
No Longer a Noob
Oct 14, 2005
Badstreet, USA
If there's one thing I'm a little peeved by with this current console generation...why the hell are there so many re-releases and remasters?

I guess it's not a huge deal because I can just not buy them, but it seems like there's tons more than there used to be.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
If there's one thing I'm a little peeved by with this current console generation...why the hell are there so many re-releases and remasters?

I guess it's not a huge deal because I can just not buy them, but it seems like there's tons more than there used to be.

Same issue as I have with Sonic the Hedgehog recently with Green Hill Zone: they clamor to nostalgia and take past achievements and say "Hey guys, remember this! Well here it is again but modern!!" because they dont want to innovate. So Bethesda remakes Skyrim while they could have used the time to go into ES:6. X company remake Y when they could have put more time into Z. Same principal applies


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
Remasters are just blatant cash in attempt.

On the other hand, on PS4 remasters are reasonable, because most gamers did not have PS3, so will have missed out on PS3 exclusives such as Uncharted trilogy and The Last of Us.

Now I did have PS3 along with 360, but as I no longer have it, I'm actually glad to be able to play many PS3 exclusives on PS4. I'm still waiting for them to remaster the great Resistance trilogy...


Now with 50% less rage.
Oct 23, 2007
Finally got around to Nuka-World and now starting Far Harbor.

Was less than thrilled with Nuka-World.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 14, 2005
Badstreet, USA
I've been playing the hell out of Star Wars Battlefront recently, with a free copy and all.
It's pretty decent and hopefully the sequel doesn't replace this games single player but expands on it. I like the idea of including most of the online modes as off-line modes so that players who aren't all that great at the game can see all the cool moments.

I mean if my only experience with Luke or Boba Fett or hell even Greedo were to see some guy much better than me instantly killing me...that would be fairly disappointing.

I know the sequel is supposed to be larger and closer to the original two PS2 era games, so that should be pretty cool as long as they keep the offline play similar.


Now with 50% less rage.
Oct 23, 2007
Though I love FPS and Star Wars, I've strangely never beem drawn to the series.

On unrelated note, finally finished the Fallout 4 main campaign...meh.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 14, 2005
Badstreet, USA
One of the minor things I love about Battlefront(at least the most recent one) is that it plays well in first or third person.

I honestly prefer the third person, mostly because I'm still playing Hero Battles constantly, it's simple but there's something cool about laying waste to grunts and stormtroopers.


Now with 50% less rage.
Oct 23, 2007
Wool by Hugh Howey.

As a Fallout fan I cannot recommend it enough.

I should specify, that it focuses on what Vault life would have been like, and the powers that be responsible to building them/making them necessary. So a more "realistic" look, not power armored raids against Super Mutes, but man I can't stop reading.


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
Does it talk about the mental problems people would suffer being locked up in a vault for a decade+?

I mean, the first vaults in the Fallout universe opened after what, 15 years? I don't remember exactly, but Vault 13 from Fallout 1 was supposed to be sealed for 200 years, but had to open after around 100 to find replacement water chips. We're talking limited space with the same 500ish people for your ENTIRE LIFE. Same routines, same foods, same entertainment, work, same walls and floors, same people from the day you're born to the day you die. Vault 101 even had that "live and die in the vault" thing. There's literally no chance i'd make it past thirty.

Anyway how's summer


Now with 50% less rage.
Oct 23, 2007
Does it talk about the mental problems people would suffer being locked up in a vault for a decade+?

I mean, the first vaults in the Fallout universe opened after what, 15 years? I don't remember exactly, but Vault 13 from Fallout 1 was supposed to be sealed for 200 years, but had to open after around 100 to find replacement water chips. We're talking limited space with the same 500ish people for your ENTIRE LIFE. Same routines, same foods, same entertainment, work, same walls and floors, same people from the day you're born to the day you die. Vault 101 even had that "live and die in the vault" thing. There's literally no chance i'd make it past thirty.

Anyway how's summer
Totally, and in quite unsettling depth. The silos were built downwards underground spanning well over a hundred levels. Some people at certain depths almost never get to the top levels. Severe or taboo crimes are charged with cleaning, sent out in a suit to scrub the sensors that show the landscape outside, and then shortly after perish, most cases.

