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Almost Not a Noob
Oct 16, 2008
they should really make a system that only allows gore games, such as left 4 dead any other game would not be compatiable and the system would increase the graphics and ect ect
Oct 30, 2008
@ DSswoosh123

You are a close minded idiot. I'm about 99.9% sure that you never visited "America", and if you had you're lying about that incident unless you're very poor and decided to visit the slums.

You obviously watch too much TV and fall in line with what other people tell you (I believe there is a definition, oh yeah - Tool). If you're ignorant enough to judge a country based on forum posts and media and make up fake stories you're a complete and utter moron. Sorry - its the truth.
Nov 26, 2009
Classifiication in Australia does suck. It never impacted on me till I found out this game was going to be cut hard. I wanted to experience the same zombie bloodshed as the U.S. So I went to E-Bay and found it! For half the price including packaging and uncensored. It is by far the best zombie game I have played. But if you play the aussie version you are missing out on some good zombie decapitations with a samurai sword. I'm 27 years old and is legally allowed to play and view R18+ material so I see nothing wrong with my purchase. Stores that sell R18+ materials like video games and movies should always ask for I.D. So that younger members of the public can't get there hands on it. And if they do get there parents to buy them the item it should come across as something the parent should checkout and consider first. And as for the south australian politician that always votes against the R18+ classification. He should try playing left 4 dead 2, sitting in parliament all day would make me want to go home and decapitate some zombies in full blown gore. IN THE END POLITICIANS DON'T PARENT OUR CHILDREN WE DO. WE DON'T NEED A NANNY NATION!
Aug 23, 2006

I base my judgement of American people on what i see on television, my experiences of New York and of what American people write on forums.

Since you was so kind to call me ignorant, a liar a tool and generally flex your "morally correct, superiority complex" showing nothing but abuse, self centredness and seem to be too proud to admit that you could ever be wrong, then i think you have proved my opinion quite accurately correct ;)


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 19, 2004
Think of the children, people!...The Australian zombie children!...=P

At least they didn't substitute the weapons - They coulda used paintballs and Nerf
May 3, 2008

Personally I think that the Australian release would have been improved by using nerf bats and paintballs. At least then it would be consistent with the visual results of inflicted damage.


Nov 8, 2008
Don't worry, DSswoosh. Not all Americans are like some of the posters in this thread and the ignorant clowns on xbox live. This country is a mess. Don't believe the hype.


Apr 14, 2009
Im glad L4D 2 was edited like this. Do you know how many Undead Americans the first game offended and upset?

For shame.
Nov 30, 2009
if valve had taken their time they couldve incorporated ideas to take the outright piss out of the australian government (rockstar managed to throw afew barbs at the aussie government in the gta series)

that being said did anyone notice that the zombies had better ragdoll effects in the aussie version than the others? without the decapitationa you can send the zombies flying
Oct 24, 2002
I think game companies should refuse to release games which are refused classification by the Australia ratings board on the Australian market. A high profile game which wins awards would be seen as a testament to how stupid the ratings board is, if it was never released in Australia. Maybe this is Valve's intention, release a crappy edit, and say, "See, this is what you get for having no 18+ rating." Who knows, maybe the ultimate intent is to wait for the game to sell lots of copies, then "leak" a patch onto the torrent sites which revert the game to the US version, or just let Australia be swamped by pirate copies of the game.
Hell, how does this dumbed down version work in multiplayer? Would this mean that the Australian version is limited to playing in Australia?


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I am an Aussie myself, natural I jump in and get pissed off XD

This Michael Atkinson fella, most people who have or "HAD" L4D2 describe him as a modern day Hitler... I can't stand the fact that they changed the game completely, just cause it as too gory! L4D1 practically exatly the same, did they change that, No!

If I have too, I'd just get it bluddy imported from US.

Things with gore shouldnt be rated R anyway -.- Its bull, that means, that any gore in it, is most likely gonna have the same thing happen.
R rated games have bluddy porn and swearing and gore, all that stuff. Gore and swearing alone is not R rated.

The movie, The Warriors, that was rated R, I have seen it, It barely had any gore or swearing, just fights. The game was MA.

Sorry for the language i may of used, but do you think i want some foolish christian making choices on what game content i get to see?


Prime Member
Dec 13, 2007

"Sorry for the language i may of used, but do you think i want some foolish christian making choices on what game content i get to see?"

This right here.


