
Mar 19, 2010
some one HAS TO MOD THIS GAME TO MAKE IT BETTER OR EA FIX UR MISTAKE Idea some one release a cnc 3 mod for pc to add tis game to it how about that it would be more fun

THE ONLY good thing is upgrade and reload


Mar 2, 2001
So what happens when you try to load this game without an internet connection? Is it like Assassin's Creed 2 where you can't play?


Prime Member
Oct 22, 2005
cnc4 sucks

im sorry but i didnt even buy this game because it didnt allow me to base build. so yeah its getting the score its getting because they refused to listen to the fan base.

im sure there are times to try new ideas but to completely change the game it self sorta sucked. it seems that ea is trying to kill the series off as well, cnc 4 being the last? what other ones are there at this point? ra? generals? i mean all theses games have been killed off because they choosed to change the looks, the feel and the over all game play of the game it self. \


Armed 'n' Ready
Sep 13, 2003

I LOVE the C&C series, but it's been pretty much trash since the Westwood team was bought out by EA and all let go. It's a real shame, those guys had some real talent. EA kills another beloved franchise. [face_flag]


No Longer a Noob
Oct 13, 2002
I was going to pick this up on the release date but wasn't able to make it to the store that day. Luckily for me I read about their "always-on" internet requirement crap, and said "forget it." So much for my plans of playing on my laptop during my lunch hour. Even for my desktop that has a broadband connection - what happens in a year or three when EA decides there is no more money to be wrought out of this game, and they shut down the servers?

I won't buy this now even when a crack is developed. The only way i will ever consider buying it is if EA themselves see the error of their ways and releases a patch to remove this shit.


Jan 22, 2010
i was SO excited to buy this game...
then i saw the gameplay
and i was like okay... seems normal enough
then the units ... crap they're going back to the cartoonish style like Tib Sun but WORSE
then i heard NO BASE BUILDING
How is it CNC if there ISN'T BASE BUILDING


Nov 13, 2005
If you want to play this game, please do all true C&C fans a favor and pirate it. Maybe then they'll sell the franchise to a company that actually values their fans.

I've played this franchise since the original. That means:

Command and Conquer, Red Alert (and Expansions), Tiberian Sun and Firestorm, Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge, Renegade, Generals and Zero Hour, Command and Conquer 3 and Kane's Wrath.

I've even bought some of these multiple times when you include their giant box set and "The First Decade" pack. I skipped RA3 because it looked too over the top.

This is another C&C game I won't be buying, and that makes me sad because I always used to think that Joe Kucan as Kane was one of the most bad-ass villains in game history.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I was a bit skeptical about this game from trailers and previews but thought i'd give it a go since i've played every game so far. By god i wish I'd never paid for this now, the gameplay is awful it's no more about protecting your units, since it takes about 10 secs to replace anything it's just a case of spam spam spam. Single player missions were boring as was the story which was the main reason i was playing it through to the end. After watching the last cut scene i was just like 'Was that it?'



Aug 25, 2008
The series has gone down hill since red alert. It always blows my mind how a company can have a successful product then release a new version that they completely change and then are confused as to why it does do as well. I wish some company would buy the rights to older games and update the graphics but not screw up the game play. Games like star siege tribes, counter-strike, red alert were all great and then seemed to get worse and time went on.

I think the sims is one of the few game franchises that really hits it right every time, they basically take the original game and just update some things and tweak it here and there to keep the same enjoyable experience but also make it updated to technology.

RIP the days of ore harvesters mowing down groups of infantry and Tanya's dual magnums destroying tanks.


Feb 12, 2004
I have always been a fan. of C&C and have been extreamly let down. The game runs well no bugs to mention of. Its the the game itself that just falls short. The visuals are cartoonish and remind me of a game you would see 4 years ago. If you play you will notice the details arn't there even if you zoom all the way in to one of your units. The game itself is short. I admire that they tried somthing different but for me the gameplay isn't somthing I enjoy.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 25, 2004
I hope EA is seeing all of these comments, I really do. For them to honestly think they'd be praised for their work on this game, and for it to be well-received by the C & C fans, is mind-boggling to me. I hope they realize how much of a mistake it was to give the C & C series such a complete overhaul like they did...


Mar 24, 2008
@ kingprawnsct01, its predecessors werent about protecting units either, just building your base asap and make sure you get a high income to spam units and attack with.

