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Dec 12, 2018 Writen By: Miguel Galvez

Recap: Friday Q&A with Chocks and A #97 (7 December 2018)

This is a breakdown of the important (and not so important) topics of last Friday’s (7 December 2018) Friday Q&A with Chocks and A #97.






  • SHOVEL KNIGHT PLAYER 2 pre-orders will open at 11:00 PM HKT during this stream.
  • The HORNET RING from the F4F x TORCH TORCH partnership is still open for pre-orders until 12 December 2018.
  • PHOENIX WRIGHT is still open for pre-orders until 28 December 2018, or possibly longer if the Exclusive and Definitive versions don't reach a combined total of at least 1,000 pieces sold.
  • Still open for pre-orders until further notice:
    1. Alphonse Elric
    2. Spyro™ 8″ PVC
    3. Psycho Mantis
    4. Warp Star Kirby
    5. Spike Spiegel
    6. Guts: The Black Swordsman





  • The Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy giveaway spree has ended. Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you to everyone for participating. (Find out HERE if you are one of the lucky winners.) Shoutout to Activision for providing the giveaways! They loved the idea and told Chockles to do more of these in the future, so stay tuned for that!
  • Chockles has been working closely with Yacht Club Games and was able to secure giveaways for the Shovel Knight game! Shoutout to Yacht Club Games as well for these giveaways!
  • Good news, everyone! The cancellation fee is now 5 USD per payment to be refunded, down from 20 USD per!
  • F4F now has their own customized packaging tape. They made five different colors of it.

F4F custom tape


  • RETRO.HK is organizing a three-week retro gaming event in Macau, and First 4 Figures will be present and will give away one (1) PVC statue per day to the attendees.
  • Alex and Chockles have been working hard behind the scenes on F4F's new website redesign.





  • Last week’s Juan from Guacamelee! series TT Poll #129 Results: 19 YES votes / 139 NO votes
  • This week’s Natsu Dragneel from the Fairy Tail series TT Poll #130 Results: 151 YES votes / 177 NO votes

TT Poll #130: Fairy Tail


  • Next TT polls will be (in this order): STRIDERCELESTEJOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE
  • The three winners of last week's #F4FPHOENIX are CHRIS HART, JERAD MCCLAIN, and JEREMY LARRUMBE.
  • Shoutout to the 600+ Yes votes for the Inuyasha TT poll




(NOTE: You need to be a member of the Official Collectors Club to view some of these videos.)






  • Gift cards will be available for the holidays!
  • SOLID SNAKE UPDATE: Will ship to Australasia soon
  • SPYRO PVC UPDATE: Color variants coming along; Exclusive Edition production to wrap up soon towards the end of December

Spyro PVC color variants


  • BOWSER UPDATE: Alex to visit the factory next week
  • DRAGON SLAYER ORNSTEIN UPDATE: As per licensor, color still needs tweaking

Dragon Slayer Ornstein color changes


  • ALUCARD UPDATE: Art print sample just arrived in the office

Alucard art printAlucard art print sleeve


  • The Legend of Zelda franchise will never have art prints.
  • GUTS THE BLACK SWORDSMAN UPDATE: Alex to inspect the counter sample soon
  • Gravelord Nito and Meta Ridley pre-orders are far apart.
  • No Yakuza updates
  • No Chibiterasu news
  • You will be updated correspondingly if extended pre-orders are soon to close.
  • AMATERASU PVC UPDATE: Still in the resin prototype stage
  • META RIDLEY UPDATE: Estimated to go up for pre-order in 2019
  • ALPHONSE ELRIC UPDATE: "gold bars" hasn't been looked into recently; will be in the same factory as Solid Snake, Dragon Slayer Ornstein, and Guts: The Black Swordsman
  • It's possible to have a pre-order for Episode 100 of Friday Q&A (is also the 2018 Christmas Special), but nothing is guaranteed just yet.
  • A lot of great things are coming, and they just wish they can fast forward to the time when they can reveal them all. They're so good that it's even possible for F4F to level up from being teeny-tiny potatoes to tiny potatoes.
  • SOLAIRE OF ASTORA SD UPDATE: Still some complications with the Praise the Sun Edition, which could cause delays to the Combo Edition shipment; Exclusive Edition just about ready to ship
  • Varia Suit release to happen first before Rider Link pre-order
  • Support the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood line if you want more statues from this franchise.
  • SILVER THE HEDGEHOG UPDATE: Batch 2 currently in production
  • BANJO-KAZOOIE UPDATE: Changes almost done
  • CONKER UPDATE: Unsure if still a possible pre-order before the end of 2018
  • Pole on Sonic 25th Anniversary statue made out of metal
  • Rider Link won't be part of the 2018 Christmas sneaks.
  • DRAGON SLAYER ORNSTEIN SD UPDATE: To receive the same changes as the changes made to the resin statue
  • MINI AKU AKU MASK UPDATE: Won't have sound effects; couldn't fit a loud enough speaker






