the stone the builder refused
Aug 22, 2006
The place you least suspect

I originally posed the question in here but to sum it up

I was thinking we could open up a board for homebrew game devs to upload walkthroughs of their stuff, it being IGN but delisted might have some appeal for them as it'd still be on IGN but without them having to worry about Nintendo finding it and issuing cease and desists .... as well as various translation projects and whatnot. All we'd have to do is get Jada to tweet it out or something/post it on a bunch of forums these people hang out in e.g. pokecommunity or various game developer forums

Switch homebrew to itch io?

I mean I think both would be ideal as usually homebrew devs start that way and then move to itch io but they tend to not get the exposure they once got after the move, having it so you could simply like .... just click on a single devs page and be able to see all the games they've made with all the notes and walkthrough's and whatnot for them in a single place and then connecting that to a forum for the devs and whatnot so they can trade knowledge and whatnot like what used to happen on the icon making board could be a great way to improve traffic here, and its not like its that far off the rules we already have as I'm allowed to talk about the results from all these projects just not linking any roms and shit .... which would be the same for that place it'd only be patch files and patching instructions and whatnot that would be hosted on IGN .... as well as ya know .... all the other shit relating to its development

Okay so scrap the hosting of files and have it just be like gamefaqs for indie devs and homebrew stuff with the homebrew files hosted in other places, so like Vei said the gamefaqs marketshare but from the devs themselves

One of the biggest bonuses of Indie games and fan projects is you can actually feel the love the devs puts into the games so I can see a lot of devs wanting to take advantage of something like this

And like I highly doubt IGN would be held liable for essentially walkthroughs of fan projects and the devs talking about why they put certain secrets in certain places and whatnot

A place for smaller devs to connect with their audiences and whatnot and develop followings, a place for them to upload all the notes and whatnot they want for any of their projects as well as walkthroughs with explainations for the reasons they did the things they did, from rom hack projects to indie games a place where the devs can make the jump without having it lose their audience they built up from their time in the fan communities, bringing all of these communities under the roof of IGN to shield them from .... well you've seen social media, message boards have their own place and this could be it