
More than 600K federal employees are facing furloughs this week

Congress and the White House are still negotiating over a funding plan as they face a partial shutdown deadline on Friday.

Congress averts shutdown, locks in some agency cuts as Senate backs funding package

Lawmakers now face a March 22 shutdown deadline for the rest of government.

2 days before a shutdown, House sends $460B spending package to Senate

The measure, which would require small spending cuts at many agencies, heads to the Senate.


Congress passes stopgap funding bill, delaying shutdown threat by one week

Congress hopes to begin voting on full-year appropriations next week.

Congress reaches fiscal 2024 funding deal, new stopgaps in hopes of averting shutdown

Lawmakers must act in a hastened and united fashion to pass the new CR before funding expires this week.

75,000 federal employees are facing furloughs this week

See who would be sent home if the government shuts down late Friday evening.

Congress barrels toward more stopgaps as leaders tout ‘productive’ White House meeting

Leaders in both parties have committed to avoiding a shutdown, but major hurdles remain.

With negotiations stalling, Biden, congressional leaders to meet days before shutdown

Democrats and Republicans are blaming each other for the lack of a funding agreement.

Lawmakers reach a bipartisan breakthrough for FY24 funding

Congress is now one step closer to finally passing full year appropriations, but some hurdles remain.

Congress averts shutdown, punts funding debate into March

Both the Senate and House approved a six-week stopgap on Thursday, just one day before a shutdown deadline.

Senate advances another two-tiered stopgap spending bill

Facing a potential shutdown at the end of the week, Congress aims to push the deadlines into early March.

With partial government shutdown a week away, Johnson says he’ll stick to spending deal

Several conservative Republicans have been calling for the House speaker to set aside, renegotiate, or somehow sweeten the current topline agreement.

New turmoil over a possible government shutdown

Congress must pass some sort of spending bill before Jan. 19, otherwise the departments and agencies funded by the Agriculture, Energy-Water, Military Construction-VA and Transportation-HUD spending measures would enter a shutdown.

Another stopgap spending bill in the works as Congress struggles to avert a shutdown

A few lawmakers have called for shutting down the government in order to get the changes they want on immigration and border policy enacted.

Congress pivots to full-year funding bills after bipartisan agreement on spending levels

Deal would avoid major cuts but appropriators have just 10 days to avoid a partial government shutdown.

OMB head 'not optimistic' about avoiding a government shutdown

Congress is back this week with a short clock to pass a 2024 budget or extend the existing stopgap measures funding the government.

As Congress looks to avert a shutdown, sequester cuts and furloughs loom

Lawmakers will resume negotiations in January with daunting prospects in front of them.