  • This week's hashtag is #F4FP2 for a chance to win 500 reward points.
  • The first-ever F4F Companion Piece to launch
  • No validation process and no Signature Edition bonuses
  • Companion Piece statue numbering FAQs
  • Was momentarily Vaulted, but feedback from the Club saved this edition
  • Shovel Knight Mail of Momentum will be the next Shovel Knight Companion Piece.

Shovel Knight Mail of Momentum head


  • Will make use of the blue Shovel Knight box but will indicate on the box that the contents are the Player 2 Companion Piece
  • Will include an authenticity card
  • To be produced alongside the current Shovel Knights in production

Shovel Knight Player 2 (Exclusive) Statue Giveaway





  • Alex "did not know" Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled was happening.



  • When they were playing the Co-op Mode of Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope, Alex felt like he was letting Chocks down a lot.
  • F4F has always been known for value for money, which is what comprises the majority of their customer base. Creating insanely detailed statues will come at a price, which F4F feels isn't something majority of their market can afford.
  • Alex and Chockles are looking forward to a more spruced up studio for the Q&A live streams, possibly even add a gaming, reactions, or guest appearance segment.
  • Alex's view from his desk:

Alex's view from his desk


  • Haven't given art prints much thought as something sold separately
  • Food for thought: What do you guys think if Alex and Chockles only did the Friday Q&A live streams twice a month and only present statue updates then instead of daily posts/updates in the Club? Or, what if the streams were shorter, is that something you'd prefer? Kindly let them know in the comments section below.
  • No development has been done for a Reignited version of Crystal Dragon.
  • No Darksiders news to report
  • Easier to fix a good sculpt with a bad paint job than a bad sculpt with a good paint job
  • Alex thinks there isn't enough push for the Metroid Gunship line.
  • No mention from Nintendo to do anything for the 20th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • No news on Yu-Gi-Oh! license
  • Customers can receive their PVC pre-orders much quicker if F4F launches it at the PVC prototype stage, as they do now. The downside to that is changes to the sculpt are not be possible since the steel modes have already been made at that point.
  • It is possible to launch a PVC pre-order at the resin prototype stage, which means it is still possible to make changes to the sculpt (if any), but it will take longer for customers to receive their product from the time they placed their order to the time they receive it in their homes.
  • It is also a given that resins will always be more detailed than PVCs, so the actuality of what customers will be receiving is more accurate on the PVC prototype.
  • The first F4F statues ever made were from the WWE line, but the first one that Alex developed himself was either the Magic: The Gathering or Tales of Midnight statues.
  • The bestselling statue to date is still Majora's Mask.
  • Not possible to use reward points on already placed pre-orders
  • Alex and Chockles think Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is interesting.
  • F4F to look for Emerald City Comic Con volunteers when the time comes
  • Alex thinks the addition of Joker from Persona 5 to the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster was cool.
  • No Persona 5 news
  • WHO DAT WHO DAT: The answer was Vaas. Those on the hot seat were JAMES BENNINGTON (500 reward points) and BRENNAN WYNN (denied!).



To view everyone's questions from the Q&A portion of this episode, please click HERE.


If you want to have your questions answered by our very own Chocks and Alex, simply search "Chocks and A" in the First 4 Figures Official Collectors Club Facebook group and leave your questions in the comments section of the most recent thread prior the upcoming live stream. This thread is posted every Thursday of the week.


If you wish to watch the entire video:




Recap: Friday Q&A with Chocks and A #95 (23 November 2018)Recap: Friday Q&A with Chocks and A #98 (14 December 2018)

Last Update 2018-12-19 09:37:23
Read 2012 Times
Published in Friday Q&A Show

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