
Do you even praise the sun?
Apr 23, 2012
Okay first of all... holy shit these boards are bad. God damn the lay out and interface etc. Just awful on pc and mobile. Somehow worse than it was 5 or even 10 years ago... I actually remembered my password for main but I asked for a permaban 4 years ago and it appears to still stand.:^O

Now to why I made this account.. and why I'm making this post. I can't remember which link I clicked exactly... but somehow I ended up back on this bitch for the first time in 4 years. On a whim I decided to check out my old stomping grounds, the GOW boards. I reread this thread... saw the links from DR (MU's, without my pants etc) and somehow ended up spending a couple of hours reading old classic threads.

Memories came rushing back brehs.... even though almost none of you will read this... I had to make this post as a form of catharsis.

I laughed many, many times whilst reading all that old shit. This board had some good times... it was the golden age of internet forums for me and possibly many of you. The ****ery that took place was A1. We were doing over 1k posts a week and literally 95% of them had nothing to do with GOW. It was just brehs having a good time, I swear we had the best damn community on the internets.

-Every day on MSN with the brehs
-Playing R2, LBP, Dark Souls etc
-All those contests we had. Some of those play sessions were legendary.
-Without my pants showdowns
-The epic MU's that were the GOAT on IGN.
-All of the alts. ALL OF THEM.
-The user stories that started off terrible but got a little better with each new story. I reread some of that stuff and it's bad but I'll be damned if some of those characters weren't lit af.
-The war against evil homer and his injustices against us. Deleting CT's, sending a mod to babysit us but we chased them off etc
-The banter in the ct and then Tavern of War.
-I aint never been in an online community as close and never will probably. We was straight family.. everybody knew everyone else's name.

Once again, these will fall on deaf ears.. but I will still give some shout outs on the small chance that someday.. somehow.. perhaps these people will find their way back here and see this... and they will know they were appreciated.

Shout out to [URL=''][URL='']@the_silent_man226[/URL][/URL] for putting so much thought and effort into every post and making everyone he replied to feel appreciated. Also most likely a serial killer.

Shout out to [URL=''][URL='']@dragon_rocks[/URL][/URL] for dropping 1k on adopting every single person in the community. You was an OG baller. Yo real talk I carried you in R2 tho.[face_mischief]

Shout out to [URL=''][URL='']@Punkonator12[/URL][/URL]. I see you still here breh. Just wanna let you know I was wrong for clowning you about wrasslin. I'm back on that shit. Smackdown been lit since the brand split and my boy Strowgawd coming for the belt on trash ass raw.

Shout out to my boys [URL=''][URL='']@spectre543[/URL][/URL] [URL=''][URL='']@GreekSpartan[/URL][/URL] [URL=''][URL='']@-Fray32[/URL][/URL] and [URL=''][URL='']@The_Titan_Atlas[/URL][/URL]. Yall kept it real... thank you for the lulz and comradeship.

Imma even give a shout out to Falcor007. Even though you sold out in the end.. there was a period where we was like white on rice.

Shout outs to jaymun, pepperedwhit3shadow ruberakavito achillessonofpeleus mgsnakerpj22

I ain't forgot firefly-version1.0 my French Canadian breh Rasecul, mikezilla2 dutchknight stealthysnake

10 tags per post. [face_plain]

And last... and most importantly... shout out to one of the realest OG's who posted on the internets...

shout out to


Yes that was a 9 year old joke. [face_mischief] But real shit... [URL=''][URL='']@ZweihanderDaBest[/URL][/URL].. since day 1 til the end, you held it down with me breh. Not just on the boards.. on MSN.. and on PSN (we must've logged 100 hours together in Dark Souls, plus LBP and R2. Shout out to a real OG.

With that.. I end this nostalgia filled trip down memory lane. Salute to all my GOW brehs. If anybody stumbles across this...thanks for the memories and I hope you're doing well.

Addendum: Ya'll may or may not remember, but I always wanted to join the Police Force. I did it brehs, been in over 2 years now.
You have literally no idea how happy you made me with this post! I've always been around, as you'd expect, but not as much now as life has gotten a bit busy. But, believe it or not, I always remember you, bro. Like you said, we had the BEST times and quite frankly, you were (and I still consider you, even if we don't talk anymore) my best friend in here. You and Aaron really helped me through a lot, and it's a shame our lives got so hectic. However, I am so fucking happy to know you achieved your dream. Many congratulations, man, I am so proud of you.

Just today, I was playing DS3 with a rl friend and I was telling him about you guys and how you got me into Dark Souls.

As far as my real life shit, I've had some downs but right now things are going very well. I've got a job that I like and a woman that I love. I'm going to propose soon! So yeah, things are looking up.

I fucking love you!
Mar 4, 2017
[URL='']@Rasecul[/URL] you may have unfortunately missed the golden age of the GOW boards, but you were/are a quality poster and a quality person... a valued addition. You put in work in the lobby too, respect.


I don't think you ever played any of the GOW's and yet still was one of the most active, engaging, humorous posters here. Salute.


You don't even know how much random shit I started remembering.

- We literally played through the entire Dark Souls together one time.
-Turning into bushes in the Dark Souls forest and laughing when invaders couldn't find us.
-All the LBP and R2 sessions.
-OMGPOP [face_mischief] Yeah I remembered that shit. Drawing crap in there
-Literally every fucking day we was on msn with other brehs.
-All the times we ate trash posters alive on the boards together.
-That rainbow boards screen cap a couple pages back made me laugh for about 5 minutes and is what drove me to look for more old memories. Classic Arnaldo. [face_mischief]

I'm so glad you're doing well, and that you found someone that you'll spend the rest of your life with.

To all the brehs out there....and most of all to you Arn... it was a privilege and honour to post with ya'll.

Arn, I always respected the shit out of you, we was the MVP's of this bitch and both knew it. From day 1 until the mother****ing end, we held it down.

I was.. and still am... proud to call you my e-friend and e-brother.


Do you even praise the sun?
Apr 23, 2012
Those years were definitely the best years on these boards for me. We were a family and I legitimately thought of you as a brother. I will never forget those times and I will never forget you, my brother from the upside down. I really hope you keep achieving your goals and keep kicking ass. Never forget our time here, as I know for damn sure I will never forget you. Much love, brah! face_steven



Live Dangerously
Jun 15, 2005
OMG you guys are alive![face_shock] Nader not so much I guess.

How I miss the good old days. How are you guys doing in life?