
Almost Not a Noob
Apr 10, 2007


I came for garugaboy.

You're missing:

-garugaboy (can never have enuff)
-Evil Moron
-garugaboy (^^^)
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Live Dangerously
Jun 15, 2005
Reporting for duty. I saved the board from spammers just a day ago. Found the first 3 pages full of threads providing streaming site links to different events. For some reason I just can't prevent myself from browsing this board from time to time. Probably hoping that the old group will come together again. Hopefully this will help it happen.

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Almost Not a Noob
Apr 10, 2007
Enron and I are Dark Souling. Why aren't you on msn?

Also, yeah I magnified it like double original size. I don't care that it's blurry, I would rather blurry than tiny pathetic icon in corner. It needs max size for maximum COME AT ME ness.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 10, 2007
Reporting for duty. I saved the board from spammers just a day ago. Found the first 3 pages full of threads providing streaming site links to different events. For some reason I just can't prevent myself from browsing this board from time to time. Probably hoping that the old group will come together again. Hopefully this will help it happen.


You need to move back to the US or convince India to change timezones or something. I don't think anybody here has played any PS3 with you since the move back to India :(.

I still play with Arn and Aron, and Gravelord Nader lives on PSN.
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Aug 27, 2007
Reporting for duty. I saved the board from spammers just a day ago. Found the first 3 pages full of threads providing streaming site links to different events. For some reason I just can't prevent myself from browsing this board from time to time. Probably hoping that the old group will come together again. Hopefully this will help it happen.


You need to move back to the US or convince India to change timezones or something. I don't think anybody here has played any PS3 with you since the move back to India :(.

I still play with Arn and Aron, and Gravelord Nader lives on PSN.

This. We need to take the R2 Dream Team (sans Ruben, R.I.P [face_rose]) into ORC.


An idea transcended into life
May 3, 2008
My ears are burning.

Seriously, I think I have some kind of STD. Should pick up antibiotics or something. Goddamn it.

But yeah, I thought all of you were dead.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 10, 2007
My ears are burning.

Seriously, I think I have some kind of STD. Should pick up antibiotics or something. Goddamn it.

But yeah, I thought all of you were dead.

You haven't been on PSN in months. [face_plain]

I think I even deleted you cause I thought you were dead.

EDIT: Wait, didn't your PS3 break or something? Why didn't you buy a new one. [face_plain]
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An idea transcended into life
May 3, 2008
Because reaching the status of Master Film Director takes a lot more money than I'd originally imagined. Still trying to set aside some funds to get a camera, which apparently runs in the neighborhood of $600 (when Best Buy isn't being a complete dick.)

But I have considered getting a new PS3 on a few occasions just to hook up with you guys online again, especially since they don't seem as pricey as they once were.

For the time being, I'll have to live vicariously through the lot of you when it comes to my gaming needs. Don't worry, I don't take up that much space.


Live Dangerously
Jun 15, 2005
What are you guys playing co-op now on? ORC? And what happened to Ruben? He popped up randomly once and sent a PM to me few months back and then vanished as usual.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 10, 2007
Because reaching the status of Master Film Director takes a lot more money than I'd originally imagined. Still trying to set aside some funds to get a camera, which apparently runs in the neighborhood of $600 (when Best Buy isn't being a complete dick.)

Tell me more.

What are you guys playing co-op now on? ORC? And what happened to Ruben? He popped up randomly once and sent a PM to me few months back and then vanished as usual.

Rubedog is dead. Got rabies and had to be put down. [face_rose] Seriously though, I don't know.

Arn and I have been co-oping Dark Souls for the last 2-3 months. We played through the whole game about 8 times together (been a pain in the arse though with the summoning system and no voice chat). Must have 120+ hours in that game with just Arn. Aron joined later after he was done with Failrim (#-o).

But we're pretty Dark Soul'd out TBH. Just waiting for next game. ORC drops in a couple of weeks, most likely be that even though it will be terrible.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 10, 2007
Arn if you see this go on msn. [face_plain] at seeing you post here twice now and not being on msn.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 10, 2007
Imma post this here so I remember to tell arn and aron.

I just trolled the absolute **** out of this guy on Dark Souls. :^O So good. Okay, I invade forest as a spirit of vengeance, there are three guys there about to gangbang me on stairs straight away. I get away because they are garbage. I lead them on a merry dance down to the cliff edge and fall off. I run all the way to the fog gate and just stand there. One of the phantoms kills himself because I wrecked their game, free 40k (too dumb to black crystal). Host finds me and tries to attack me through fog gate, I spend about a minute doing taunt emotes. Host eventually leaves. I figure imma go eat a sammich or something while the free souls roll in, but nope host summons another phantom to make three of them again (lulz). I see the damage numbers so I know that they have decided to drop down and get me, one of the phantoms doesn't have enuff hp and dies, another 35k for me. I wait til the host and his last remaining phantom start climbing up the ladder.. they get up the ladder to confront me and..... black crystal'd mother****er. [face_cool] I leave game, screwing up his match. feelsgoodman.

