Count Distinct using multiple columns

I have a scenario where there are multiple IDs in a column (uniqueid) of data in a Google Spreadsheet, some IDs are also duplicated in different rows.

Some of these ids are labeled as left', 'right' or 'both' in another column (obs).


I want to be able to create a counting field that indicates the result of the sum that totals the highest number of distinct ids between only 'left' + has 'both' (m2+m4+m1) or only 'right' + has 'both' (m3+m1), in this case it should appear = 3. In case of equal sums between these two conditions, show the sum of only 'right' + has 'both'

I tried looking for help on the forum but I can't adapt the conditional counting formulas using two columns.

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I think I got this to work in Looker Studio! I used several fields, but you could do it with as little as 1 if you like.

The basic logic can be summed up in this IF statement:

`if([count distinct ids with right or both] > [count distinct ids with left or both] , [count distinct ids with right or both] , [count distinct ids with left or both] )`

In other words, return the larger of the 2 count distincts.

To compute a count distinct that only looks at right or both, use an IF inside of a count distinct: 

`COUNT_DISTINCT(IF([obs]="right" OR [obs]="both",[uniqueid],null))`

I hope this helps! Happy to clarify any part of this if you'd like.

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I think I got this to work in Looker Studio! I used several fields, but you could do it with as little as 1 if you like.

The basic logic can be summed up in this IF statement:

`if([count distinct ids with right or both] > [count distinct ids with left or both] , [count distinct ids with right or both] , [count distinct ids with left or both] )`

In other words, return the larger of the 2 count distincts.

To compute a count distinct that only looks at right or both, use an IF inside of a count distinct: 

`COUNT_DISTINCT(IF([obs]="right" OR [obs]="both",[uniqueid],null))`

I hope this helps! Happy to clarify any part of this if you'd like.

According to this logic it worked, thank you