I actually enjoy this version a lot more then the original ones, and im a C&C fan from the first hour with these games.


Prime Member
Oct 4, 2009
i agree, boycott the always on crap. i don't like the idea of sending data back to the mothership, let alone having to be online to play.
Feb 20, 2008
EA i will say it once more and very clearly you fucked up. Again. You fucked up tiberium, which i was really excited for and a whole shitload of other games which I'm not gonna get into now, but right here right now you have fucked up. In a game that was meant to be the climactic finale of a longstanding series you downplayed the campaign. You changed a gameplay mechanic that has most likely lasted in the video gaming world at least three times longer then whoever made that decision. You should make some changes to avoid stagnation yes, but just like red alert 3, you took it too far. WAY TOO FAR!!! Change-good, throwing beloved system mechanic out the window like last weeks trash- very bad. A short campaign? No real actors? this is a major step backwards! the only reasonable conclusion is someone really doesn't like command and conquer because after making the awesome command and conquer 3, you made this. and red alert 3, which was all right but it was still wrong. The only conclusion i can find is that you suck more then i thought or someone is intentionally killing the franchise. Like you said to ensure people know we mean this is the last game, let's make a game so bad no one will ever buy anything called command and conquer ever again. Congratulations you have succeeded. i will probably not be buying this game, i would have bought a classic style game but i don't have the money to waste on this, nor the time to make it remotely worth it. You have succesfully cemented it in my mind that EA as a company is physically incapable of making anything other than crap. I don't even think you have bad ideas or are misguided i just genuinely think you are stupid. I wholeheartedly believe that you simply are a bunch or morons.


Oct 10, 2007
My buddy has been playing with this game since it came out. He's a C&C purist, and he still enjoys the new gameplay. To him, it's much more fresh than playing the same old RTS that we heard about so long ago.

Furthermore, he has a tower PC that's always connected to the internet so he has no complaints about the 'always online' thing. He is really enjoying the multiplayer, and the campaign was apparently a blast.

You guys are just scared of change.
Mar 20, 2010
Went to buy it tonight, 03-20-2010. When I saw that you must be connected to internet at all times to play, I said forget it. What happens if your connection fails for any reason? Your stuck with a game you can't do anything with. Or what happens if their server is down, same thing. If more people would refuse to buy games like this, it would send a quick & expensive message to the software companies & developers to stop this bull. They can keep their garbage as far as I'm concerned until they do it right.


Oct 4, 2006
Woah you have to be online at all times, even during offline play? Its like that limited activation crap only worse this time. If they keep this up then they will only have the reverse effect. As they keep punishing people who purchase software they are only pushing the people who aren't tech savvy to not buy games and those who are to pirate them.
I didn't buy several games because of limited activation and I won't buy any game that has this new crap. No I haven't pirated their games because EA makes very few good games. Dragon Age is the only game I purchased recently... during a Steam sale.
Mar 1, 2010
This will be a huge let down 4 those who have no internet, or limited internet connectivity, there are ppl who do not have access to the internet, maybe companies should take a different approach with pc piracy, this is just an idea, but maybe they can rsimply make the online play much harder 4 hackers by applying some authentication server such as steam, that way they will simply only have 2 rely on steam 2 counter piracy, steam is already gaining in popularity & seems 2 be the next version of LIVE or PSN but ofc 4 pc, that way hackers can [generally] only use offline services & a proportion of the ppl who will be willing 2 fork out the ridiculous price of money it costs these days, multiplayer will play a huge portion in anti piracy, the better the multiplay, the less piracy.
Piracy, in most cases, is due 2 overpriced products, but not entirely, look @ dvds, they only cost about $10-$20 but maybe if it were available digitally @ 1/2 that price, it may be sell better, imo games should be half of their initial price [om avg, aussies pay 1/3 more than the americans EVEN ioncluding the 10% $ difference-1 american $ will buy 90 Aussie cents]
back to topic, STEAM ALL THE WAY!!! it has an ofline mode 4 those with limited/no net capability & they have the ability of authentication servers which will stop those inexperianced hackers & limit it 2 the professional hackers & their friends * those smart enough 2 follow his torrent upload-naughty, naughty pirate [face_tongue]
aslong as they keep steam updated, yes it has it's issues, such as @ one stage offline mode wouldnt work with a certain patch, but i see it as the future 4 many pc games 2 come, good job valve, u arent exactly the best developers [*cough-cough, no ps3 development as of yet] but they have done a great job on steam so far
Mar 1, 2010
oh no, 1st w40k: dow, now c&c, whats happened with the rts genre? this is not company of heroes, we dont want this shit, why take a good selling game & change it? they no it is risky, so why take the risk? they should just take the previous game, slap a compelling new interactive story, throw in next gen graphics, add in as many new units/skins as possible WITHOUT changing the general gameplay, improve multiplayer, i.e. new maps, better balancing, maybe some enviromental interaction-such as wild animals in aoe 2 & 3 & destructive environments, better & bigger 'Splosions, also customisation is a huge target games could hit on a bit more, granted its an rts, but details are still very impotant imo