This is where it gets even better. A couple minutes later, I blue orb and get this cracker again. He's running the same deal, he has two phantoms as support. But the whole forest was full of npc so i know he only just got back from my last trollfest. I pull the same troll [face_mischief]. I lead them to cliff and fall down, then make my way to fog gate. Host is waiting on other side of fog gate with support phantoms. I 'come at me' and they start trying to hit me through fog gate. Magic, dragon gs attack etc. I put on crown of dusk and miracle ring, stand right next to fog gate and spam WOG. Two hits and moron hosts dies.

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Live Dangerously
Jun 15, 2005
Which cliff are you talking about? Near the entrance gate or the one on the other side of the Cat? Is this some new glitch? And did anyone ever find out why the pendant was supposed to be important? I guess I need to update myself with the latest happenings in the DkS community.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 10, 2007
As soon as you enter the Forest through the Crest of Artorias door, hug the right wall. Follow it all the way until you get to the edge. From there you can drop down into another area. (The pathway near hydra bf in basin) It's a glitch, and fall will cost you a good 1200 hp. But you can use it on 3v1 gangbangers in forest and wreck their game. So good to troll. Nobody figured out pendant yet.


Oct 5, 2011
Boston, MA
The pendant is for the upcoming DLC. It will let you access secret doorways that will lead to new areas and stuff. You gotta have one for each doorway and I think there's like 5 of them. So, you remember how after you beat Iron Gololololem, you can clearly see a wall that looks breakable at the end? Yeah, that's a secret doorway.


Live Dangerously
Jun 15, 2005
The pendant is for the upcoming DLC. It will let you access secret doorways that will lead to new areas and stuff. You gotta have one for each doorway and I think there's like 5 of them. So, you remember how after you beat Iron Gololololem, you can clearly see a wall that looks breakable at the end? Yeah, that's a secret doorway.
You just made that up didn't you? :^O

Thanks for the info TD.


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
finished ghost of sparta , what do i need to konw in regards to all the unlocks ?


Thy next foe is in the seaside cave...
Feb 4, 2009
I came back to this board for some nostalgia, and this is what I find?

hey guys[face_mischief]

and holy hell the format to this site has changed, all of this seems to foreign
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Thy next foe is in the seaside cave...
Feb 4, 2009
Minesweeper Flags? Haven't played in so long. [face_hugs]

How you been bro?
I'm actually up for some msf.

Last semester of grade 12, can't believe highschool is almost over. I got some tough classes so most of my time is spent working towards those marks for university.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 10, 2007
Bro-op comrades of the GOW board, I know some of you are aware that I have much disappoint towards ORC lately, (Arn, Enron, Nito) and despite being the person who put forth this game as a a potential bro op purchase well over a year ago, and campaigned for it..I was disgusted by every fresh piece of info I discovered. But I am not going to shut the door on ORC just yet.

Despite being published by Capcom, a company whose business practices and franchises disgust me.
Despite being made by Slant Six, a developer who has made zero good games.
Despite being slapped with an embargo on all reviews before release, a strong sign of fail being hidden from the gaming public til the last second.
Despite having a campaign that can be beaten in 4-6 hours (confirmed by people who got early copies).
Despite being a third person shooter and yet having no combat roll, no crouch, no evasion means whatsoever outside of an AUTO cover mechanic.
Despite the auto cover (****ing retarded idea) by all reports being broken and glitchy.
Despite making the leader of this supposed bad arse squad of mercenaries a french woman in a plastic mask
Despite giving the aforementioned french woman a skill that reduces bullet damage by 30%, thus completely ruining any chance of pvp balance

Yes, despite all these things.. I am not shutting the door on ORC. I will wait for the reviews, and I will read them. I will see how bad the competitive is, and how much replay value the campaign has. Because despite being a pile of ****, the prospect of 3-4 gow bros rolling in a squad through comp or campaign steamrolling every mother****er in our way would be epic. Plus my mic is gathering dust god dammit [face_plain]

But there is still an issue. There is no god damn way I am paying full retail for this, and I don't expect or want any of you to either. So right now, we are on wait and see mode. Arn, enron.. if you can get ORC for a good chunk off RR, tell me. But don't pull the trigger yet. I would feel terrible if anybody bought this piece of **** for anywhere near RR, because I was the one who raised it. I would feel as bad as Aron should feel for making us buy LOTR ([face_sick]).

EDIT: We still playing Dragon Rising Aron, and Nader ordered it as well I'm sure. :) [face_plain]
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Almost Not a Noob
Apr 10, 2007
I've decided to return Dragon Rising, I will probably trading it in for Transformers.. you know, a game that is not terrible. Will only cost me 4 dollars after returning DR, assuming they accept this pile of **** back ( I wouldn't).

The game is just ****. The pop in is embarrassing, the inability to customise loadouts what so ever is bush league, the weapons aim like crap, vehicles are lul worthy, enemies take far too many bullets and you never really know if they are actually dead, and most importantly..... it is not fun.

