Feb 23, 2014
Fo3 was Evil, Darker, meaner filled with nightmares. NV was too nice.
I disagree. New vegas was far harsher then 3. To me it seamed like 3 was OoT, and New Vegas was Majora's Mask. Fallout 3 was made as an entirely new game, so half of the development was creating the engine, and the other half was making the story and side missions. New Vegas however was %100 story and side missions oriented, along with some polishing. Fallout 3 was also the first game of it's kind for 3D, meaning, like OoT, people will have fonder memories of it.

New vegas was MUCH harder in my opinion. In fallout 3 I had full tesla armour by level 13 and had no shortage of ammo, stimpax, rad ex, rad away etc. etc. New vegas had harder enemies, scarce supplies, plus food didn't heal instantaneously. Plus new vegas had tons of deathclaws, witch are harder then Mega behemoths. And the legendary deathclaws and lonesome road deathclaws are harder then any generic enemies in fallout 3, and Rawr is the hardest boss of both games. I also enjoyed hardcore mode alot. But I did play new vegas first, so my skills transferred to fallout 3. It all depends on what game you played first. Most people played fallout 3 first,whitch is why it's the more popular game on this particular thread, and probably most threads. But if you think about it, new vegas is naturally going to be the better game because they were able to polish it more as a sequel. But this is just an opinion amd there is no right answer.
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Almost Not a Noob
Jul 19, 2014
Soviet Russia
New Vegas. It pays more attention to detail. I loved Fallout 3, but I preferred Vegas for it viewed the apocalypse. Explanation;

Fallout 3 is more of a moody apocalyptic game, that feels grand and majestic- whether it's the soundtrack, the huge wasteland, I don't know.

New Vegas is more cheerful, and has a cooler, more original twist on how the apocalypse is viewed. Plus, it pays more attention to detail. The economy makes more sense, the factions have more depth to them and aren't as one-dimensional as 3's were, energy has a legitimate place to come from.. Money circulation has a legitimate way to happen throughout all the shops, so forth. Food makes sense since there's farms everywhere, some locally owned some owned by various factions. The lore has much more detail and is in depth. Fallout 3 wasn't as detailed - just two main factions, some random shops scattered around. Economy in the game doesn't really make sense and the source for power is questionable as well, just like all the fresh grown food in the game.

The world has much more detail to it. This is one of those things only hardcore geeks would understand though. [face_tongue]

Plus New Vegas is the true spiritual successor the originals. 3 kind of did its own thing- which it succeeded, most definitely- but I still prefer New Vegas. Tough choice though!
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No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
I got New Vegas last week, and while there are some nice locations and missions, it is far inferior to the original.
Biggest disappointment was teh new vegas area itself, with those ugly and dead casinoes...
Oct 6, 2014
Its such a difficult choice, really. If I could only play one again, it would have to be New Vegas. I can understand some of the hate I guess, but it seems unfounded. Fallout 3 is a phenomenal game, undoubtedly, but NV proves to be a hugely capable pre-sequel filler game. Personally, I find 3 to be the more dry of the two. Its certainly got more grit, and feels more raw, but I feel like some of that comic relief from NV would have made it a lot more exciting for me. I also found the side characters to be more colorful in NV. Not all of them, but as a whole, they seemed more interesting. I liked the eerie vibe that went along with 90% of what you were doing in NV. FO3 had a lot of places that seemed dangerous and chaotic, but not as interesting or creepy as some of the places in NV. I also really liked that mostly everything connected to the main story. It just made the side missions that much more immersive for me.

My biggest qualm with NV is the lack of motive for the main character to want to get involved with either the NCR or Caesar's Legion after reaching The Topps and exacting revenge. I would have liked to have known more about who this guy really was before being shot, and like most, I'm not thrilled with the 'random courier' story. My biggest qualm with the story in FO3 is that I just didn't give a damn about this guy and his father being separated and having to side with the brotherhood for the most part. It felt a little bit too manufactured if that makes any sense. I guess I just like the idea of a vague back story better, but NV seemed a little lazy with it's. There are a million things to love about both games, so it really becomes a matter of personal preference, but now I'm just stating the obvious. The extension of choices , outcomes, factions, and politics are, combined, what do it for me with NV. I'm hoping 4, if it ever fucking comes out, will be less drab and (forgive me but I can't think of a better word) dry than 3, but deeper and more detailed than NV. Oh, and just for the record, I also found the actual town of New Vegas to be supremely underwhelming. I mean, all that hype and all we get is a few casinos that you really cant even gamble in (or do anything in to be fair) with a couple of side quests that (aside from the main campaign and canibalism story) are pretty weak? Thats a hell of a disappointment in my book. Though I really did enjoy the ruins outside of New Vegas, and the ride to disappointment really made up for the bummer of NV itself. Even with all that, still much prefer the twist at the end and final chapters of NV to those of FO3.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
those factions are really annoying in New Vegas. There is just so many of them, so you end up at odds with most of them.
Big minus is also that your deeds are not registered if you do them outside missions (in NV). For example, I got into cesars camp and massacred him and his goons. But because I did this outside missions, the whole deed goes unnoticed. NCR is still at war with cesar, even though cesar is dead!!! You what?!?

Nicest thing about NV are the snowcapped mountains and their ork stronghold. I enjoyed that area very much.
Oct 6, 2014
those factions are really annoying in New Vegas. There is just so many of them, so you end up at odds with most of them.
I feel like the factions make it more challenging in a good way. And I really had no trouble getting most of the factions aligned with me except Caesar's Legion. You just have to be careful. Though by the end of the game I pissed off the NCR by choosing to use the robot army for myself.

Completely agree on the lack of a response after doing certain things outside of missions. You'd think that they'd just make certain actions impossible if they didn't plan for that.