But it goes quite ridiculously in depth, from how it started, how the silos were built, how people coped (or failed to ) with the conditions, both those in the silos, and .... well I don't want to spoil things so I'll stop right there.

Already nearing the end of the 2nd book already.


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
Does sound like a pretty interesting read. Adding it to my to-read list, but with uni starting back up in just over two weeks I doubt I'll get around to reading anything other than what's on the curriculum. Which isn't too bad, since it's all super interesting, but I could do with something other than non-fiction. The only thing I've read all year is Murakami's "Wind" and "Pinball" novels.


Morning Wood Lumber VP of deliveries.
Apr 3, 2006
Adirondack Mountains
Does it talk about the mental problems people would suffer being locked up in a vault for a decade+?

I mean, the first vaults in the Fallout universe opened after what, 15 years? I don't remember exactly, but Vault 13 from Fallout 1 was supposed to be sealed for 200 years, but had to open after around 100 to find replacement water chips. We're talking limited space with the same 500ish people for your ENTIRE LIFE. Same routines, same foods, same entertainment, work, same walls and floors, same people from the day you're born to the day you die. Vault 101 even had that "live and die in the vault" thing. There's literally no chance i'd make it past thirty.

Anyway how's summer
Totally, and in quite unsettling depth. The silos were built downwards underground spanning well over a hundred levels. Some people at certain depths almost never get to the top levels. Severe or taboo crimes are charged with cleaning, sent out in a suit to scrub the sensors that show the landscape outside, and then shortly after perish, most cases.

But it goes quite ridiculously in depth, from how it started, how the silos were built, how people coped (or failed to ) with the conditions, both those in the silos, and .... well I don't want to spoil things so I'll stop right there.

Already nearing the end of the 2nd book already.
I just picked up books 1-5


Now with 50% less rage.
Oct 23, 2007
Does it talk about the mental problems people would suffer being locked up in a vault for a decade+?

I mean, the first vaults in the Fallout universe opened after what, 15 years? I don't remember exactly, but Vault 13 from Fallout 1 was supposed to be sealed for 200 years, but had to open after around 100 to find replacement water chips. We're talking limited space with the same 500ish people for your ENTIRE LIFE. Same routines, same foods, same entertainment, work, same walls and floors, same people from the day you're born to the day you die. Vault 101 even had that "live and die in the vault" thing. There's literally no chance i'd make it past thirty.

Anyway how's summer
Totally, and in quite unsettling depth. The silos were built downwards underground spanning well over a hundred levels. Some people at certain depths almost never get to the top levels. Severe or taboo crimes are charged with cleaning, sent out in a suit to scrub the sensors that show the landscape outside, and then shortly after perish, most cases.

But it goes quite ridiculously in depth, from how it started, how the silos were built, how people coped (or failed to ) with the conditions, both those in the silos, and .... well I don't want to spoil things so I'll stop right there.

Already nearing the end of the 2nd book already.
I just picked up books 1-5
Almost done Shift and just had Dust delivered yesterday.


Now with 50% less rage.
Oct 23, 2007
Does it talk about the mental problems people would suffer being locked up in a vault for a decade+?

I mean, the first vaults in the Fallout universe opened after what, 15 years? I don't remember exactly, but Vault 13 from Fallout 1 was supposed to be sealed for 200 years, but had to open after around 100 to find replacement water chips. We're talking limited space with the same 500ish people for your ENTIRE LIFE. Same routines, same foods, same entertainment, work, same walls and floors, same people from the day you're born to the day you die. Vault 101 even had that "live and die in the vault" thing. There's literally no chance i'd make it past thirty.

Anyway how's summer
As for summer, not bad. Pretty much making sure the kiddos enjoy their time off school while cramming all the gaming I can when they're asleep. Currently enjoying PUBG on PC.


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
how the fuck does that +quote thing work
Totally, and in quite unsettling depth. The silos were built downwards underground spanning well over a hundred levels. Some people at certain depths almost never get to the top levels. Severe or taboo crimes are charged with cleaning, sent out in a suit to scrub the sensors that show the landscape outside, and then shortly after perish, most cases.

But it goes quite ridiculously in depth, from how it started, how the silos were built, how people coped (or failed to ) with the conditions, both those in the silos, and .... well I don't want to spoil things so I'll stop right there.

