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RCT3 has come back to Steam last Thursday. Would like to see it makes another "Out Now!" here in no time :)
Post edited September 30, 2020 by PhyCX
Still no RCT3 :(
Aaaaand still no RCT3... *grumble grumble*
Post edited October 11, 2023 by Dryspace
It's a shame but it's still not available on GOG. I don't know what problem has Frontier with GOG.
It's back now, specifically the Complete Edition instead of the prior Platinum one
Finally! My shelf now has that unacceptable hole filled in that stared me in the face for 6 years. Thanks GoG!

Sidenote, I found out about the re-release by my wishlist notifications. Apparently despite not being visible on my wishlist for 6 years, once GOG marked the game as for sale again in reappeared on my wishlist automatically.

I guess this means GOG retains the wishlist data but simply hides the items on the list that a user is not eligible to purchase? (Presumably because they were bought as the reason for the ineligible purchase?)