
Original poster
Proof read your review before submitting in.

Posted by: Zen420 on January 19, 2009 17:30 PDT

Learn proper grammar before critiquing others. ;)


Jun 13, 2007
One new thing about the goals that, like numerous other elements of the game, has its plusses and minuses is the fact that you can now jump directly to them from the map. Whereas you had to track down subways stations in the last game and then skate from the closest station to the goal, you can now magically appear right in front of your next objective.

you could teleport in skate 1, if you zoomed on the map and put the cursor over the goal icon and pressed a you could directly travel to the goals location.


Feb 12, 2005
I got the game last night and so far I like it but i cant help but feel underwhelmed when im in the New VA the city just feels a little on the empty side to me plus the game looks worse then the first game when it comes to graphics and the game also has some frame rate issues.

Overall its still cool but the first time I played skate i was just blown away by the game and that did not happen once with skate 2.


Jan 24, 2007
I'm loving the game, and you open up more stuff as you get more into it. Like there are spots in the city that are skate proof, but you can call in a guy pay him some money and he makes it skate able. Also with pools there's some chick in the game that drains pools, so you can skate them. It's all there you just have to work for them. The frame rate issues is the biggest con of the game IMO. Out of all my PS3 games this one has to be the worse when it comes to frame rate problems.
Nov 18, 2008
Im not even a fan of skate games, the last one i played was the first tony hawk, but this game is completely addicting. I love everything about it...except the on foot controls but it can be overlooked.
Jan 14, 2009
i like this game alot i got it on Saturaday the only problem is the on foot controls,it is alomost impossible to move ur guy in short phrase, " its a BITCH"


Aug 8, 2007
Dude, you could too jump to objectives in the first game. you just go to your map in the backpack and select an objective, then it can just take you there. You didn't have to skate to all of them...


Original poster
Yeah this game is tight. I bought the first one but couldnt get into it, mostly due to a seemingly limited selection of tricks (quite possibly because I just sucked..) and my dude character always looking like an un-proportional douchebag.

Enter Skate 2. I make the hottest chick skater right from the get go. (Short flippy blonde hair, Clean White kicks, Flat brimmed White hat tilted to the side, the whole deal.) She's SMOKIN'. Then I start to play and bam; more tricks, better graphics, larger city, smoother everything.

The ONLY negativ (for me) is the off your skateboard controls. But the fact is that we can hop off our board and run up stairs now. That's all that needs to be. Considering the obvious technical hurdles involved in adding world-interactivity such as this, I think that EA did a fantastic job.

Lot's of stars from me, this game is more than worth every penny I paid (and my version of Skate1 that I traded in towards it :) )

Oh EA, you're so hit and miss...


Prime Member
Dec 9, 2005
i hate how they made a big deal about warping to objectives when the first game lets you do it too
Jun 30, 2007
can anyone help me out i'm in a tough situation. I want skate 2, but the first one sounds amazing and only a little bit worse than skate 2. Plus skate 1 is a lot cheaper. what do u think i should get? ....and y


Sep 28, 2008
i personally didn't have skate 1 and think this one is awesome, you can still sk8 to objectives but also teleport, graphics and trick system are icredible, plus neat layout, i'd get rather then 1, stacks also fun and can save replays to view later, get it


Feb 14, 2009
Skate 2 might be great when you already played Skate or have mastered it a bit but when your new on Skate 2 its easy at first but then after that when your looking for spots it starts to suck big time. when your trying to get something it doesnt do that like when you want to ollie but instead it kickflips and makes you bail. this game bails too easily. and in real life when your skating into a pole without jumping you would bail but in this you HAVE to jump to bail. that sucked bad. and some things you have to do like when you found a spot or when you must hit something, it doesnt do that right and either makes you bail or fail. either way the game sucked. or in another way: this game was an EPIC FAIL!


Feb 20, 2009
go to www.myspace.com/yougnphontemusic this dude has mad songs that would go perfectly with the skate 2 soundtrack check it out


May 28, 2007
Can you get off your skate and walk around on this one?
Yes you can get off of your skateBOARD in this one, but the walking controls are not that good.


Sep 1, 2009
Skate is one of the amazing game that i have ever played on my gaming rig. To play this game I specially bought a Hd4870 graphic card and I got inspired by this review made here http://forums.techarena.in/reviews/1240489.htm and bought the game immediately.
Nov 8, 2009
Skate 2 is fun but is the same.Skate 2 is better than skate 1.Skate 1 is bad!!!!!!!! you cant even get off your board.I cant wait to skate 3.On skate 3 you can do a dark side grind.