
Jan 18, 2011
Trying to get snape: have made into the second potions classroom, when I destroy the gargoyle it creates the gear on the door at the bottom of the big stone snake, but nothing else happens. I can't seem to make the gear work to get the key from the snake's mouth. Is this a glitch? Seems likely since I have encountered several other glitches in my copy of the game.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Jan 18, 2011

Wii version; can't get snape. made it to the second potions classroom but can't get the key from the stone snake's mouth. have destroyed the gargoyle which gives me the peices for the gear to build on the door at the base of the snake, but can't make it work or do anything else. please help. thanks!


Jan 20, 2011
Totally frustrated almost finished with game I only need 1 golden brick so I can unlock bonus level 11 and get Lord Voldemort. I don't get it, I have all students in peril, all 4 years are completed, finished all bonus levels, and have wandered all over hogwarts and knockturn alley with brick finder on and no arrows are appearing. I'm starting to think the game has a glitch and I've just been screwed out of winning the game. Any thoughts that maybe I didn't think of? Note I also went through both My Cheats and IGN website to figure out where I might have missed a brick. Thanks for any help in advance. This is for PS3.


Jan 24, 2011
Glad to see someone has 100% on this game. :0)

In Year 2, Tom Riddle's Diary section, my game seems to get stuck so to speak while chasing Aragon into the room where Hagrid is. It appears as though the bookcase on the right end of the room should be able to be moved but on my game it is never moveable. HELP PLEASE! This has driven me insane for weeks! Thanks.
Feb 15, 2011
I am 50 years old and just started playing videos game when my husband got me a Wii. I have all the characters, students in peril, red bricks (with cheat codes I admit) and gold bricks. I finished level 11 and went back in to play in free play mode but I only have 98.8% completion. The only thing I haven't really done is the builder mode in the vault. How do I get to 100%?

Feb 11, 2011
Can someone please help me with getting the professor Flitwick token? I'm in the dark basement, but can't figure out how to get over the grates that push you to the lower level. I've tried jumping over, being invisible, and walking closer to the edge, but nothing works.
Feb 16, 2011
I'm trying to catch the flying key in the forbidden corridor. My broom only flies at ground level and the keys are up in the air. I've tried having Harry stand on one of the columns in the middle of the room and then mount his broom. But as soon as I drag my stylus across the screen he flies off the pedestal and back down to the floor. Any suggestions? I would really appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.
Feb 15, 2011
Walking through the dark basement in charms took several attempts but you just need to watch you step. You need to watch the grates on the ground and slowly go behind, in front of and in between. Jumping over won't help. I had to adjust the brightness on my TV to make it easier to see. Don't forget to save the student in peril after moving past moving creatures in lower level before going into next room or you'll never make 100%
Feb 15, 2011
The hardest crest to find is with the xylophone. After the dragon goes to sleep you will see 5 yellow Z's. Hit the yellow 5 times then drop the mallot. That will get you a crest.
Feb 15, 2011
You need Griphook to get Snape. It not a gear its a lock like in the bank. You can get griphook with free play using reducto in Year 1 level 1 vault level of bank. He's locked in a trunk
Feb 11, 2011
andreapappa said:
Walking through the dark basement in charms took several attempts but you just need to watch you step. You need to watch the grates on the ground and slowly go behind, in front of and in between. Jumping over won't help. I had to adjust the brightness on my TV to make it easier to see. Don't forget to save the student in peril after moving past moving creatures in lower level before going into next room or you'll never make 100%

Thanks! I'll try to figure out how to adjust the brightness. I can't see anything in that room, even with Lumos.
Feb 15, 2011
Have you used all 4 timeturners? The gold brick indicator won't show up in the room if you are in the wrong time. I'm trying to remember if there are some bricks to find hidden in the levels. Good luck. I have everything and I am still only at 98.8% and I can't go back to Hogswarts after playing level 11
Feb 19, 2011
I am playing the DS version. I am stuck on the crabe and goyle part. Argus filch
is guarding the slytherin door and I can't get past him. What do I do?


