England Rugby - Rugby World Cup Case Study

Largest Rugby Scrum

england-rugby-largest-scrum Taking their campaign slogan "Too Big to Miss" the Guinness World Records creative team challenged England Rugby to break the existing record for Largest rugby scrum, an attempt that embodied the Rugby team spirit and got partners and fans involved.

The Results

UK press
79 Pieces of coverage
Coverage reach
1.4 Billion+
Facebook video
300,000+ Views

The Brief

To promote the launch of tickets going on general sale for the 2015 Rugby World Cup, England Rugby wanted to create an event that would capture the imagination, illustrate their campaign slogan, “Too Big to Miss”, attract the masses, and gain national press coverage.


The Solution

Taking the campaign slogan, the Guinness World Records creative team challenged England Rugby to break the existing record for Largest rugby scrum. The record attempt not only embodied the Rugby team spirit but also got partners and fans involved.

Participants came from across the country to help set the new record title for Largest rugby scrum at Twickenham Stadium. Among the attendees were representatives from the Armed Forces, England Rugby 2015, host cities and venues, RFU, IRB, Rugby World Cup commercial partners and volunteers who had applied in advance to be part of the pack.

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