Mar 21, 2010
The Idea behind being connected at all times is kinda dumb. Someone asked if when you're playing the Internet goes down. Well it happened to me and if your Internet goes down while playing you can still play the game just not online


No Longer a Noob
Sep 30, 2006
Is it wrong if I think CnC Generals was the last of the series I actually enjoyed?


Oct 25, 2008
IGN Staff. Could you run and article on the monumental failure of this game regarding person not being able to even run this game and the lack of reponse from EA.

The main issue is with EA's move to a server based game and also the launcher that somehow was created after the beta was released. Even people who tested the beta can't even play the game now.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 14, 2006
Charles Onyett said:
It's great to see developers and publishers taking risks with franchises in danger of growing too stale, and Command & Conquer's traditional mechanics were some of the most well known in the genre. To really move forward, something had to be switched up. Instead of making a handful of tweaks and refinements, EA Los Angeles rewrote the entire gameplay formula, making for an experience that barely resembles Command & Conquer at all.

I should have known this game was crap after I read this from IGN. They have something against tried and true RtS game play, and rate all games that dispense with it good.

DOW2 is their favorite RtS game, and frankly that game is crap compared to DOW1 (may fave). Expect a sorry review for Starcraft 2.


Jul 25, 2001
Cincinnati, OH
I was disappointed in the game, it tried to be Dawn of War 2 but they didn't have the talent or money to do it right or something and while the cutscenes seem to have higher production values it was nice to see some familiar faces in the last few games.

Also what the hell is up with the ad spam garbage?


Jun 11, 2005
I haven't played a good C&C game since Red Alert, I decided for the hell of it to try the beta of this and immediately upon finding out how the totally threw out the original formula....quit..uninstall...never again.
Mar 1, 2010
anyone else agree that the dow1 series was the best rts within the last several years? imo has everything an rts needs


Oct 11, 2007
Wow, you guys are Crazy! This game is awesome! It's all about the best part of the RTS games, the battle. No wasting time with that girly Sim City crap building a base for 15 min before getting to the action. You want eco and be able to build stuff? Then go play The Sims you wussies and let us men play our war games.


Aug 10, 2008
Props to EA LA for making something new, cant wait to give this game a try im a huge fan of the ORIGINAL DOW franchise but about Samethard's comment below

If you have ever played an RTS Without a total newb you will know Base building and resource gathering can be a pain but it can also be used as a weapon. I don't know if you have played C&C 3 or even Starcraft but battles don't take 15 min to start hell ive played games were im getting attacked in 4 min not much different from this game. Now im a pretty hardcore RTS player and without Resource gathering or base building you lose two valuable weapons to use against your opponent which also separates a total newb which you are from us seasoned veterans. you guys want everything quick so you can have fun. you know the great thing about RTS's is when you finally achieve victory by working to outsmart your opponent is very satisfying you should try it sometime.


Original poster
Samethard: you should be burned at the stake.


Sep 27, 2005
Good to see the fact that the single player campaign is broken and awfully balanced made the review, i mean they even pointed out that he campaigne seems to have been designed for co-op play, but the problem is playing alone still only gives you ONE set of units, no CPU controlling a second char (like RA3) or anythign sensible.

Also why was i fighting Teir 3 units when the best i could have been rank wise by that mission was mid tier 2? Seriously it was stupid, and i hope the nod ending explains more than the GDI ending, because so far nothing is actually explained!
Mar 22, 2010
Wow I was pretty skeptical about this game and considered buying it, but I'm guna go ahead and assume the community has justified reasons for deeming it "awful." I was really worried it might be, C&C has been disappointing for quite some time now.

Oh well, SC2 beta has hit and that's a guaranteed quality RTS (at least I fu***** hope so). I think I'll just wait for it to come out.


