
Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
I'll send one of me and her if you want. I look like I'm twelve though, because I am. She bailed on the sex, but I think she'll still send me pictures.

Answer your phone btw.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
He won't even text me. I'm so heart broken right now. I'll probably post her pic on here one of these days, I don't really care. She's just really nice, not just because at one time she wanted to **** me really bad(Still does, just not while she has a BF), and says a bunch of super nice things to me all the time, and is like the only person ever to compliment my looks... wait, those are the only reasons. Really though, she's a really nice girl, and i'd feel bad.


Prime Member
Mar 22, 2004
Holy shet, Insurgo was drama.


I remember vaguely, but I think Patrick, Nicholas, and Milly were the last <ISO> members left before we regained when Akira logged on out of blue and then Sinatra kicked them all out when we regained control. Teehee.

Don't ask me why I'm reading old posts. It's interesting, ok?

Also, http://boards.ign.com/star_wars_galaxies/b6642/65205120/p1/?1


Prime Member
Mar 22, 2004
By the way, I'm utterly frightened by the fact that I've been posting here for 7 years and IGN for 9(though I haven't even visited a board beyond this one in years).


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
I lol'd hard. I THOUGHT WE'D BE BEST FRIEND WHY DONT YOU TALK TO ME! You even ignored my last text.

"It is my opinion that with Sinatra's existence, the guid will never last."

lol. I'll read the rest later, I just read that thread and the last one you posted. God I'm so gay.... I mean was so gay.


Prime Member
Mar 22, 2004
Yeah, it's weird to have your teenage years recorded on the internet. Apparently, my old name was deleted so we've lost that record. Thank God..

Fine quack, I'll text you every day if you want. You're like a woman. Or so I hear. nob.



Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
I'll be your woman. I'm so lame. I was on my buddies computer and he had pictures of me and my ex(THE ONE I DATED FOR A WEEK LOL). And they were really cute and sweet, and made me bawwwww on the inside, does this make me gay?


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
No... I don't think I've changed at all from my SWG days, I still sound equally retarded whenever I talk, how do I stop that?


Prime Member
Mar 22, 2004

New WoW expansion sounds awesome. Retooled Azeroth, flying mounts there, Worgen for Alliance, Goblins for Horde, Hunters will use focus instead of mana, other stuff.\

Also, Heroic Deadmines.


Jan 3, 2002
Um, so that thing with that girl didn't work out, by the way. Not a big deal, I have bigger things to worry about, but the absolutely horrible part is that over a period of time I gave her a ton of music, by her request, a ton of my favorite stuff, and most of it I am unable to listen to now without getting a serious ache in my heart. I avoid these affected items like the plague.

This happened with another girl too and it took a long time to go away, the music-conjured heart aching, and it seems to be even worse this time around. And it has contaminated a larger portion of my most precious albums.

It really really really sucks. Music is an enormous part of my life, much more enormous for me than for other people that say things like "music is an enormous part of my life." I guess it's my fault for connecting her to my favorite, most personal ****, though it wasn't even my idea.

There's still plenty of stuff that's just mine, uncontaminated, but still, when one of my most adored songs shuffles on and I have to change it within 2 seconds as I feel my heart start to implode, it just sucks.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
Yeah I know what you mean. It sucks, and does take awhile for those songs to stop bringing up painful emotions. Lucky for me, the last girl I was into listened to bad music, so the only thing that reminds me of her are talentless hacks who play music made for 15 year old girls.

Rofl at the Guild Recruitment thread you posted FoC. I was srs bsness.


I've made a huge mistake
Jul 25, 2001
Yeah it was pretty boring most of the time. The epic finale at the end almost made up for it, but actually pretty much didn't.


Jan 3, 2002
Oh yeah well I got cockblocked by the following (chronologically):

1. the cops. just as i was in her bed and she locked the door and took her shirt off, the cops come and make a mess of things for a couple hours. noise complaint of course. some of the people were underage.
2. the girl's drug dealer, as in the dude she buys medium-to-large size quantities of drugs (weed) from to sell on her own, telling the girl's roommate at the front door that he needs to talk to the girl due to a "family emergency," though the dude's not related to her in any way, other than a drug dealer relationship kind of way, and so he ends up just walking into her room, wanting to talk business at 7:30 in the morning. she apparently owed him a lot of money, and he apparently needed that money. at 7:30 in the morning.
3. her dad, that morning, even though it's her place and her dad almost never goes there, he happened to not only stop by but pop his head in the bedroom door. he apparently won some big contest, won a bunch of crap including a free round of golf at a nearby course, so he decided to swing by.

it was at a party, of course, but, notably, it was the mentioned girl's birthday party. i thought, with all the attention she'd be getting, she would be too hard to go for, but it ended up unfolding pretty well, at least initially. seriously though: the cops, her drug dealer, and her dad? that's bullshit. that shouldn't happen. i don't have the expertise to work around such hangups.

we just ended up getting high all throughout the morning and afternoon, sleeping in her bed, and ordering mexican food, which is cool, but fuck, it feels so wrong to lay in bed with a a beautiful girl for hours, the morning after her birthday, and not really do anything other than lay there.

did i mention that she's really ****ing hot? she's also bisexual and her friend wants me to have a threesome with them. (the catch: her friend is fat)


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
I had sex with a hot chick on a trampoline and got savage trampoline burn on my knuckle. It was worth it. This was friday btw. I just had a small get together of like 5 people(Striclty to sleep with her, everyone knew that), drank a little bit, then went and ****ed on a trampoline. Awesome.

EDIT for confirmation: I was bragging and rubbing it in, yaaaaaerreghaa


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
Right you are Ken, right you are.

So... I had sex with another girl... And this is the first time I'm saying this to anyone, and I'm saying it to you guys, I think I have herpes... Like... I wore a condom with the last girl I was mentioning, and she was pretty slutty, and this new girl, she's only been with one other guy and they lost their virginity together, but I slept with her without a condom... So like, who gave me herpes? This really really freakin sucks dude.

Also, text me if you want pics. (Of the girl, not herpes) Why is every symptom picture have to be like, EXTREEEEME, theres no pic of like, here's what it would look like if it were a very mild outbreak... Man, I hate herpes. Lol.


Jan 3, 2002
Really? Awesome dude. Glad you like.

I've been at page 900 or so for a couple months now, been way out of the reading loop. I picked it back up from my library the other day though and I'm ready to knock it out.



Almost Not a Noob
Aug 17, 2000
I told you'd I'd post dem.





Ahh, those girls hate me now.


Prime Member
Mar 22, 2004
I had a dream about this thread. Out of no where. Nobody responded to my post.

i miss it man
Apr 8, 2013
For all the bad rep this game got, it still remains the best sandbox-mmo in existence. It would be wise to make a next-gen re due of this game. TOR was a colossal failure because it conformed to the generic WoW mold with voice-acted dialogue.