Already nearing the end of the 2nd book already.
I just picked up books 1-5
I'll probably see if they're available at one of the libraries around. I'm not a big fan of reading on my pc and I don't have a tablet or kindle...

Does it talk about the mental problems people would suffer being locked up in a vault for a decade+?

I mean, the first vaults in the Fallout universe opened after what, 15 years? I don't remember exactly, but Vault 13 from Fallout 1 was supposed to be sealed for 200 years, but had to open after around 100 to find replacement water chips. We're talking limited space with the same 500ish people for your ENTIRE LIFE. Same routines, same foods, same entertainment, work, same walls and floors, same people from the day you're born to the day you die. Vault 101 even had that "live and die in the vault" thing. There's literally no chance i'd make it past thirty.

Anyway how's summer
As for summer, not bad. Pretty much making sure the kiddos enjoy their time off school while cramming all the gaming I can when they're asleep. Currently enjoying PUBG on PC.
Ah yeah, doesn't sound too bad. No travelling at all?

My parents actually brought the family along on a Mediterranean cruise this year cus it's their 60th. I felt kinda bad about it all because I didn't really enjoy myself much. Didn't really have high expectations going in either though. Food was good, but the cruise crowd aint my crowd. Was pretty great waking up in a new city every morning though. Mostly spent my days walking from cafe to bar to cafe drinking coffee or beer and listening to music. All in all not too different from what I do wherever I am except 15 degrees warmer. Other than that I'm jjust housesitting for my parents and going out twice a week.

I could never get into the whole Battle Royale-style games that have been so big the last couple years. Haven't tried PUBG but I see it's all the rage when trying to find something to watch on Twitch. And here I am, still playing Dotaa, Overwatch and FFXIV. Occasionally grabbing a free Xbone game and playing that for a day or two.


Now with 50% less rage.
Oct 23, 2007
Can't wait to be disappointed in the volume of Destiny 2's content!

But in all seriousness I am looking forward to it.


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
i only play Overwatch on PC so I have no interest in the achievements sorry

what's your SR?


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
On second thought I have no point of reference for console SR. I'd probably be like 400, my aim is awful and the only hero I really enjoy is Ana. Got to 3500 peak last season before I kinda lost interest.

In other news, if I fail this assignment I've got due on Monday I blame it all on Destiny 2.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 26, 2014
On second thought I have no point of reference for console SR. I'd probably be like 400, my aim is awful and the only hero I really enjoy is Ana. Got to 3500 peak last season before I kinda lost interest.

In other news, if I fail this assignment I've got due on Monday I blame it all on Destiny 2.

PC bro. I stopped playing Overwatch on PS4 because aim is shit on the console compared to the PC.

Also D2 is a bit better than D1 so far. It seems more fluid and not as bare but I'm still in the first part of the EDZ.


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
Good on ya. I used to swear to FPS games on console, but I kinda went PC exclusive for a couple of years. I don't think I'll ever get my console aim skills back tho, which is sad.

I've enjoyed D2. I've been playing a Titan, waiting for my buddy to get the game before I switch to my Warlock and run through the game again. The story's been great, and I'm taking my time cleaning up the planets before moving on. Right now I don't think levelling the Hunter class last is going to feel like a chore at all.


Now with 50% less rage.
Oct 23, 2007
Ahh, D2. Sadly got to lvl 17 already. Will hit lvl 20 today.

Not sure if it's a glitch, but I leveled up the Euro and Titan contacts, and the Gunsmith, so now they're stuck at offering the engram that I can't accept till level 20, and I can't cash in anything else with them. Been that way for a while which has only driven me to level up more as I now have 3 purples on stand-by


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
I only just hit level 20 this morning on my Titan. Can't play my lovely Warlock till the 12th cus that's when my buddy gets paid. Probably not til 13th cus his internet is so bad. And then I'm travelling a bunch towards the end of the month so I wont even get to play at all. Sniff :(

As soon as I finish the story I'm open for any invites to do things. Gets lonely flyin around the system alone killin bots n aliens.


Now with 50% less rage.
Oct 23, 2007
So it wasn't a glitch so much as a temp ceiling. Hit 20 and it was a gawdawm avalanche of purple loots!


But I don't want to leave Little Lamplight!
Feb 25, 2007
Yeah, hitting 20 was like christmas if all the packages were guns and armor.

I really hate only having time for like 30 minute sessions of games :<