Arcade points

I have a score of 69 on The Arcade.
I have completed the Arcade and all the skill badges.
I would like to get one more point. Is there any other way to increase my score?

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You will receive 1 bonus point at the end, so you don't need to worry about achieving 1 additional point if you are aiming for the Champion milestone. Moreover, it's currently impossible to earn an additional point if you have completed all Arcade and Skill badges.

For further clarification, you can refer to Last Chance post where Yugali clearly mentioned giving 1 bonus point in everyone's final tally in her final statement.

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You will receive 1 bonus point at the end, so you don't need to worry about achieving 1 additional point if you are aiming for the Champion milestone. Moreover, it's currently impossible to earn an additional point if you have completed all Arcade and Skill badges.

For further clarification, you can refer to Last Chance post where Yugali clearly mentioned giving 1 bonus point in everyone's final tally in her final statement.

I missed this post.

Thanks! Savvy

You are most welcome!

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