Since ‎12-06-2023

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In this brief post, we'll take a closer look at the Library in Attack Surface Management (ASM). In ASM you have the ability to browse a listing of all available Issue Definitions, Technology Definitions, and Task Definitions. This can be useful if yo...
This is a quick overview of how to review findings sourced by Attack Surface Management (ASM) in Security Command Center Enterprise (SCCE). First, let's see ASM findings in the greater context of all other SCCE data sources. From the SCCE navigation ...
The following two examples can be used as a reference for basic calls to the ASM API. In both examples, the keys are fabricated and shown for the purpose of demonstrating how to correctly set the headers for each call. curl https://asm-api.advantage....
We are excited to announce general availability of Security Command Center (SCC) Enterprise – the industry's first multi-cloud risk management solution that converges cloud security and enterprise security operations capabilities, and is supercharged...
SCC Premium provides a framework for creating custom modules for ETD using module templates. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at using one of these templates to create a finding that is triggered when a user provisions a virtual machine in an u...
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