Who should I blame for this? Personally, I hold myself 80% responsible. I raised it as a potential purchase, thus it is mostly my fail. I give Aron about 20% because he ****ing PLAYED THE GAME ALREADY and said it was good. [face_plain] Actually, 70% me.... 30% Aron. The more I think about it, the more blame Aron deserves. You played this damn game and said it was good. [face_plain] You had first hand experience of this failure and let me go through with it. This is worse than LOTR IMO. At least LOTR, there was a slight possibility that it might be good.. we didn't know. DR you knew it sucked [face_plain] 60% me, 40% Aron. The only reason I give myself majority of the blame is because I know that you have terrible taste in games and should have been smart enuff to ignore your recommendation.

Who should Aron blame for this? 100% Aron. [face_plain] You played this mother****ing game. Okay, maybe that is unfair... you wouldn't have rebought it if it wasn't for me... 80% Aron, 20% me. But god damn son, you had already played this. How could you vouch for this POS? Sad thing is.. you actually might think this game is good. I remember today, halfway through the mission or something, when I was complaining about either: pop in, guns sucking, bullet sponge enemies etc you said "yeah but we having fun doe" I was thinking "Is this cracker serious? [face_plain]" But I didn't say anything because at that stage I still hoped there would be a sniper rifle that made the game tolerable. As for the deal we struck, well... the contingency of purchasing RR was based upon DR being good. It clearly is not, sorry son that is no buy on RR. I hope you get some enjoyment out of RR though, I truly do... and seeing as you think DR is good ( [face_plain] ) you probably will. If there is some way for you to return these games/trade in/banish to tarturus, please do.

Who should Nito blame for this? (if he is unable to cancel online order). 85% me, 10 Aron, 5% Nito. I accept blame, and I genuinely feel bad. I sold this game to you. Gave you the whole sales pitch, guilted you into buying. I just wasted 16 of your dollars. I am seriously sorry Nader, truthfully. I would never vouch for a game I haven't played before normally, but the barren wasteland of co-op titles lately has driven me slightly crazy. *Huddles in a corner rocking back and forth while mumbling "ACM" over and over* Aron gets part of the blame because he should have stopped this train at the station with his knowledge that the game sucks. You get a tiny part of the blame because you are too ****ing polite and nice. You didn't want this game, you can say no to me Nader.

Arn, you knew this game sucked and you refused to buy it. Well done bro, I'm sorry for wasting your time even raising this turd. I also apologise on behalf of Aron for his god awful taste. For wasting your time, imma take 50 credits off the 9000+ I earned from making you get Dark Souls. *brofist*

EDIT: If you think imad nao, wait til I I go back to EB and get told that 7 day return doesn't apply to pre owned or something [face_plain]
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Almost Not a Noob
Apr 10, 2007
Transformers: War For Cybertron impressions.

*clears throat*

The main campaign is playable in three person bro op, and features 10 different chapters, 5 for Decepticons, 5 for Autobots. The missions all have three different characters to choose from, but some (like Megatron) of course feature over multiple chapters. It also comes witha horde type 4 player mode, which all playable characters can be chosen.

I played the first chapter, options were Megatroll, Brawl and Barricade. I chose Megatroll. Basically you move through the levels blasting the **** out of different robots and stuff. Combat is sometimes broken up with platforming sections/terrain traversal etc. There's quite a few guns you can pick up as well. After this section, I was like "Yeah this is a solid game, nothing more."

Then I played the next mission, which was all jets. StarScream was available and I picked him for Arn. This chapter was significantly better, with more varied and large environments, more enemy types, and even some minibosses. The transformations are seamless and awesome. You can jump off a cliff in robot form and transform into a jet in midair, then boost away while shoot machine gun and then barrel roll out of enemy fire. Sound is excellent. The mechanical type environments are probably the worst thing, but they try to break it up with new stuff (like open outer space, underground electric water and stuff).

Arn, StarScream is a boss in this game. He is Soldier class and a jet, that **** is unfair. He gets a sniper rifle as his default gun which shreds everything, and a shotgun type blaster as his secondary. His special is a shockwave that damages everything around him, and his melee is a wide arcing swing with good range (Megatron's is crap compared to him). I think he is only available in chapter 2, but he is also in horde mode.

Due to the price (20 bucks or something on amazon) and the amount of content here (campaign is supposedly 10+ hours or so. Plus there would be a repeat play through on Hard, giving us a good 20+ hours on Campaign. Then we got horde mode, and even competitive if we want), not to mention the nostalgia and awesomeness factor for Transformers childhood, I feel comfortable recommending this game for Arn.

With Transformers nostalgia, it's a strong bro-op title. If you don't have nostalgia, then it is a solid bro-op title.

The worst thing is the mechanical environments, which are just not nice to look at all that metal for extended periods of time. But like I said, the devs seem to know this, and they tried to give me new stuff to look at. In chapter 2 I didn't even care about the environments. This post would be longer, but Aron is waiting for me to play Red River [face_mischief]

Anyway, bottomline is: I feel comfortable recommending this as our next bro-op title. It has the TDSpartan stamp of approval.


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