But Id like to see a similar faction setup with the next game, just a little more complete and with more depth.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
The companion missions were fun addition in NV, but most of the time they got me in fight with some faction or other (making it impossible to get jobs from those factions). Again a reason why I disliked factions. In the end I just ended up massacring most factions so as to keep peace!

BTW I have been unable to find a way into the boomers artillery grounds. Their gates are locked and they are hostile. And the railroad tunnel did not lead into their camp... Any advice?
Oct 10, 2014
When will these threads die. I liked 3 better because NV sucked, it felt nothing like Vegas, nobody being thrown out of casinos for cheating or being too drunk causing problems in the casino. Nobody pulling out a gun or knife and being gunned down. This is NEW VEGAS afterall anything could happen. Plus it just was boring. 3 was different.
It should have been fallout:Nevada cuz i dint see much of vegas but saw lot of nevada in da game and fallout 3 had a big map and so many secrets like those vault 96,106 etc.... it had real effects of radiation too and cywren actually had emotions of having hallucinations of her father and her vault 101 i think the story was actually more emotional in fallout 3 it made you feel more like her even if u were in front of ur pc it was like seeing the wasteland
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Almost Not a Noob
Feb 20, 2014
Fallout 3 and I'll tell you why. Brace yourself because it will be long.
-First is the dialogue. Fallout 3 had a plethora of dialogue options ranging from jokes to mean comments to compliments. In NV there are no choices and simply exhausting the dialogue options takes too long. F3 was a few clicks and you were done.
-The map: NV's map had nothing. Quests will send you on journeys to objectives that take 10 to 15 minutes to walk towards. God forbid you take a shortcut, but no you can't because mountains block any chance of getting there quickly. People were glad that the railways from 3 were gone but I think this is worse. This wouldn't be bad if the surroundings were exciting but you might see a house, then walk another 4 minutes and see another house. It is monotonous. And the map doesn't scale to your level so venture off too far and you'll end up dead. I had to continually back up saves because my mission marker had me walking through a deathclaw campground. I guarantee that I've spent over twice as much time walking to a mission marker than doing missions.
-Missions: Fallout 3 had incredibly varied mission structure. NV is go here talk to him/her, come back and tell me what they say. I experienced more action in the first hour of the game going off the beaten path into vault 34 than the rest of it combined. I wasn't high enough leveled for 34 but the game didn't tell me that so I went in and used almost all of my ammo and 16 stimpaks fighting off ghouls. I was almost completely screwed for the rest of the game. There are some instances where you'll have multiple missions to complete but you have to do them in a certain order to move on to the next one. Something that the game fails to tell you. Many missions seriously go as follows; talk to me, go talk them, come talk to me again, go tell them what I said, return and get a reward. This wouldn't be so bad if the pacing was better which leads me to my next point.
-Loading Times: Don't even get me started on this. Going into certain areas requires passing through 3 different loading zones. Each of these are 15-20 seconds. When you simply want to click on an area to fast travel that takes 20-30 sec. If you are in a location where you passed through a loading zone the mission marker doesn't tell you where to go but simply to exit the location first therefore increasing the time needed to make it to the next objective. New Vegas and the place where King is both require multiple loading screens and you'll spend the majority of your time in these places.
-Difficulty: The game doesn't scale to your level;I get that, but getting killed by Cazadores 20 minutes in on easy is ridiculous. Any attempt to do heroic things in certain situations is impossible. For instance when Benny is tied up in Caesar's legion and you choose to free him you are suddenly surrounded by 10-20 men and you don't have any decent weapons because they were taken from you earlier.
-Story: The story doesn't really make sense. Your goal is to find the man who shot you which is possible to do very quickly. After that you have these goals of taking over new Vegas with robots or joining cults and you never really know what is supposed to be happening. With choices available the game doesn't let you know which is the good or the bad choice leading you to maybe make a poor decision that screws up the rest of your game.
-Bugs: My companions disappeared, my game froze multiple times. My advice to you is save often.
Being able to craft weapons and ADS is pretty cool. That's about the extent of positive things I have to say about this game.
I loved F3, had over 700 saves, had multiple days of playing time. This game I had to force myself to play.
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Apr 3, 2014
I loved Fallout 3 better because there's more buildings more enemies, you get random encounters from enclave sometimes. The DLC's for Fallout: New Vegas was better and pretty fun, but Fallout captured the post apocalypse thing. The only other thing I liked about Fallout: New Vegas was the NCR armors and the NCR DLC armors.
Jan 27, 2015
I enjoyed Fallout 3 slightly more, but it was the expansions that won me over. I felt that NV was a bit weak on its expansions. However, people bickering like children on which game is better is absolutely pathetic. People are allowed to have opinions. You don't need to be a wanker.


Sep 9, 2017
Maybe we can all agree that Bethesda makes amazing games. FNV is perhaps the only great game I've seen by Obsidian besides a few of theirs, but I have to hand it to Bethesda. Elder Scrolls, Fallout, etc? Absolutely amazing games, there's truly no doubt about it. Both are great games in their own ways, FO3 for its close combat and grittiness, FNV for its open-world desert-themed wasteland.
Dec 9, 2017
Fallout NV is not a separate game, but more like Fallout 3.1. You have to play BOTH FO3 and FONV to get the experience of that generation of Fallout. Arguing which one is better doesn't make much sense. FO3 is the core, and FONV is an extension of it, without FO3 there wouldn't be FONV, and without FONV the overall experience of FO3 wouldn't be as great. It's like going through your salad and thinking which of its components is better than the other, whether it's the tomatoes or the cucumbers. Just eat your damn salad and enjoy your f*cking meal! ;)