
𝔐𝔬𝔬𝔫 𝔊𝔬𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔰 𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔭𝔭𝔢𝔯
Apr 24, 2010
i used to post here, i stopped because it was a toxic shithole that just dickroad JRPGs while shitting on any other genre lol

It was never toxic, and discussions are always civil, you just couldn’t handle it when FF7 beat Portal in that user tournament, lol.


Jun 21, 2010
Highgate Cemetery
tags don't work after the ninth or tenth tag

only here cuz someone on discord mentioned people were posting here

i think GCB, VT, and vesti are the only boards currently set to read-only, which i would guess are the three highest trafficking boards, but idk anything about web stuff lol but maybe that'd mean they'll ready-only this place too if we keep posting here


The sharpest knife in the...where they keep knives
Aug 9, 2001
tags don't work after the ninth or tenth tag

only here cuz someone on discord mentioned people were posting here

i think GCB, VT, and vesti are the only boards currently set to read-only, which i would guess are the three highest trafficking boards, but idk anything about web stuff lol but maybe that'd mean they'll ready-only this place too if we keep posting here
Eventually it would, but I think we'll be fine one more day at least and that's all we need.


Original poster
If we’re going purely for milkshakes, then I’m gonna get a McDonald’s frappe or whatever the fuck those are called those things are fucking delicious
There's a coffee shop chain around here called scooters and when I see one I get a smoothie.

I worked a job up north where every morning I'd stop by and get a big ass cookie and smoothie it was the greatest.