Prime Member
Jan 8, 2005
Judging by the posted video alone, it doesn't seem like it quite deserves the thrashing they gave it, and it seems like the impact on the gameplay would be minimal.

That said, I've been allowed to enjoy the full version, and am a hardcore fan of the gameplay, so there's a great chance my view is unfairly skewered, and given the way the censorship board has taken a piss on them, I can't blame my Aussie brethren for feeling this way. For their sake, I wish Valve had taken more time for them to make it up.


Dec 6, 2009
This basically ruins the whole game. People say oh it doesn't matter if they cut out a few details but it definitely does. Also it makes the game impossible to complete, achievement wise.

Because there is no decapitation or fire effects you can't unlock the achievements for decapitating 200 zombies, or setting 50 zombies on fire.

It's just not fair
Sep 17, 2008
received mine via import (thank you ebay), uncensored ofcourse, ****ING BRILLIANT UNCENSORED!!! I played the ozzie demo off of live and deleted it three minutes into the game. Got the legit import..... BEST ZOMBIE GAME EVER!!!!! IMPORT PEOPLE!!!


Feb 18, 2009
While obviously it looks terrible, I dont think you can fault Valve. If Im not mistaken, Valve edited it down once, and it got rejected again AFTER they had edited it! So they had to edit it EVEN MORE!!!


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
play it on pc and buy it from another country if you live in Aus, The blood and the guts is what makes this game so much fun, without it, its not as much fun, you might as well go play Left 4 dead 1 again. As far as the game goes, there really isnt that much different too LEft 4 dead 1 and it does feel like a big left 4 dead 1 mod. I didnt get the same OMG WOW , OMG how cool, awesome, feeling i did when i played Left 4 dead 1 the first time. Its still fun but i dont think its worth a rating much past a 7.5. The first 0one deserved a 9.0 because it was completely original but Left 4 dead 2 just doesnt change it up from the first one enough. But in saying that, it is definately still a fun game for awhile.


Dec 13, 2009
Hello peolpe I just wanna say im fuckin sick of our government they actuly hav the balls to order this game to be cut and went the ACB voted they acctuly said "The gamers of australia cannot tell the difference between this game a real life"

i got the game for my 13th birth day i played it and straight away i wiped it with a magnet and told my dad it didn't work


Aug 4, 2001
Most of the blame has to lie with Valve and EA. As was stated in the review, no release at all would have been better than this version. Aussies still have the option to import, so it's not like we would have been completely unable to get our hands on the game if we wanted to. Seems to me like EA/Valve just wanted SOMETHING on the shelves in order to get Christmas sales, ignoring the fact that people, especially those unaware of the changes, would be getting a sub-par game. What ever happened to quality control? What a blight on Valve's solid reputation.
Dec 14, 2008
As an American, i had to say this is BS. Looks like the fact that Aussies and Germans get a carebare version of this game while the rest of the world get the most bloodiest games ever made by valve. I glad i don't have to live in a fascist countries like Australia (no offense to Aussies gamers). and you aussies don't get to be treated as childs. America get the uncensored because we have freedom of speech. The problem is that Australia doesn't have an M mature rating like we americans do. taking away violence will make you into a pussy. I hope you aussies get what you wanted.
Dec 15, 2009
fuck the australin goverment those little shitballs ruined this game serously this **** is bull[face_angry] i am going on a trip to amirica just to get the uncensored version[face_flag] and come shove it up the australian goverments ass.[face_devil]
Dec 15, 2009
that is true! you know what because of this im moving to america i dont want to live in a country where the goverment is a bitchy pussy[face_silly] [face_silly] [face_silly] [face_silly] [face_silly]


Jun 5, 2005
dont blame the australian classifications for this BS this is all EA or valve or whoever thought they could pull this **** of thinking their game would still sell with all its hype and good press from the first one. Sad thing is it prob will sell but good on u IGN for letting them know their a bunch of d!cks for doing a complete lazy half a$$ effort!


