
Jul 20, 2011
RIP Guitar Hero subdivision (2005-2011). I really loved Guitar Hero. I still can't believe it's gone...
This guy doesn't know anything about this game. He didn't mentioned that GH:WOR has one of the hardest song in the franchise history: Sudden Death. It's a total challenge. I'm not saying it worths a buying, but is really awesome. This genre is dying sadly because Activision filled they market with five games in one year. I hope Rock Band doesn't fall on the same disgrace. Rock Band seems healthy, and it's relasing songs weekly, from every musical genre.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 25, 2010
Guitar hero Warriors of rock is a good game but it is not the best GH game IMO. I think the best GH game is Legends of rock but that is just my opinion.


Original poster
I just got this as a birthday present from my roommate. So far, I'm loving it. Then again, I never cared about multiplayer GH, so the supposed "difficult navigation" is a moot point for me. That being said, I truly feel sorry for anyone whose first GH experience is this game. New players learning Expert on this game hardly stand a chance, and this is coming from someone who learned with GH3.


The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Jul 23, 2003
zachpikminman said:
Guitar hero Warriors of rock is a good game but it is not the best GH game IMO. I think the best GH game is Legends of rock but that is just my opinion.
I appreciate how sincere this post sounds.
Nov 23, 2011
i was excited for this game last october and couldnt wait until it came out.. when i got the game, i literally spent countless hours playing it. yes the story is awkward. yes the menus are freakin built on top of each other. yes party play is a waste of space on the game cuz no one uses it. but besides that, i absolutely loved the new songs (majority of them) and the new star system. its more optional compared to GH5 where you HAD to have a specific instrument to get extra stars. while there were few epic moments (found mostly in Avenged Sevenfold DLC) i still cant get over this game. i dont think this game deserves a 6 though. maybe a 7.5 but anything above that is pushing it. the difficult songs (if you are an avid player like myself) were extremely fun to play. these are just my thoughts


May 31, 2014
I find all music games boring and pointless. They just aren't creative. I can fully understand why people enjoy them but I don't. From what I've seen, warriors of rock looks awfully familiar...