How to retrieve ApigeeX propertysets


did you know if it is possible to retrieve propertyset already configured in ApigeeX (and used by some apiproxy) directly from the UI (GCP console)?

Looking at the docs ( it seems that is possible to retrieve it only with GET calls. 

Thanks for your help,


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@LovedCloud wrote:

directly from the UI (GCP console)?

Propertysets are resources that you can associated to the environment, or to the apiproxy bundle.  The documentation page describing how to manage resources from the UI is here:

@LovedCloud wrote:

it seems that is possible to retrieve it only with GET calls. 

I don't understand your question.  I think we have now switched from UI, to API, right?   When you ask about GET calls, you are talking about API access to propertysets.

ok.  GET is the HTTP verb that apps use to retrieve resources.  So ....    It seems appropriate to retrieve propertyset resources only with GET calls.   You wouldn't retrieve a propertyset with a DELETE call or a POST call.   right?   I am sure I am misunderstanding something. Maybe you could explain in more words, elaborate a little on the problem or question you are facing . what are you really trying to do?  What problem are you solving?


View solution in original post

Hi @dchiesa1,

I try to give more context: a non-technical person asked me for help on an ApigeeX organization configured by other skilled guys. In one of the environments, some proxy has the <TargetEndpoint> derived using the JS-TargetRewrite policy. All that thing, including the JS policy  is viewable and editable from the UI (and my non-technical friend is happy of that!). But in the JS-TargetRewrite policy, to derive the <TargetEndpoint> URL a propertysets is used. So we try to search for this propertyset from the UI (GCP console) but we didn't find a section for it. So the question is: is it possible to view the propertyset from the UI or is it possible to retrieve it only through GET calls (for example with curl)?

View solution in original post

yes, you can view and edit propertysets in the UI


View solution in original post


@LovedCloud wrote:

directly from the UI (GCP console)?

Propertysets are resources that you can associated to the environment, or to the apiproxy bundle.  The documentation page describing how to manage resources from the UI is here:

@LovedCloud wrote:

it seems that is possible to retrieve it only with GET calls. 

I don't understand your question.  I think we have now switched from UI, to API, right?   When you ask about GET calls, you are talking about API access to propertysets.

ok.  GET is the HTTP verb that apps use to retrieve resources.  So ....    It seems appropriate to retrieve propertyset resources only with GET calls.   You wouldn't retrieve a propertyset with a DELETE call or a POST call.   right?   I am sure I am misunderstanding something. Maybe you could explain in more words, elaborate a little on the problem or question you are facing . what are you really trying to do?  What problem are you solving?


Hi @dchiesa1,

I try to give more context: a non-technical person asked me for help on an ApigeeX organization configured by other skilled guys. In one of the environments, some proxy has the <TargetEndpoint> derived using the JS-TargetRewrite policy. All that thing, including the JS policy  is viewable and editable from the UI (and my non-technical friend is happy of that!). But in the JS-TargetRewrite policy, to derive the <TargetEndpoint> URL a propertysets is used. So we try to search for this propertyset from the UI (GCP console) but we didn't find a section for it. So the question is: is it possible to view the propertyset from the UI or is it possible to retrieve it only through GET calls (for example with curl)?

yes, you can view and edit propertysets in the UI
