Aug 15, 2008
And Luscius Fox resigned at the end of TDK because Wayne was using that sonar cell-phone tech to track the Joker.

Posted by: blood_work on January 24, 2011 18:32 PDT
Luscius Fox only said he would resign if that machine was still at Wayne Enterprises. Did you not see at the end where he typed in his name & it destoryed the machine after he used it? Plus he smiled feeling proud, which signifies that he would still running Wayne Enterprises in TDKR.


Apr 29, 2010
joker & bane was the only two i wanted to be in the new batman. when i heard about bane i was like no way!!!! but when i knew who playing him i'm like nooo but i was like that about the guy who played the joker & he turn out every good. i just wish they use that one big guy the use & a lot of fight movies. alot of people should know who i'm going about. i don't care to look up his name but his in troy & more. don't know if he can act he never talk


Jun 7, 2010
When at the end of 'The Dark Knight' where batman is chased my the police maybe bruce wayne stops being batman, then catwoman tries to replace him as a vigilante in gotham but she is really as corrupt as most other people in gotham and when she attacks bruce wayne or wayne enterprises batman returns.

In a completely different one i thought that in the dark knight where joker talks about his wife who left him, maybe that could be harly quinn who takes over from the joker as he is arrested at the end of the dark knight,

just a couple of ideas, what do you think?

Nov 6, 2009
No he said he would resign if the machine stayed there. When he logged out it self destructed so he would have no reason to leave. Prick.

I think they should end it with Bane breaking Batman's back or even killing him. Bam! That's an ending to a trilogy. Not much more coming after that.
Aug 24, 2010
After reading this I had a crazy thought...

What if Tom Hardy ISN'T Bane and the casting in that role was just to throw fans off. Nolan did it with Ken Watanabe as Ra's al Ghul when in reality it was Liam Neeson. Just some food for would make things with the sequel even more interesting.


Jun 12, 2008
I would like to see Bane put Batman in some serious mortal danger of sorts, not life support, but really put a hurtin' on the Dark Knight so we can have something to look forward to at the end when obviously he'll redeem himself. We also haven't seen Batman tested with his detective skills as much just yet, he's mainly reacted to what others have done I liked that as a rumor story possibility as well. Either way we all know Nolan is going to make a great movie as he usually does. July 2012 can't get here fast enough :(
Jan 25, 2011
Okay really people. The release said "Selina Kyle" and no mention of "Catwoman" YET Bane is specifically referred to as a villain. What will probably happen is Kyle will be introduced as a love interest/foil for Bruce and then set up a sequel with Catwoman.


Jan 19, 2011
Vinnie-Sunshine, i hope your right. I feel bane is to unrealistic for a Nolan batman film and if they made him fit in with the universe he has created then they wouldn't be doing the character justice.
I think we should have catwoman and hugo strange or the riddler.


Oct 4, 2010
Bring back Joker! Nolan replaced Katie Holmes and no one seemed to mind or notice. So yeah Ledger will be missed, R.I.P. you were a real talent, but the show most go on.

The charcter Bane is utter garbage, that lucha libre should stay in Mexico, or some god forsaken latin american s#!% hole where he belongs.

oh and catwoman - cross fingers they bring back the S&M, dominatrix outfit.


Mar 26, 2010
Im sorry for being the pessimist here but please enlighten me...How does catwoman, a skinny female with no outstanding superpower, that goes around a beats up fully grown thugs and stand toe to toe with Batman fit in Nolan's universe?

I swear if I see that skinny little girl doing somersaults in the air and karate chopping 200+ pound men into submission I am walking out of the theater.
Jan 25, 2011
In a perfect world it would be nice to get black mask to be one of the villians in dark knight rise. Since there is no crimanls left because dent put them away it would be nice to see him come up in the crime world. Then he highers catwoman to do his small time jobs and batman comes out of hiddin to stop her but he is conflicted to do so because she is just like him and this turns into a long term thing between them. And to get batman man out of the way black mask hires bane to get rid of him for good and then cat woman has that spark for batman and she saves his life by getting killed which builds a deeper hole in bruce spirts making him question should he stay batman. Then talia could play a role of makin bruce fall in love with her and convincin him the gotham needs him and then he goes to confront bane and black mask but he doesn't kno that it was all a trap plan by talia because to find out she works for black mask now batman has the fight of his life against bane and talia league of shadow men to rid the world of the bat.


Jul 27, 2010
i like how jesse wants nolan to do everything opposite of what he's known for. fact of the matter is chris nolan didn't follow what everyone else did which is why his movies are far more entertaining. i've yet to be disappointed in nolans vision of batman and it's because he does things his way. example being he told WB to kiss his ass on the 3D shit. this is why nolan makes the big bucks and jesse is a nerd working for IGN. ha ha FAIL!
Sep 20, 2010
Hathaway in a skin tight cat suit... bomb! Hahh, Bane is an interesting character of the series. Lets just hope hes not all CGed up in the movie. And let him be his own man this time. Ras has to come out in this one, i hope.


