Nov 19, 2009
this game is trash, i feel ripped off, just a bucnha mindless roaches jumping at you in zombie animation, graphics suck, gameplay sucks, aiming sucks, you aim 2 feet to the left of a zombie and still manage to shoot him


Jul 21, 2007
This game rocks on my PC. Thankyou Valve. I bought your game in good faith that it wasn't just some lame $50 expansion. and it is a lot better than L4D1! So many of the things i hated in L4D1 are gone! No more closet gameplay. No more advantage from taking things slow. The crescendos are now totally awesome adrenaline pumping insanity. And skill in HS's and melee is all there. 10/10. (btw i downloaded the UK version from AU by faking my details as UK country on the steam website to get gore into my AU game, read the thread on the steam forums fellow aussies)


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011

You were lagging because you have a bad internet connection, so the registry was off for you.

The graphics suck because you have them on low, because thats all the 360 can handle.


Apr 1, 2008
this game and odst are both 60 dollar waists these games are more of an expansion then a game. the ps3 is really rising now


Prime Member
Jul 16, 2002
8.5 for Graphics? Is IGN serious? (graphics category should be a 6 at best) The repetitive and pointless nature of the gameplay might be fun for some (I had enough after the first one), but it's a real shame the same 5 year old Source engine is STILL being used here. Valve is just trying to squeeze out every last penny and giving consumers a game that looks like it belongs on the original Xbox or PS2. You know why they can get away with this? Because you people are buying the game. ;)
Mar 7, 2003
Full on agree with Jjimmy4116. Classic IGN to rate something on its popularity rather then its performance. 8.5 on graphics! wow are they blind? I think I can answer my own question there. The game is fun and I am enjoying it and wow did they ramp up the difficulty. If you played the first one then this one is a must have


Almost Not a Noob
May 26, 2008
what a JOKE ign is.. i mean how does this game get a 9? the graphics are absolute garbage for this generation.. the game is practically the same!!!! OMG! this is not a fanboy comment although it sounds like it is.. but if this was on the PS3 i can guarantee this would be an 8.5 or lower.. nothing new to this game.. its the same as left 4 dead which was good at the time.. but this game is just PISH from a critical point of view although its very fun.. IGN AU are telling it how it is! well done guys.


Dec 15, 2003
As someone who is alternating between playing this and Assassin's Creed 2, a beautiful game, I think this game looks great. Blowing zombies to bits looks fantastic, and the lighting is really something special too. It's not perfect, I'd rate it an 8/10 in that category...but a 6? No way, don't be pissy. It's made even more impressive by the amount zombies on screen at once...being blown apart. The source engine is the only engine I've ever seen that's able to not necessarily be technologically, "up to par," and yet still have a realistic looking game, IMO it's much better than Unreal 3.

It's funny, people said the graphics in Borderlands were bad too LOL.


Sep 2, 2009

IGN AU gave it a 5 because the game was HEAVILY edited because the game apparently wasn't allowed to have blood or gore or any of that so the game was basically ruined because the graphics and everything became glitchy. But even with this, they even said that if you could get passed the glitchy graphics and environment than this game has plenty to keep you entertained.


Jul 29, 2006
This game is great, I thought L4D1 was good, but having played the sequel, I don't think I could ever go back to it now. L4D2 is so much more intense, there's more things to do and explore, more decision making and risk taking. In short, great game. Everyone must get it.
May 31, 2009
Im having very bad lag problems, the game is amazing i play it more than modern warfare 2, i jus hope they fix the lag and soon
Aug 7, 2009
"I keep reading comments from people saying that this game is too short to be considered a full game. I just finished Modern Warfare 2 and it took me half the time than finishing all 5 of these campaigns. So according to your short game= expansion pack theory i guess Infinity Ward just sold you an expansion for 60 bucks. Btw left4dead2 is 50 not 60."