Sep 9, 2007
I have to say that I was really disappointed with this one. C&C4 plays more like a demo of one of the earlier games, or maybe even an expansion, but definitely not the "finale" of the Tiberium Saga. I haven't been able to make it through much of the campaign since I don't have anyone to co-op with (it's practically a necessity and the SINGLE-PLAYER missions were built for it), but I've gotten far enough to see that EA LA really phoned this one in. It just seems like they don't give a shit anymore. The worst part was trying to decide whether to play through as NOD or GDI first and then realizing the game doesn't give you a reason to care. Clearly the cast doesn't really give a shit, either, as the acting is the worst I've seen in a LONG damn time and Kane can't put the doughnuts down long enough to realize that he's supposed to be a badass criminal mastermind and not an angry, doughy fatass in robes who can't remember why he got involved with all this Tiberium crap in the first place.

As for gameplay, I feel like everything I enjoy in an RTS has been removed and replaced with a slew of rock-paper-scissors-type unit counters and a base you just plop down in front of theirs and start queuing up units. This isn't a game of intelligent resource management, army building or tactical strategy. It's two or more crawlers walking around the map until they find each other, at which point they both sit down and start shooting units at each other until one dies. I don't even see a reason for the units to be there. Why not just give the crawlers different guns instead of having them spit out a series of smaller guns at the enemy from two inches away? Cut out the middle-man.

On the topic of crawlers, don't expect choosing any crawler that's not Offense to do you any good. Defense doesn't work because you have to stay mobile, which makes base-building useless, and Support's units get steamrolled even by Defense's units. The best defense is Offense in this case, because you can crap out a full army of the game's hardest-hitting units in less than a minute, and the UNITS ARE ALL FREE. Also, your opponent can do the same thing, just with better units, because you WILL fight Mammoth Tanks and Avatars while you're still level 1.

And are we just forgetting about the Scrin or were they cut out by EA LA's developing laziness, as well? I can't really say I'm surprised since they seem to have so much trouble balancing just two factions.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Feels like they killed the series now.

I played all games in this series and can even remember standing in line very early to get the first C&C. Can't believe they took out the core pieces that made a Command and Conquer game so much fun. next game ...Base building please!!

EA (insert bad words here) !!
Aug 21, 2008
C&C is a favorite franchise of mine. Red Alert was my favorite game in the series and unfortunately they turned Red Alert into a campy mess in Red Alert 2. C&C Generals was the last great C&C game I can remember playing.
Sep 11, 2008
hey guys, you want to know what the most saddest thing about this game??? its that they even sent out a survey
=>TO THE FANS... and asked what We( as in I who filled out the survey ) about what the games direction should take, what type of game play/ modes the fans would like to see. I mean... did i miss something here. EA runs a survey asking what the fans want and you Still get the F-ing game wrong, not just wrong but epic failure piece of garbage sell out non sense, that did not even bother to mention what happened to the Scrin faction in any way shape or form... or continue the genre in its proper direction. Its not even a C&C4 game to begin with, but a cash grab. EA is utterly amazing at this point, i dont no any company who can screw up a franchise this bad even from the get go...
Mar 22, 2010
10 points:

1. If you are thinking of buying this game - DONT.
2. This game is slightly worse than RA3 and that was the worst RTS I had ever played.
3. The C&C franchise has lost its way and the only hope for quality RTS gaming is StarCraft 2.
4. I have purchased this game and subsequently deleted it from my PC without finishing it. I will either donate to charity or burn packaging and CD and post footage on UTube.
5. The online game site and gamers magazines should be more forthright about games such as this game being a dog - or mutated mongrel.
6. The game is so bad - that even if someone gave it to you for free - you would be wasting your time playing it.
7. Game chat function is filled with loathing from gamers about this C&C edition. the abuse of the game and EA is eloquent, brutal and honest. Nobody is happy.
8. I suspect I will doubly review my purchases from now on from EA.This is soo bad that it makes you question the ethics of the company producing and distributing it.
9. RA2 and Generals were the best of the crop.
10. See 1.


Silly bitch, your weapons can't harm me...
Samethard said:
Wow, you guys are Crazy! This game is awesome! It's all about the best part of the RTS games, the battle. No wasting time with that girly Sim City crap building a base for 15 min before getting to the action. You want eco and be able to build stuff? Then go play The Sims you wussies and let us men play our war games.

