
Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
I checked out one of those rental machines recently. The selection stunk. A shame, but it happens.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I must have always been in a really good internet zone because I was thinking this all happened 12 years ago. Redbox?

No shit. But I guess I went digital a lot earlier than most people. By 2012 I was already buying console games digital. I’ve purchased less than 10 physical since and mostly Switch. And it’s annoying having carts. And it was for the nostalgia of buying physical games that got me to do it. It’s never practical. Except for DD 2 which I got for 30$ off. And it’s annoying having it on disc but it’s my only series X disc. I do use the disc drive for classic Xbox games I still owned.


Nov 10, 2013
I think I last rented the Doom disc for like PS4 in like 2016. Literally my last Redbox rental.

There is also a report that Sony is pulling back on blu ray. It’s over.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
I am PC/Nintendo. PC has been discless for ages. I am mostly carts for Nintendo. I like to own discs for my movies. I have two Blu Ray players. However, even that is coming to an end, and I know it.


Nov 10, 2013
I can definitely see a difference in image quality running a blu-ray versus streaming supposed 4k content. But it's not enough for me to stick to discs. And it's not enough for 99% of people.

I think we saw a subtle shift in recent decades toward convenience instead of audio and visual quality. People would rather access a vast library immediately, even if it is lower quality, and that's won the day over formats that promise greater audiovisual fidelity but more limited accessibility.

Neil Young and other artists bemoaned it because it meant lesser sound quality than they had grown to love, but most people can hardly hear a difference.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
To me, it is about being a slave to a subscription which may cycle out content I reuse. I rarely replay games. Movies... They get rewatched. Same for music. That is why I own all of my music.


Nov 10, 2013
It does suck when a game you wanted to play suddenly disappears from digital libraries. I have had that happen with some of the phone games I bought like X-com: they seemingly got deplatformed for newer iphone editions, and if I want to play X-com now, it seems to want me to re-purchase it.

But honestly, it doesn't happen to me very often. I do replay some games, but most of the games I want to replay like Bethesda or Souls titles, I own.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Neil Young and other artists bemoaned it because it meant lesser sound quality than they had grown to love, but most people can hardly hear a difference.
Or if they hear a difference, they prefer lower quality. 😳

To me, it is about being a slave to a subscription which may cycle out content I reuse. I rarely replay games. Movies... They get rewatched. Same for music. That is why I own all of my music.
At least 25% if not more of my music collection is not available on any streaming service. Physical is definitely the way to go for music.
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Sleep enthusiast
Jan 26, 2003
Mt. Perdition, Gallifrey
I bought Link's Awakening for Switch. I like overall, but I do admit the framerate drops do take away from the otherwise shiny graphics. I'm planning on buying one more full-priced game. I'm going between Luigi's Mansion 2 - which I really enjoyed on the 3DS (as Dark Moon), and Metroid Dread. I know Metroid Dread has a high difficulty level, but it would be a nice deviation from what I’ve been playing. I think I might go with Metroid Dread...🤔


Sleep enthusiast
Jan 26, 2003
Mt. Perdition, Gallifrey
I bought Metroid Dread. Those instant deaths are definitely frustrating AF, but it fills the void from the 3DS game that came out in 2017. I liked that game. (Can't remember the exact title.)

Thinking about buying Grandia Collection. I had thought about buying the GTA Trilogy for Switch for handheld gameplay, but I'm turned away by the bugs. I know they patched some of them, but I don't know if they were good enough. Plus, I would like something I don't already have. I can't quite get my thought out, as I think I need a nap.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
I bought Metroid Dread. Those instant deaths are definitely frustrating AF, but it fills the void from the 3DS game that came out in 2017. I liked that game. (Can't remember the exact title.)

Thinking about buying Grandia Collection. I had thought about buying the GTA Trilogy for Switch for handheld gameplay, but I'm turned away by the bugs. I know they patched some of them, but I don't know if they were good enough. Plus, I would like something I don't already have. I can't quite get my thought out, as I think I need a nap.
I really hated those EMMI sequences.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
Colossal Order is doing a great job iterating on Cities Skylines 2. They dropped a 57gb patch yesterday that added a ton of new content.

It's on GP so I still haven't spent any money on it, but I'll buy it on Steam eventually. Probably some inevitable dlc too.


Nov 10, 2013
I follow Gene Park on Twitter and he's an amusing follow, and a pretty good games critic, but yes he doesn't seem to do much work. The WaPo is a huge mess right now as you have probably heard.
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