaware" as if it's a given that Biden's in alarming mental decline and the media failed to report on it.

But then again you're also posting conspiracy videos so I think we have a clear sense of where you're coming from."

I said nothing about an 'alarming state of decline'. That sort of hyperbole is what had people ignoring any right-wing media reports that did raise the question of whether he was fit to be President. The same question Democrats are now asking.

You defending them dropping the ball in getting vital information out about a presidential candidate that could be a major factor in the upcoming election, that voters deserved to have, is concerning. But judging by your eagerness to write off a 10 second clip of a debate moderator directing the current President's attention to its proper place as a 'conspiracy video', I think I have a clear sense of where you're coming from.

Unless you think that there were no signs, and they had no clue. Can you answer that directly? Do you think they had any idea that this might be a concern?