Jun 5, 2005
@greamamerican99 ur comment-The problem is that Australia doesn't have an M mature rating like we americans do. taking away violence will make you into a pussy. I hope you aussies get what you wanted.

although I may not play L4D uncensored version every night to keep me thinking im tuff like u I believe training Muay Thai, BJJ instead is keeping me from being a pussy like urself. And yes good old america u guys are so lucky to live in the country u do with ur freedom and free speech etc. the only problem is ur freedom lets people carry guns and if u speak too loud u end up with a bullet in ur head, lucky u being the lucky american. Maybe if u had left ur bedroom and ventured outside in the past year u would have seen ur america u talk of has changed! it's idiots like u that make america look like a bunch of red neck tools... no offense to the decent americans which I know are out there.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 4, 2008
that was a very entertaining review of a very unentertaining game.... thanx.
In this case (and in most) I'm glad I live in Canada.
Dec 15, 2009
xD I couldn't just stop laughing.


Dec 21, 2009
im aussie and the reason games like this are heavily censored is because head of the board some like 80 year old guy whos still living in the stone age.
me and my mates are just waiting for this guy to kick the bucket so we can enjoy the murder madem and chaos like u yanks and every other country on the planet?
Dec 14, 2008
@maddan81 LMFAO calling me a pussy, a coward and a idiot? I just stating a fact that you Aussies don't deserve to have a censored. Go ahead and make America look bad.I just like living here in America because of the first amendment. Every country has screwed up politics. and yes i do have a gun but only use for purposed of protecting my business.
Sep 17, 2008
I'm convinced that Michael Atkinson is corrupt. Voting him out is not just for getting an R rating for games (although I agree we need one) but getting an Attorney General who is actually clean and does his/her job. He is actually a person of interest by the police and may be implicated in corruption charges. I refer you to this site.,22606,26435966-5006301,00.html

Unfortunately getting rid of this criminal is going to be harder than we all think. The Labor party want him in because he is their bitch. They don't want an independant body for corruption because ALOT of them would be looked into by this body. Voting for either Gamer's for Croydon, or worst case scenario the Liberal Party seems a safer bet. For me this started with trying to get an R rating for games, the more I dig and research this, the more I see this man as a political criminal who should have charges against him brought to light. Why do you think he's so into classification and making it harder for R rated movies to get into the home? He's trying to distract us from all these allegations against him. The Ralph Clarke incident, the Stashed Cash affair, hell I'm almost convinced the Labor Party knows of all this but sweeps it under the rug... and I'm a Labor voter and I'm saying this. I'm disgusted to have this man in my state as the AG and as far as I'm concerned, he's dirty, his workers are dirty, he needs to be either voted out, fired, arrested, or quit. I'm not saying I wish violent acts against him, but if he had a heart attack, I would go to town and get sooooooooooo drunk partying I would probably forget my name. R rating for games, yes. A corrupt law maker, I won't stand for that.


Jul 22, 2007
The uncensored isn't much better than a 5 either to be honest. You guys aren't missing out on much. The Nazi Zombies mode in CoD is more worth your money than any L4D game.


Apr 9, 2008
I dont blame Valve.

The game they created what L4D2 not a watered down version of that game.

Why should they be sensitive about the edits they apply to a game they proberbly dont want to edit.

The only thing that the censorship like this damages is local retailers.
If you want an unedited version its easy to get one imported (i did).

Sep 7, 2010
when valve or ea or whoever it was took this game to our classification board they werent aware of the cultural subtleties that are written in. i dont know all the details, but when L4D2 was presented the zombies were called 'infected humans'. the classification board deems it ok to kill zombies and not ok to kill humans (!) so they shot themselves in the foot. look at DR2, or even dead space. these games present an overwhelmingly graphic depiction, of killing NOT humans. thats the difference, from what ive read. just do your research and just rename shit (see: morphine, fallout 3)


Oct 25, 2009
Gore is one of the things that makes the L4D experience more realistic or exaggerated cause people play games to step out their everyday lives and experience something new.

It's something that we expect to have seeing that a lot of zombie MOVIES have it so when you take it away of course there's gonna be people noticing, "Why do people disappear when I kill them?"

This just tears you out of the experience seeing that killing zombies (something you do the entire game) has such a blaringly obvious element missing.

So yes, quality WOULD be affected by the PRESENCE of the gore or lack of thereof since it would affect almost all aspects of the game (except obviously sound)
May 9, 2011
No way would I ever play the butchered Australian cust of this game. The unedited original is way better then this shame of a knock off.
Feb 1, 2007
I just think it's weird that games like Grand Theft Auto 4 and God of War come out that have nudity, graphic violence and such, come out totally unscathed, yet other games get butchered by the censors. Must be corruption, under the table payments to those in charge to allow games through. Valve must have told them to piss off, and their game got stuffed.
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