
I H8 CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!
Aug 4, 2004
Possible synopsis for ep 11.

Season 3 Episode 11
Episode Title: Keep Calm and Flutter On
Air Date: January 19th, 2013
Synopsis: Princess Celestia tasks the ponies with reforming Discord, a mischievous spirit of disharmony, but Fluttershy is the only one who is willing to give him a chance.



The Wildcard
Jul 18, 2008
Possible synopsis for ep 11.

Season 3 Episode 11
Episode Title: Keep Calm and Flutter On
Air Date: January 19th, 2013
Synopsis: Princess Celestia tasks the ponies with reforming Discord, a mischievous spirit of disharmony, but Fluttershy is the only one who is willing to give him a chance.

Saw that yesterday. Every single pair of pants I own are now ruined.


It goes ding when there's stuff
May 17, 2007
Looking at those is so damn tempting...

Sometimes I wonder why I enter this thread between eps.


I H8 CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!
Aug 4, 2004
Season 3 has been pretty great so far. We better not have to wait another 7 months for season 4.


I H8 CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!
Aug 4, 2004
Damn, I didn't realize this was the last episode for 3 weeks. What do they need to take that long of a break for?
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Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
What!? Nooooooooooo

Rewatched eps 7 and 8 with a friend. The Wonderbolts one held up better than I thought, I didn't give it enough credit. Apple Family Reunion didn't do anything to make me reconsider it being my least favorite of the season, though.
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I'm a snake, what else did you expect?
Jul 11, 2007
Here, There, Everywhere
I mean Discord naturally commands a screen presence, there is never a moment where you don't like him even when he is pulling pranks. The whole spinning house trick was the high light of the episode. It's stuff like that which makes Discord unique, he is just so random and surreal that you can't help but be entertained by his presence. He is sort of like a more sophisticated Pinkie Pie in a way.

His playful attitude was refreshing but his reforming felt a little rushed to me. I think it would have benefited from being a part 1/part 2 set up.


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
I felt there was potential for something much greater there, but it's impossible to be displeased with a Fluttershy/Discord combo.

I wish something so significant as his reform could have been a two-parter. Things moved too quickly at the end.


I'm a snake, what else did you expect?
Jul 11, 2007
Here, There, Everywhere
There was certainly potential for more but it was decent for what it was trying to accomplish. I've read more than enough Discord redeemed fan fictions and fan comics to feel that the potential hasn't been totally lost, that's what our imaginations are for. Once you've seen a story and it has entered into your imagination it has taken on new life, your imagination is the greatest story teller of all.

All they really have to do to make up for it is to give Discord some decent cameo appearances.


I'm a snake, what else did you expect?
Jul 11, 2007
Here, There, Everywhere
As usual, the last 5 minutes are always rushed [face_tongue]

You kind of get used to it

I've noticed that in multiple My Little Pony episodes, "Yeah we just struggled for the last 15 minutes not realizing the solution to our problem, but now all of a sudden we got an epiphany that we would all like to share with you. Oh you're questioning whether the lesson really sunk in? Friendship is Magic guys! No need to question the power of friendship."

It feels kind of like those corny moral lessons Stan and Kyle usually gave at the end of South Park, in countless episodes. [face_tongue]

Though to be perfectly fair the My Little Pony characters have far more meaningful character development than any of the South Park characters do, as they at least don't regress into depravity every other episode.
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Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
Okay, I watched it again, and I actually really like this episode, definitely my favorite since Magic Duel. I think most of the feeling of disappointment I had initially stemmed from my high expectations rather than the execution of the episode itself.

Discord's antics and visual tricks give it high replayability, and it all flows pretty well. On the first run through the episode in the middle it seemed as though Fluttershy was being a bit naive, but going in knowing that it's manipulation the whole time makes it better.

The ending still feels like it came too quickly, though. But I really like the part where he sees that he's about to lose his only friend, de Lancie's delivery there was great (those sighs of defeated realization are surprisingly powerful)


No Longer a Noob
Oct 29, 2012
That was a pretty fun ep

A bit to fast paced though. Seemed like it kept shifting from one thing to the next so fast

Also, gem spec buys a giant hair drying, and a regular jewel gets a cart of donuts? lol


I'm a snake, what else did you expect?
Jul 11, 2007
Here, There, Everywhere
I liked the interactions between the characters and the pets, very heartwarming and amusing at the same time. Spike's love of gems was amusing as usual, I dare say he might even love gems more than he does his own friends. [face_tongue] I liked how Spike was responsible enough to realize his mistakes and try to fix them, when the pets got out of hand he pursued them and when damages resulted he sacrificed his gems to pay for them. A bad babysitter wouldn't have done something so selfless. I liked how they hid themselves at the end, the CMC should get their cutie marks in stealth and infiltration. [face_cool]

Now onto things that I didn't like as much...

The animals went through the motions of exaggerated chaos just to make it look like Spike was a bad baby sitter. That is something that bothers me about cartoons, you put a character through a perfectly normal situation and a brief montage of destruction later everything he was trying to accomplish falls apart instantly. Can't we ever have a realistic escalation of things falling apart instead of just exaggerating things from the get go? I find it hard to believe Spike is that bad at his job.

Also, why the hell did Spike get rid of Peewee? A phoenix as a pet? That would have been awesome!

Overall a fairly solid episode.


I'm a snake, what else did you expect?
Jul 11, 2007
Here, There, Everywhere
Also, why the hell did Spike get rid of Peewee? A phoenix as a pet? That would have been awesome!
Well, he did STEAL him from his nest. [face_tongue]

At least we found out what happened to him.

Steal is such an ugly word, I prefer the term "rescued". [face_tongue]

To be fair if Spike didn't take that egg then those dragons were gonna kill Peewee before he even got a chance to hatch. I don't mind Spike returning Peewee to his parents if that is what the phoenix actually wanted, but it just seems like he and Spike should at least have had some meaningful screen time together before hand. I mean why can't a phoenix fly away from his parents to visit Spike every once in a while?


Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
I liked the episode, actually found the pacing to be pretty appropriate for what it was going for this time. Nothing overstayed its welcome, made for a solid rewatch. Comedy doesn't need as much development as drama.

It was cute and consistent, and I liked Spike more here than in the one with Applejack.

Also I love that part at around 13 minutes with the nurse and Screw Loose.
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