Since ‎10-21-2016
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Look At Me Sideways (LAMS) is an open-source LookML style guide and linter. LAMS v3.1 has just been released. This update introduces, as beta features, centrally managed exemptions, and an add-exemptions output mode. Together, these features serve to...
The BigQuery Information Schema block has, broadly, two main uses: monitoring and optimization. This article will focus on the optimization uses of the block, including how to locate problems and resolve common issues. Ways to locate issues Sometimes...
This article will guide users who are new to Looker to accelerate their first LookML project by building from concepts that are available in our sample LookML projects. Most new Looker instances come with built-in sample content, including sample dat...
Looker will not be updating this content, nor guarantees that everything is up-to-date. Suppose you want to build an Explore that lets users start from a "one" table and then fan out into more detailed "many" records from multiple tables. In this sit...
TutorialLooker will not be updating this content, nor guarantees that everything is up-to-date. Organizations often want to grant users access to run their own ad-hoc queries with Looker's SQL Runner tool, but sometimes with more limited access. Perh...