Mar 20, 2011
What spell do I need to open the black boxes with red sparks around them and wher do I get that spell??? Thank you. Have a nice day, Tita
Mar 20, 2011
you need to have a character that can use dark magic. you can unlock tom riddle in the level with the basilisk. but first you have to unlock gripehook, the goblin with a key in the magic begins. his token is in a box next to the vault where the cart drops you off. tom riddle's token is in a box that has to be open by the goblin in free play in the fight with the basilisk. good luck. :D (This is for the xbox 360)
Mar 22, 2011
How do I open the chamber of secrets? And is there a "secret" to get access to the "red spots" in every one of the boards? Thanks.
Mar 22, 2011
You need to pull the statue instead of pushing. Get behind it and click on it and then back away from Filch. Take it to all the way to the back, where you entered the room and push it towards the corner of teh room, tap it again and follow the regular usage of spells.


Mar 26, 2011
I have the PS2 version, looking for the DA members, found Collin at the owlery. Harry climbed through the window and placed Fred and Georges packages in the spaces and now Harry can't get out. He is suppose to go the the top floor and climb through a window. The window in the top floor is like a wall...please help :)


Mar 26, 2011
Sorry i am clueless but i can not get the unlock codes to work on my PS3 Please help

And i see 2 of the unlock codes have A in them What is that ?

Thank you Gale


Mar 26, 2011
It appears because i have not posted 20 times or more i can not send a private message so once again.

Dear rsfguitarist

I can not make the unlock code work for Protego Totalum,
on my PS3 is this broken or am i doing something wrong? Please help i have contacted EA Games and they act like they have no clue about the HP game.
And went to this site to get the Cheat code. Which i might add is different then the one i got from their site when i first configured this game on my PS3.

I have been trying to get this to work since i got the game in January or Dec. Very frustrated

Thank you for any help you can give.

Apr 20, 2011
I have two questions for you. I too have 100% and am baffled at 1). that you can't get back into the castle after you complete the voldemort bonus level, and 2) and this one is the real tough one, what is up with the red brick indicator that tells you that there is some piece of mail up near the dorms. It seems like in the beginning of the game, when harry first comes out of his dorm room and down the stairs past the red wizard in the painting that you have to wave to to get the stairs to move, there are like four chests that when you levitate them, they just dump stuff over the edge. That is where the red brick indicator is showing that it is. Even after we get all the mail it is still there. I thought it might be the house cup or something along those lines but I can't seem to get it to appear. Please tell me you got this figured out. Thanks
Apr 20, 2011
I am stuck! Beginning of year 3, right after lesson where Ron and Hermione learn the boggart spell, there is a security troll blocking the door to the hallway. I can get the troll out of the way, but I can't get thru the door...is this a glitch, or am I missing something?


Apr 21, 2011
I feel dumb. I am on year 2 learning the revelio spell. I cant figure it out. Please help, I am running it on the iphone. Thanks
Feb 26, 2011
here is story:step up and play the parts of your heroes of the epic finale entertainment of the decide. Playing as Harry and other key characters in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- Part 2 videogame,You are on a dangerous and urgent quest to locate and destroy the remaining Horcruxes, and with them,Voldemort. Break into high secruity vaults in gringotts bank,escape fyendfyre in the Room of Requirement and battle Voldemort's most powerful allies as you defend Hogwarts in the action-pack experience. Featuring the most epic Harry Potter games gone before;this is the ultiment showdown againest Voldemort and his dark forces. the fate of the wizarding world is the rest in your hands in the final batttle at Hogwarts.
.Play the part of your heroes-Take on the role of diffrent characters as each plays a pivotal role in the battle for Hogwarts. Play as Harry,Hermione,Ron,Ginny,Seamus,Neville,Molley Weasley and Professor mcGonagall as the each play their parts to defence of Hogwarts and destuction of Voldemort
.Experince the Power of the Dark Lord- collect dark mark tokens in- the game to unlock Voldemort.
Join the Battle July 12 2011.
Feb 26, 2011
they rated E+10 stupid but i will be getting game i didn't like part 1 the worst game that ea brightlight made well i will have to say congradulation for making HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2 VIDEOGAME:) can anyone tell me what kind of other spells you can use in the game well i already know some stupify and exspellomas and protago tortolem and crucio and reducto and expolso and impimentia those are the only spells i know.


Apr 24, 2011
We are missing 2 gold bricks from Hogwarts (haven't bought all 12 purchase ones yet either for lack of cash). We turned on the gold brick detector and it is confusing. It seems to tell us that we have a brick waiting in the doorway to the great hall stariway, but then disappears!