Well yes Jordanispeepants, no one is arguing that point. If you will notice, MW 2 has like a 1.9 user rating on PC on Metacritic, and the complaint that it's essentially an expansion pack is fairly pervasive (because it is). Left 4 Dead 2 hardly qualifies as an expansion, since the first game was little more than a mod, and this is just the same mod with different properties.
Aug 7, 2009
Also the comments about the graphics not being impressive go without saying, considering two of three major graphical engines in 3D games these days (Quake in Half-Life/Call of Duty-related games and Unreal in various third person games) were invented over 10 years ago, and the other engine being Crytek which is being "optimized" (devolved) for console efficiency.

But let's not worry about this, "you should all just be grateful", etc. I don't see why people even talk about graphics anymore in this age of consoles. Games just rely on the optimization written by Tim Sweeney and John Carmack, the end. What is there to rate?


Prime Member
Aug 16, 2007
Wow AU hated this game. I sniff something wrong with one of these grades wen they are this far apart im guessing ign US


Dec 21, 2007
At Batman8893:
Another idiot fanboy who doesn't even bother to find out why IGN Australia only gave it a 5 (to the Australian edition of the game that is).


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Maybe people should read the Aussie review before posting. If you liked the first one and live outside Australia I don't see why you wouldn't have fun playing the second version, it's way more polished.
Jun 9, 2008
@ Batman8893

Go and actually read the AU review. It's score is 5.0 because Valve was forced to release an edited version. The edits severely damaged the visuals, presentation, and overall appeal. This is a perfect example of a government interfering with a private company's product and severely reducing the quality of that product. How is Valve suppose to sell this in AU with the government's regulations? It's criminal. The US version is completely different from the AU version.
Sep 18, 2009
Perhaps people have read the Aussie review and are pondering the question, "If all the gore is taken out and zombies disappear are we left with a simplistic shooter with repetitive gameplay and no dread and fear of what horrors lay ahead?"

The game is criticized for limited guns (see Borderlands for how to do this), average graphics (see Uncharted 2 for what next-gen is on consoles), and wave upon wave of zack's with no defensive AI (see MW2 on veteran for an example).

The Aussie rating is a comment on censorship but it also belies the "rushed" nature of L4D2 in general.


Nov 24, 2009
this game is crap..there are few differences from this one and the think its fun until you realy get into it and a zombie spawns randomly and you die if I knew the team who made this I would tell to stop makeing crap games and learn from real game makers like the ones from fallout and gears of war DO NOT BUY THIS ONLY RENT IF YOU BUY IT JUST TAKE THE 60 $ AND WIPE UR A** WITH IT AND CALL IT A DAY CAUSE ITS A WAIST OF MONEY AND TIME....


Oct 20, 2009
So let me get something cleared up correctly.

"Though plenty of other games offer co-operative gameplay against mobs of computer-controlled foes, no other game emphasizes teamwork as strongly as this"

Charles made this statement in his review. He accurately portrayed some important features in the game, but I truly think he made a crucial error in judgment.

How come there is no 04 player offline co-op play? For ALL the controversy and complaints everyone has pumped out over this game it appears this is overlooked a lot. It supports 04 players online, the xbox has capability for 04 players offline. The game has 04 playable characters.

So I ask you Valve, what viable excuse can you present? The graphics are not intense enough for that to be the reason. Is it perhaps microsoft wanted them to leave it out so people would be forced to buy their xbox Live memberships? Or is this simply because Valve overlooked something that was screaming in their face to have implemented.

any comments on this people?
Sep 4, 2009
To answer Paultrons statement.They don't need offline co-op play anyway. No one uses that anymore. I don't see anyone complaining about that besides you because everyone plays online nowadays.


Oct 20, 2009
Perhaps it is a moot point to argue. I still think it is something though that all games that are multi player should have. I understand that we have online now, but to me leaving out this option is silly. It wouldn't be difficult to program, and it forces players into the online market.

