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Apr 14, 2020 Writen By: Miguel Galvez

F4F Service Advisory: Customer Service Upgrade

A Fresh(desk) start


(Update as of June 17, 2020: We further improved the user experience when submitting a ticket under the Freshdesk system [see step 3]. Moreover, we revamped the FAQ section of our website. Now known as HELPDESK, our aim is to provide end-users with an all-in-one easy-to-navigate information center that answers all their basic questions. We hope you like these changes!)




First 4 Figures always strives to give customers the best experience possible, which is why we decided to upgrade to FRESHDESK as our new and improved customer service software! We felt that the old system was too clunky, leaving customers confused and sometimes even unaware that support had already responded to them. Freshdesk will eliminate this confusion and provide a better overall experience for the user.


While all existing tickets will be handled under the old customer service system, all new cases opened beginning 14 April 2020 will make use of Freshdesk. Here's how it works:


  1. After logging into your First 4 Figures account, click on "MY TICKETS" found in your dashboard.


How to create a Customer Service ticket via Freshdesk (Step 1)



  1. Next, click on the "OPEN A NEW TICKET" link to create a Freshdesk ticket.


How to create a Customer Service ticket via Freshdesk (Step 2)



  1. Fill in all the necessary information relevant to your concern, then hit "SUBMIT".


How to create a Customer Service ticket via Freshdesk (Step 3)



  1. You have now successfully created a new ticket under our Freshdesk system. You may view all your Freshdesk tickets under the "MY TICKETS" link, while all your existing tickets under the old system will fall under the "MY OLD TICKETS" link.


How to create a Customer Service ticket via Freshdesk (Step 4)


It's as simple as that! We hope you enjoy and appreciate this quality-of-life change to your customer service experience. If you have any more concerns, please do let us know in the comments section below, or chat with us in our First 4 Figures Official Collectors Club on Facebook.

Last Update 2020-06-17 07:21:41
Read 3942 Times
Published in First 4 Figures

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