We have been through the entire castle, used the guide on ign, and other maps to make sure we are visiting every room with the detector on, and still have had no luck!

Any suggestions??




Apr 24, 2011
Better question - we found the dumb missing bricks. Now how do we enter the cheat codes in Wiseacres?? We don't have enough money or time to get the money to buy some of the things we've unlocked.

The dumb thing won't let us type in any of the cheat codes!



Mar 26, 2011
JamieNick said:
Better question - we found the dumb missing bricks. Now how do we enter the cheat codes in Wiseacres?? We don't have enough money or time to get the money to buy some of the things we've unlocked.

The dumb thing won't let us type in any of the cheat codes!


THANK YOU EXACTLY THE Cheats do not work on the PS3


Apr 27, 2011
I seem to be stuck in the transfiguration room. I wasn't supposed to be there yet. I was still working on year 1, part 6, when I decided to wander and got in this room. Now, the door locked behind me and I can't get out. I blasted everything and can't seem to kill the wheely guy. I may have made a mistake by pushing all the others into the middle and then running around until wheely bumped into them killing them all off. Help please!!!
Apr 27, 2011
I have tried to look and see if you've already answered this, but there is so much on here I didn't have any luck. I have all but 2 of the crests (not the ones you get from collecting mini-crests, but the big ones) in PS2 Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, I've gotten all the crests from the lions, and I can't seem to find the others, can you help me out? Thank you :)
Apr 30, 2011
the screeching you hear is the mermaid egg, it is flushed out of the middle toilet when you depulso the door, put it into the water and it will start to sing the verse the mermaids sing in the triwizard black lake challenge on goblet of fire, it appears near were the rubber duckie was to start with.

Hope this helps :)
May 6, 2011
I have two issues. First, I cannot figure out how to purchase characters. I've unlocked a bunch, including dumbledore, but they don't show up when I drink Polyjuice potion. I only have the three original -- Harry, Ron and Hermione. I've gone to the robe shop and stood at the counter and the only thing available was Harry wearing a sweater.

Also, I can't access Crookshanks in free play. The 1 button on the Wii remote switches between characters now, where before you could use it to change the spell you wish to use, or choose Scabbers for Ron or Crookshanks for Hermione (re: climbing through pipes to open the way for Harry to get through).

I'm stuck [face_confused]


May 7, 2011
I am trying to get past the troll in the bathroom, the game is in leggos 1-4 yrs. When I try to leavelate the stone he throws I just get hit or I destroy it. How do Ron and I get passed the troll?


May 20, 2011
I am at the part where you are in the girls washroom. I have already opeaned the toilet straped down and i built the fan but I am stuck after that. Can you help.


May 20, 2011
Dear evergreenequines,
I am not sure about the character problem but i know how to solve the 1 button problem. Instead press and hold the C button and use the nunchuk to switch between abilities.
Hope this helps, Gryphon.


Dec 9, 2008
I have a question about spells in the game. I'm not that far into it(almost finished second year) and I decided to buy the spell that turns people's hair/hats into flowers. Proble. is, this makes it pretty hard to use expelliarmus because the icon keeps switching between the two. Surely there must be a better way of selecting which spell rather than trying to time it to the icon. Is there even a way to disable those kind of spells or something? I'm sick of hearing the horn noise everytime I try to cast expelliarmus


Jun 26, 2011
I have completed all the years. I went through IGN's entire check list. Trouble is, I missed some characters in Hogwarts. I don't remember what I did, but I went to continue story and some how I am stuck in a room with a dragon under what I beleive to be the learning room that you first learn the floating spell. (Please don't laugh at my inability to remember terms properly). The dragon will flind me up, but I just fall again. Then there's a ball with a need for dark magic but I'm stuck with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. I wish I could just cancel the story, but it's stuck there until I get out. Is there a place to get into Hogwarts for a free play? I haven't found one yet.

I'd hate to be at like 90% and not finish or start from step one.


Jun 27, 2011
We have 4 gold bricks to obtain (2 students in peril and 2 actual bricks).

Our gold brick detector is going off in the lobby off the dorms and it points down in the center on the floor. I have read posts to shoot the floating candles but, they do not get a target on them and we have only two which makes me think we did this already. If you could help that would be great as we are struggling with the gold brick detector in this area. Thanks.