I admit I play almost exclusively online, my complaint is more of a superficial one. It to me seems that the issue is simply one of fundamentals. If the game is multi player and can support 04 players than there SHOULDN'T be an excuse to undermine the experience in this simple manner.

I also put forward a similar argument about pretty much all games, which I did not address for this game in particular. There was a time when Nintendo briefly became fixated during the game cube days on releasing games with FULLY customizable buttons for your controllers.

Now it seems most games do not allow this, but only allow for a few pre set options. Perhaps there is only a few set ways in which playing a first person shooter is optimal.

To me these are both similar items. The reason being is that they were movements forward in game creation to better appease the diverse crowds of gamers. By reverting backwards away from these it seems that gaming is taking a step backwards oppose to forward.

Basically these things should never be left out of a game because there is no true exclusive reason for this.


May 3, 2007
I 100% agree with you Paultron. I will certainly not be buying this game now. It may seem superficial, but it's not. I loved playing Left 4 Dead with my friends. In my house. Together. Not over Live (and one of them doesn't even have Live so now I can never play with him. Isn't that lovely?). Valve really ****ed over certain people here and I don't even know why.


May 27, 2005
"How come there is no 04 player offline co-op play?"

This is a pretty simple answer really, it would slow the game down to powerpoint speed if you had to render all that insane action on four different screens.

"They don't need offline co-op play anyway. No one uses that anymore."

You are incorrect, I use it almost exclusively, and actually, so do a lot of people. Online to me is used exclusively with friends I know in person, or if they seem like good people online, but never randomly, because, especially in a game like this, they can screw you over.
Jul 31, 2006
Bought it yesterday $29.99 Black Friday special for the PC. So why arent I playing it now? Calling this game an expansion pack is valid. Valve culled the suggestions for improving Left 4 Dead -1 's flaws and made a new game . Im not crazy about the Daytime maps , I think the new melee weapons were a bad idea , the only thing I DO like are new zombie types and the implementing of a wandering witch. Im sure Valve will throw out a few minor patches that might add new content , the best of the two games is the first one , this one is just too gratuitous , there is no reason to give it a higher score because very little was added that could not have been delivered in a thoughtful patch upgrade to the old game. To those considering a purchase? This game breeds intolerance for losing , if your team loses they rage quit and leave you outnumbered , if you can get past that happening it can be fun , but make some friends or this thing will become a $50 coaster .


Nov 30, 2009
I bought this game on black Friday for 34.97 for the Xbox 360. At first i thought left for dead was better, but as you get deeper in the game it is really good. The story actually flows and using melee weapons makes this game even better, the gore in this game makes it really fun seeing some zombies guts fall out its stomach puts a smile on ones face. Honestly i like the old characters better, but im not complaining, this game gets 9 in my book. Valve delivers once again baby.
Oct 27, 2008
This game almost blows as hard as the first one. Way overrated.......
Posted by: Xerxces on November 28, 2009 19:16 PDT

Dude... TOTALLY agreed.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 23, 2005
What pisses me off is how successful Valve is being at ripping their consumers off and taking advantage by getting them to pay 50 freaking dollars for an expansion pack/patch/downloadable content.

This could have all easily been added to the first one. there was no reason for this sequel and the fact that it looks and plays exactly like the first proves this and is this game's Scarlet Letter, yet the fans overlook this.

The majority anyway. There were some in an uproar. Of course we knew they would lose the fight but yeah. It's a crime what Valve has done.

And I didn't even purchase the first one and I'm peeved off. Ha. This game was unnecessary and Valve took advantage of the momentum and hype.



Oct 20, 2009

this game could have been downloadable content. Sometimes I forget how little difference there is from the first one and its price tag because I bought it with the store store credit gained from older games.

ODST was similar. it really was destined to be a cheap download game...

is this going to be an ongoing trend? has this happened before and maybe I wasn't paying attention?

plus someone said having 04 players offline would be too intense for the system is incorrect (im not saying they're stupid, I just hold that they're wrong) because the first game supported it and the graphics and environment has not changed so therefore it SHOULD be capable of running 04 player offline co-op without any problems.


