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Legal Entity Identifier Services by GLEIF

GLEIF & IDC Technology Spotlight: Driving Business with Trust – The Sustaining Role of Digital Identities

IDC research for GLEIF shows 79% of digitally mature firms prioritize trust programs, with 37% finding 'mitigating risks to digital trust' tough for digital business. Reflecting on this, IDC predicts strong growth for EMEA Identity and Digital Trust (IDT) tech. This GLEIF-sponsored IDC Spotlight examines how LEI and vLEI can enhance global supply chain efficiency, security, and innovation.

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GLEIF Publishes Annual Report

GLEIF has published its annual report in human and machine-readable Inline XBRL and HTML format, with the first use of a verifiable Legal Entity Identifier (vLEI) to sign its 2021 annual report.

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One global identity behind every business

GLEIF Mission

GLEIF manages a network of partners, the LEI issuing organizations, to provide trusted services and open, reliable data for unique legal entity identification worldwide. GLEIF services ensure the operational integrity of the Global LEI System.

Our Vision

GLEIF believes that each business worldwide should have only one global identity. This identity should include a digital identity. Having an LEI will help to achieve this objective. Taking advantage of the Global LEI Index empowers market participants to cut costs, simplify and accelerate operations and gain deeper insight into the global market place.

Governance Structure

The LEI initiative is driven by the Group of 20 and the Financial Stability Board (FSB). Created by the FSB in 2014, GLEIF is a supra-national, not-for-profit organization tasked to manage the only open, non-proprietary legal entity identification system designed as a public good.

GLEIF Activities and News

Press Release Date: 2024-07-11 GLEIF and WaveBL Take Trust and Transparency in Trade Shipping to the Next Level with the Implementation of the LEI and vLEI on Electronic Bills of Lading Platforms
GLEIF Blog Date: 2024-07-09 Entry into force of the EU’s latest package of AML reforms is a Key Legislative Piece of the Puzzle to Creating a secure, efficient and digitally enabled Payments Ecosystem with the LEI

Landmark Anti-Money Laundering (AML) legislation, finalized by the EU in Q2 2024, calls for the LEI to be used by financial institutions for customer identification and verification of legal entities during onboarding procedures. This is a key piece needed in the legislative puzzle that will support the development of a digitally enabled EU payments system that helps increase efficiency for all actors involved in transactions. The inclusion of the LEI in the EU’s AML package, recast Transfer of Funds Regulation and Instant Payments Regulation means that organisational identity can now transform the EU payments ecosystem, enabling more secure, faster, cheaper, less burdensome, and more transparent payments ecosystem. Now, financial institutions, financial software solution providers and treasury management solution providers across this jurisdiction must begin the process of integrating the LEI within the technologies and workflows used to facilitate payments.