Mar 1, 2015
Level 28 Warlock on Xbox One. Need some new gear and some new weapons. Some level 30+s with a Crota and/or Atheon check point (Crota Normal, VOG Hard) you can message me at TheRealRollie. Help would be greatly appreciated. Patient and nice people to walk me through these challenges. PEACE :)
Mar 1, 2015
Level 28 Warlock Who needs help
Xbox One: TheRealRollie
Level 30+s
People with checkpoints on Normal Crota
And checkpoints on Atheon Hard
Need patient people who doesn't mind helping a noob
Mar 29, 2015
Psn sento_vincent201

I need help with raids. Have not been able to get through them. I have a level 30 hunter and warlock. Would be greatful for the help. I also have a mic to make things easier.


Oct 24, 2013
Hey guys.... my friend and I would really like to do the vault of glass but don't have people to do it with... Would anyone be willing to help us do it? I'm a level 28 warlock sunsinger and my friend is a level 27 titan defender.Just looking for someone to play it with, I don't really care if this would be your first time or tenth time doing VoG, just looking for anyone willing to do it. If anyone can help my friend and I will be on tonight at 9 EST (We could also do the Crota raid but i'm not sure we are high enough level to be much of a help on it)
Send me a friend request at noahdp



Oct 24, 2013
Hey guys.... my friend and I would really like to do the vault of glass (PS4) but don't have people to do it with... Would anyone be willing to help us do it? I'm a level 28 warlock sunsinger and my friend is a level 27 titan defender.Just looking for someone to play it with, I don't really care if this would be your first time or tenth time doing VoG, just looking for anyone willing to do it. If anyone can help my friend and I will be on tonight at 9 EST (We could also do the Crota raid but i'm not sure we are high enough level to be much of a help on it)
Send me a friend request at noahdp

Nov 22, 2014
Hi! My PSN Id is TempestLight (same name as here) I am looking for others to join a fireteam; so we can do the raids and the other content that is only accessible as an independent group. PM or reply here and I will get back to you. Or send me a msg via PSN
Last edited:


Jan 1, 2015
I haven't attempted any raids. I have a level 33 Hunter and a level 32 Titan. If anyone needs an extra raid member on XBox One today (Monday) send me an invite. GT: CODukes4

If anyone is willing to carry a level 33 through the level 34 prison of elders I'd be mighty thankful. I'm desperate for some etheric light.


Find something, protect something.
Feb 23, 2010
Hi! My PSN Id is TempestLight (same name as here) I am looking for others to join a fireteam; so we can do the raids and the other content that is only accessible as an independent group. PM or reply here and I will get back to you. Or send me a msg via PSN

If you're still looking for someone, I can join. I have everything, but the Crota's DLC.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 20, 2008
Looking for players to complete raids. Just bought Destiny TTK so I need to do all the raids.

Started again with a titan, level 35 light 165. PS4. Preferably with a mic but no problem if they don't.

names kal_az6


Aug 16, 2015
trying to get back into destiny, picked up all the dlcs but haven't played any of the missions yet. I'm in Perth Western Australia so local people would be good though don't really care. I have a level 29 hunter and I think my titan is around 16 and my warlock is about 8.

my PSN is: big_toe_gangrene


Nov 14, 2016
Hi! My PSN Id is TempestLight (same name as here) I am looking for others to join a fireteam; so we can do the raids and the other content that is only accessible as an independent group. PM or reply here and I will get back to you. Or send me a msg via PSN
Smiles1006, hit me up