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Aug 09, 2019 Writen By: Miguel Galvez

Addressing Customer Service Concerns

A good read and a good move towards the right direction


Hello, First 4 Figures family!


We would like to formally address the concerns we’ve been receiving with regards to our Customer Service (CS).


First and foremost, we would like to apologize for falling short of your expectations. Your voices have not fallen on deaf ears, and rest assured we are working towards a better and more robust CS department.


First 4 Figures CEO Alex Davis goes in-depth on why such issues have risen and what his action plans are to improve our overall services.


You may read through his discourse HERE.


If you have any comments or feedback with regards to Alex’s statement, please feel free to leave a comment in the comment section of this blog post or the comments section of his post. For CS-related concerns, you may create a ticket with us HERE.


We would like to thank you all for your continued patience, support, and understanding as we further develop our services to meet everyone’s satisfaction. F4F is love, F4F is life!

Last Update 2019-08-09 18:58:04
Read 1202 Times
Published in First 4 Figures

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