What are you, 12? That "girly Sim City crap" is part of the reason why C&C is as successful as it is. Granted, I haven't played C&C 4 yet, so I won't even comment or pass judgment on it, but I will point out that you just trashed most RTS games in existence. If you want just the online action and don't like base-building and the like, go play CoD:MW2.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 4, 2009
I gave this game a few chances and in real talk the multiplayer is really good. Its a fun game, but you gotta let go of the past. I love C&C too, but this ga me is very hard to be honest, its just hard and thats why people really hate it!


Original poster
jrvegeeta said:
Samethard said:
Wow, you guys are Crazy! This game is awesome! It's all about the best part of the RTS games, the battle. No wasting time with that girly Sim City crap building a base for 15 min before getting to the action. You want eco and be able to build stuff? Then go play The Sims you wussies and let us men play our war games.

What are you, 12? That "girly Sim City crap" is part of the reason why C&C is as successful as it is. Granted, I haven't played C&C 4 yet, so I won't even comment or pass judgment on it, but I will point out that you just trashed most RTS games in existence. If you want just the online action and don't like base-building and the like, go play CoD:MW2.

Exactly. Thanks for being frank. He does indeed sound like a 12 year old. No respect or appreciation for the true classic RTS experience. I haven't played the game myself either, but it does seem EA is trying to dumb down the experience so much as to appeal to these new generation ADD children gamers. Sad really.
Mar 23, 2010
Hey guys, enough with the hate mail, you can only flog a dead horse so much.

I've played C&C since the very beginning, Nod Commander through and through, and even though I thought that the first 2 games were epic (3 was a little shoddy comparatively, but hey, its loads of fun), I will not say that this game is bad. I think its pretty darn good. BUT, there is a catch

This game is not a real time strategy.

If you want large scale, awesome epic base building, economic strategy, you are running out of options from what I can see (though it looks like SC2 will be a godsend). Everyone is jumping on the MMO bandwagon these days, and the only way to do it is to speed multiplayer up. Therefore more games branded RTS these days, are really Real Time Tactical, strategy has nothing to do with it.

Frankly I am very happy that I can play a game as fast paced as, say, DoW II, and Universe At War, that has teams and characters I remember from long ago. Makes internet gaming with people that much more fun. (Plus, I really didn't like the aforementioned games)

If you don't want to believe that this was the end of the series, it doesn't have to be. Just stick with C&C 1 and 2 (maybe 3 if you have Kane's Wrath, makes it all the more playable) and wait for the inevitable sequel EA:LA will pump out.

Hopefully everyone will stop blasting this by comparing it to the older C&C's, its not comparable with them, its not the same game, if you don't like it, deal with it, its bad enough on the C&C forums right now.

Well that's my rant for today, thanks for reading.


Prime Member
Oct 22, 2005

wait a sec here.

did you just say "its not the same game, if you don't like it, deal with it, its bad enough on the C&C forums right now"

so you want people to stop bashing the game because you enjoy it? well dont you think you should eat your own words? if you like the damn game why dont you shut it?

also, you can compare the game to older versions of cncs. how so? well the game alone says cnc 4 blah blah blah. oh and most of the graphics in this game are no better than they are in ra3. the most important thing is that they tried to create a dow feel for a game that was strictly based on rts format.

point being is that if cnc fans ( hardcore or not) wanted a game like dow, we would be playing dow. in which case quite a bit of people hate this type of game play.

one last thing. this game mode is fun, no ones gonna take that away from it but they didnt need to cut the whole RTS aspect out of the game. they could have added other features like the base building into the game in some format but they chose not to.


Prime Member
Oct 22, 2005
shikee said:
I gave this game a few chances and in real talk the multiplayer is really good. Its a fun game, but you gotta let go of the past. I love C&C too, but this ga me is very hard to be honest, its just hard and thats why people really hate it!

are you kidding me? a monkey could play the game and its hard? i mean i can understand what your saying if you have your eyes closed and your hands glued to your chair and you have to resort to doing a keyboard smash with your head. then yeah i can understand it but come on.
Mar 22, 2010
2 points:

1. Online you will find the break down of comments about C&C4 being:

80 hate the game
19 dont like the game
1 like the game.

2. When I destroy this game online, I will have to go through a ritual of using holy water, a wooden stake and perhaps shooting it with a silver bullet. Then burning it. After which I will have to bury it with some lime and concrete over it and use lead for reinforcement. This game must be put to rest.