Dec 21, 2007
If you think this is nothing more than an add-on, then think about it this way: Since when is an expansion pack BIGGER AND BETTER than the original game it was made for? Does that concept even make sense?


No Longer a Noob
Jun 23, 2005
@Paultron: Well really.......Sports games have been suffering from the same formula for a long time. No one cares though because real gamers don't play just sports games. [face_tongue]

They just shoot out the same sports game with a new number attached each year and they make money.

Remember "Shadowrun"? That was kind of a rip off. Just a multiplayer online game at full price. You could only play it online. No Single player.

@Wolfrank13: Since when is an expansion pack 60 freaking dollars? I hope you didn't expect that to make anyone feel better. It doesn't.


Dec 21, 2007
@powerfulone1987: I thought my comment was very clear but apparently it wasn't. What I meant to say was that I don't think this game is just an add-on but a full-fledged sequel.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 23, 2005
Well that's fine. Doesn't really add anything new to the issue and thus I have no comment on that statement. It's been said before, but I've already made it very clear how I view all of this so yeah......

I'll just assume you were making a general statement and not responding to anyone at all.


Nov 30, 2009
Now people are already asking for add-ons, just fkn wait. Are you hoping that the new add-ons will be easier for you, since you suck at the original campaign. Come on man, devote some time to your skills before asking for an add-on.
@powerfolune- get real real man, stop fkn crying like a lil bitch and just don't buy the add ons or sequels. Tell your boyfriend I said hi.

New Moon Rocks. Team Jacob bitches!!!


Apr 15, 2009
And stop crying about not having offline 4 person co-op play. It isn't Valve's fault you and your boyfriends want to play together all in the same room while simultaneously conducting a feirce and rigorous circle jerk. What a bunch of faries!


Dec 4, 2009
guys when you buy the cd left for dead for pc do u have to pay to play online??

i know am an idiot

but pls reply


Dec 4, 2009

Just like to say... lets think.. what would happen if VALVe releases this as an expansion... what would it be for an extra campaign? 10 dollars? So... that's 5X10=50 dollars! Even with that, there's the new game modes, the new weapons, improved graphics, new infected... Oh wait... well surely if we were to get this as expansions then what would it cost us? more than what you're paying for it.

Stop crying because its on a different disk, and because you didin't even buy the first one, you have nothing to complain about.

@rousvanis1: PC online is free (excluding broadband fees), however you get hold of it.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 23, 2005
ROB830: Please stop coming on here trying to lecture others as to how to think because you're missing something in your daily life. If you're that angry, then seek help because nobody should be that miserable.

Go lick on Jacob's abs girl.

NabsterHax: Aw. Did you create that account just to respond to me? I'm flattered. Now you're about to be flattened. Sorry.

You make no sense. I think what I think. I'm going to continue to think what I think. And I'm going to continue getting emotional about things in which I have an opinion on.

You don't like my opinion, tough. Don't respond to it. Because you definitely won't change it.

I didn't buy the first one and I won't be buying the second one for reasons unbeknownst to you so don't presume to know and don't have the audacity to even began to tell me what I should care about and how I should feel.

Left 4 Dead 2 is just a ploy to squeeze more money out of you gullible fans. They're taking advantage because they knew they could by putting out the same game with a couple add-ons, some sunlight and some black people. It's criminal and you all are the victims. But you're suffering from Stockholm's Syndrome. You like it and you want more and you don't even know any better. I feel sorry for you.

Let's not do this again. You don't want to lose all of your dignity and self respect.


Aug 28, 2009
Dude below me...PMS... Its a game not a death sentence. I bet it makes you feel better getting mad about a videogame. What the hell is wrong with people they get worked up over a game. This world is screwed if everyone were like you. On the other hand this game is fairly good. Enjoy.