Aug 15, 2008
Why a new batsuit? The on he has is awesome

Posted by: anthonyg1500 on January 24, 2011 20:59 PDT
Not to compare Batman & Iron Man, but if Iron Man can have upgrade, then there isn't any reason why Batman can't upgrade his suit. Even if the suit in TDK was awesome, upgrades can be a good thing.


Aug 15, 2008
@ xenounknown4

Did you not watch the end of TDK? Luscious Fox only said that he would not be at Wayne Enterprises as long as that sonar machine was. At the end of the film the sonar machine was destroyed after he typed his name in the end. So that mean that Fox didn't resign, because he destroyed the machine.


Aug 15, 2008
@ rjeff

You do realize that there are many ethnic skin colors of Latinos/Spaniards/Hispanics. They all don't look mexican looking. There are white hispanics, black hispanics,etc, etc,etc.....
Mar 15, 2010
Still can't believe Nolan killed off Two Face........... so upsetting... On the other hand, Rachel Dawe..well... I wasn't sad to see her go.. even MORE action? i think so..


Jan 19, 2010
as good as the last 2 movies were, i still say nolans comment about not using joker cause it would be a dishonor is a load of bullshit. using heath as the excuse to not use the joker again is truly a dishonor to his memory, and if nolan cant see that, hes full of shit
Feb 28, 2010
The real shame is the death of Heath Ledger, as I'm sure is obvious to anyone who likes these films. A proper ending would have involved the Joker; but as it is, I can see things working out with what news we have. C.Nolan hasn't let us down with the first two films, but rather he keeps raising the bar. I'm excited to see a strong Batman vs. Bane fight-finale. I for one don't want to see any more sequels to Nolan's Bat-films. I think he's done an excellent job, and that he'll do so with the upcoming. They can start a new, seperate series if they want, but I'm not interested. What's good is good, so I don't think they should wear it out. There are too many Batman comics that aren't good, and only a few that are outstanding; and I confess myself a fan of the character. I don't want to see the same thing happen with Batman films.
Jan 25, 2011
Really can't wait to this movie comes out. Bane is a perfect choice to be one of the antagonists. He is not the brutish moron the one hit wonder has been, Schumacher made him out to be. He is a mastermind, and obviously quite strong. In the comics, which Nolan takes some queues from, he actually defeats batman and at one point breaks his back. If this defeat carries over to the film in some way it will make for some brilliant drama and story telling for Nolan's flawed hero.
Jun 3, 2009
Here's the inside scoop. We all know Nolan has been going for a more realistic Batman since his first movie. So to makes things even more realistic he's cast Hathaway as Cat Lady, not Catwoman. She will play as Batman's eyes and ears on the streets, since she lives on them. Her dirty, frizzy hair smells like piss and her shopping cart is filled with cats. She helps Batman uncover the mystery of a new drug called Venom that causing crackheads to lift buses all over Gotham. In the Dark Knights Rises Batman will begin a war he never saw coming, that war kids, is the war on drugs.
Jun 27, 2010
I thought that nolan did the fight scenes well. Fast, aggressive and confusing is how batman was always supposed to fight as. But oh well.


Apr 3, 2010
Think about it,The Dark knight rises, In knightfall bats gets his back broke from bane, Takes time off to recouperate. This could happen in the movie as well but meanwhile catwoman fills in until he heals up and returns better than ever thus the key word rises....hmmm think about that....Also I hope they use a buff up suit like in Batman Begins, The dark knight one sucked he looked to skinny in that one.
Feb 27, 2006
"We want to see Nolan adjust his filming style so that Batman's fights aren't choppy and confusing, but epic and grand like a big-budget martial arts film."

And lose the realism? Hell no. This is Nolans Batman. Not the Matrix.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 26, 2007
reece4200 said:
Also I hope they use a buff up suit like in Batman Begins, The dark knight one sucked he looked to skinny in that one.

Christian Bale was just straight up buff in Batman Begins, but yeah the suit made him look even bigger. In TDK, I guess he couldn't be bothered to gain the muscle back or they wanted him to be slimmer for that specific suit - which was really stupid since Batman is supposed to be someone at the peak of his physical capabilities.

Anyway, I'm hoping they use a better suit for the TDKR. The other two were okay. I find the all-black bat suit color scheme to be really meh.


May 3, 2008
Considering Nolan origionally wanted to get rid of the Batmobile in 'Batman Begins', it would seem wierd to me if they came back with a second envisioning, especially with everything else that needs to be fleshed out in this movie, not to mention the (I pressume) very short space of time between the two sequels


Jan 15, 2010
tom hardy as bane doesnt sit right with me dont get me wrong hardy was great in inception but physically he doesnt resemble bane at all bane is hispanic hardy is british bane is around 6ft hardy is around 5'8-5'9 hopefully nolan makes this work but otherwise im not really feeling hardy as bane [face_tongue]
Jul 25, 2009
I dont think it matters who plays who Nolan has made to masterpieces im sure the third installment will be the best.
Sep 5, 2001
It says in wikipedia that there is a mystery about who Bane's father is. So if that's true then he is not necessarily Spanish.


