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Aug 26, 2021 Writen By: Sunnix Chan

TT Poll #265: Power Stone

It’s that time of the week again folks. Don’t forget to cast your votes! #TT265


Power Stone is a 1999 3D arena fighting game developed and published by Capcom. It was first released in arcades in Japan and was later ported to the Dreamcast console. Gameplay consists of two players battling in a 3D arena to deplete the opponent's health bar. Players can interact with objects such as tables and chairs and use them as weapons.


Throughout the match, three colored gems called the Power Stones will appear, and collecting all three will evolve your character into stronger versions of themselves for a limited time, giving you access to new super moves that can deal massive damage. Your evolution will end once you either use your strongest attack or the duration bar becomes empty. After which, the gems will once again scatter around the area to be collected again. If the opponent was able to pick up a gem, knocking them down with continuous attacks will cause the gem to drop.


Its sequel Power Stone 2 was released a year later, which introduced new playable characters, stages, and a 4-player versus mode. Both games were later remade for the PSP in 2006, bundled together as the Power Stone Collection. Power Stone was well-received by many for its fast-paced, highly entertaining gameplay that kept players coming back for more.


And so, for today's 264th Temptation Thursdays poll, we shall focus on Edward Falcon, the main protagonist of Power Stone.


You may now cast your votes HERE*.

*You must be a member of our Official Collectors Club to vote.


To learn a little bit more about Power Stone, you may check out Wikipedia’s write-up.


For those who want to learn more about First 4 Figures’ Temptation Thursday polls, kindly click HERE.


TT Poll #264: Chrono TriggerTT Poll Complete Results

Last Update 2021-08-26 11:35:20
Read 1163 Times
Published in Temptation Thursdays

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