Jan 26, 2011
I guess most of you guys have to have trust in Nolan. Most of the past movie he directed and produce all always top notch. So therefore what can really go wrong with the third one? But a lot of you guys prob thought Nolan not gonna put a bat suit on cat woman, well I think he is. Just like Harvey dent. He didn't reveal two faec until a few teaser. So I no for sure that cat woman well appeared in the rises. So i guess we just have to wait and see.


Jan 4, 2008
@Charles3Mall, Bane's father is of British origin, whereas his mother is Spanish (according to Batman lore).


Aug 6, 2009
T3B7Y4: You should look up the movie Bronson. In it, Tom Hardy manages to be really convincing as a really big, musclebound guy. I kind of expect his performance as Bane to be similar (although probably less unhinged).


Jul 16, 2010
Draven_X_23 said:
I hate that all movies have to have a 'love interest' for Batman. He's Batman. He does not have time for a love interest. Especially after the woman he loves is blown up. How many TV Shows, Cartoons or Comics have Bruce Wayne with a love interest that is more then just a cover? I know it happens but not often.

You obviously don't read the comics because it does happen all the time!

Catwoman and Talia Head (not Al Ghul, everyone calls her Talia Al Ghul <which is wrong> I know shes the daughter of Ras Al Ghul but that name translates into The Demons Head in english and she prefers the english translation of her last name) are constantly love interests for Bruce Wayne, but he literally has had several throughout the years:

Vicki Vale, Vesper Fairchild, Kathy Kane, Poison Ivy, Sasha Bordeaux, Jezebel Jet have appeared regularly and recently in the storylines(except for Kathy Kane who was the 1st Batwoman and was killed off in the 70's) just to name a few.

Long story short; Bruce Wayne is a pimp and has seen more ass than a rental car, so it stand to reason that he's gonna hav at least one love interest in a Batman movie


Jul 16, 2010
Charles3Mall said:
It says in wikipedia that there is a mystery about who Bane's father is. So if that's true then he is not necessarily Spanish.

That needs to be updated then because it was revealed in the comics that Bane's father was the villian known as King Snake (who mainly fought against Robin) and he's British, I believe. But, I also read that Bane's mother was imprisoned in Santa Prisca prison mistakenly for King Snake's crimes. It doesn't mention the ethnicity of his mother, so Bane could be half hispanic and half caucasian.
Aug 31, 2010
I know you guys at IGN mean well, but really you should just back off and let Christopher Nolan do his thing. You say you love his Batman and then turn around and criticize the editing, the fight choreography, the nature of Batman's "mettle as a detective". Just back off and leave it to the filmmakers to deliver a great product. I trust in Christopher Nolan.
Jun 2, 2010
Funny how a website dealing mostly with video game news thinks they have all the answers about a major film from their "sources." IGN doesn't know anymore than anyone else. They should probably sit back and let Nolan's professionalism go to work.


Jul 19, 2010
im actually happy it has love interests in it. cos it means i can bring the missus and she wont whinge about it!!!


Original poster
I forget but hasn't Dent's death been changed from 'definate' to 'maybe'?


Aug 15, 2008
@ Raziel_The_Eternal

That's correct, because there is alot of speculation whether he lived or died, because you can see his chest moving up & down in the background when Batman & Gordon are talking. So even though the script says he's died, they still leave it open for him to return maybe in a future film. Maybe not in TDKR, but definitely in a future film.

If the reports of The Joker giving a cameo in Arkham are true, then we might see a glimpse of Two Face hidden away in Arkham. Or if we see Bane break into Arkham, we might see a two sided cell, which would give us all a hint of that being Two-Face's cell. Who knows, personally I don't think he died, regardless of what the script says. Two Face is definitely my favorite villian/anti hero, so I would welcome him to make a return as well.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 6, 2005
I hope they show more unique Gothem City scenery, but not the over-the-top version from Batman & Robin or even Batman Returns. The city still has to look real. Batman Begins had a nice mix. Don't get me wrong, I loved using Chicago for a plan look in Dark Knight.
Jun 19, 2009
Casting Anne Hathaway as Selena Kyle has to be the WORST CASTING EVER in the history of comic book movies. Even worse the Jessica Alba as Sue Storm. It's even worse than Ben Affleck as Daredevil. Why pick the ugliest actress there is to play the hottest comic chick ever.

Let's hope Bane is badass so Anne Hathaway's stupid face doesn't ruin the movie
Jan 27, 2011
I think casting Anne Hathaway is a good idea. She has done some good roles and some not so good roles.

But Michelle was the best catwomen in Batman Returns and so far I have not seen a better Catwoman. Now Tom Hardy as Bane could be good if done right. Then again anything would be better than the Bane in the Batman & Robin movie.
That bane was so bad that I hated the movie as the second I saw they turned Bane into a mindless idiot.

In my opinion Nolan has made 2 great Batman movies lets see how he does with this one. I think it will be good. After Batman Begins and Dark Knight. I have Faith in Nolan will make this movie decent and the characters accurate or respectfully similar to the comic versions.